

Jun 20, 2001
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Where does everyone get comic t-shirts from? I've been looking for a shirt with that Captain America cover by Cassaday where it's got Cap smashing his shield into the giant text "Fight Terror." I haven't been able to find it in XL or XXL anywhere except some French website that wants like 30 euros for it. :(
Where does everyone get comic t-shirts from? I've been looking for a shirt with that Captain America cover by Cassaday where it's got Cap smashing his shield into the giant text "Fight Terror." I haven't been able to find it in XL or XXL anywhere except some French website that wants like 30 euros for it. :(



Also try your local comic shop. They should have a Previews catalog each month with shirts in the apparel section...
Not on eBay or Amazon. I know Diamond redistributed the shirt in January of '07, but I haven't been able to find anywhere that actually has it. I don't think my shop orders t-shirts either, let alone special-ordering one from a year ago for me.
you know, i get my marvel t-shirts from the last place i'd expect. Kmart! all for around $20. i have marvel zombies, ironman, one with all the marvel characters faces on it, one with the ultimate marvel universe on it, black spidy logo and a punisher skull logo. just wish they had one with hulk by him self on it. id buy like 5 of em!
^That site is awesome. I love their Firefly/Serenity shirts. I want the one that has Jayne on it and says "Public Relations."
I've seen that site advertised on Newsarama. Their shirts look great. I'm just looking for this one particular shirt, though.
and there is a guy that posts on here from time to time that makes custom shirts....and I think he's in England........likely not that Terror one though......

What's that store.....hot Topic....I see lota a Marvel Shirts in there the few times I'ved been
Ew, I don't know if I can stomach entering a Hot Topic. I thought of just finding a pic online and using Cafe Press or something to make a custom shirt, but I don't know if that would be copyright infringement.
as long as you don't sell or distribute them Marvel wont care.
as long as you don't sell or distribute them Marvel wont care.
Hmm... maybe I'll do that. Now I've just gotta find a gigantic-sized copy of that image somewhere. I don't think I have the issue to scan it, either...
I'd say amazon. If not try hot topic they usually have some, there or newbury comics. I got a TMNT shirt and Cap's shield shirt from Newburry. and a transformers sweatshirt from hot topic. what's impossible to get is hats!

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