Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Out of the Shadows - Part 2

I actually think they should go in the opposite direction of the Bay films and make them look closer to REAL Turtles as opposed to humans with green, deformed faces. That means beaks like the original Mirage comics, scales and Turtle compound eyes. Make them look more Turtle-like than we've seen in any of the movies before. And I hope they go the more serious, martial arts blockbuster route this time. Hard PG-13. I'm tired of the family film route, bring it back to something closer to the 80s Mirage comics.

No one outside of Adi Shankar, Zack Snyder, or maybe Max Landis is gonna lean closer to the original source.
No one outside of Adi Shankar, Zack Snyder, or maybe Max Landis is gonna lean closer to the original source.
Well then get one of those guys on the movie. :cwink: OOTS was as far as they could go into the cartoon FW territory, now go back to Eastman & Laird's original vision for what eventually turned into the Bay reboot, Batman Begins-esque Turtle movie. There are dozens of directors & writers out in Hollywood that would be interested in doing something closer to the comics. The original story is more compelling & mature than most of today's TMNT media. A writer would probably find the notion of writing a serious TMNT film that actually strives to be a good movie more interesting than another dumb family film for kids. Getting the people to make the movie wouldn't be the problem.
Well then get one of those guys on the movie. :cwink: OOTS was as far as they could go into the cartoon FW territory, now go back to Eastman & Laird's original vision for what eventually turned into the Bay reboot, Batman Begins-esque Turtle movie. There are dozens of directors & writers out in Hollywood that would be interested in doing something closer to the comics. The original story is more compelling & mature than a lot of today's TMNT media. Getting the people to make the movie wouldn't be the problem.
I honestly much prefer the current IDW run. Takes the best of almost everything and turns it into the one of the most compelling and mature of any iteration.
I definitely feel there is potential for a great TMNT film and we have yet to see it.
I honestly much prefer the current IDW run. Takes the best of almost everything and turns it into the one of the most compelling and mature of any iteration.
I agree
Well then get one of those guys on the movie. :cwink: OOTS was as far as they could go into the cartoon FW territory, now go back to Eastman & Laird's original vision for what eventually turned into the Bay reboot, Batman Begins-esque Turtle movie. There are dozens of directors & writers out in Hollywood that would be interested in doing something closer to the comics. The original story is more compelling & mature than most of today's TMNT media. A writer would probably find the notion of writing a serious TMNT film that actually strives to be a good movie more interesting than another dumb family film for kids. Getting the people to make the movie wouldn't be the problem.

But, first and foremost, at the moment the money is in the kids series. That's what probably hurt the sequel some what, it didn't look like the current show. Going to the notion of beaks and looking like turtles, kids can't relate to that and mainstream won't pay to see that, i would, ofcourse.

Kids series and nostalgia is the way to continue and you can make each turtle different - a different species - mikey, a sea turtle, raph a red eared slider, don a bog turtle etc. That way each can look subtly different and if we use the face designs from the comics, the original movie did a pretty darn good job.

The supporting cast need to be strong and well written, i want casey jones but it's maybe too soon?

How would new york react if there was an urban legend of TMNT in the sewer? You'd get kids going down there - what if there was a real foot clan, are they henchmen or an actual underground crime organization?

At the heart of it, it's a father of 4 sons that are outsiders, throw in some ninja, some parkour, hint on dimension x, there you go.

I never realized until i started watch the FW cartoon how much of a loon Shredder was, i would love to play that angle where he appears mad, at the end he gets arrested and locked up.
Warden to the detective "he's linked to the whole turtles urban legend, he says he has been communicating with a trans dimensional brain, called Krang that is controlling him along with two mutant beasts, a wart hog and a rhino - what a nut job" they laugh it off, we know it's real but is it really just in his head? Is shredder just some american ninja reject with daddy issues, living in a fantasy world or is it true?
As an edit, i remember one episode shredder went out into the city under cover, basically wore a long jacket and hood, even tho his blades and mask were clear as day, he walked around, happy thinking he was incognito and we could have shoppers look at him thinking 'wtf'
That sounds like a Christopher Nolan verison.
The Turtles are here to stay at Paramount. I'd say, let Bad Robot handle it, and then good writers and filmmakers to work on it.
I honestly much prefer the current IDW run. Takes the best of almost everything and turns it into the one of the most compelling and mature of any iteration.

The IDW series is perfect. It's a nice blend of the old and new.
The Turtles are here to stay at Paramount. I'd say, let Bad Robot handle it, and then good writers and filmmakers to work on it.
Paramount announced that staff of people building that TFU. Any one of those filmmakers could make a better received TMNT.
The Turtles are here to stay at Paramount. I'd say, let Bad Robot handle it, and then good writers and filmmakers to work on it.

Just curious, what's makes you say they are there to stay? Do they have further plans for them?
Just curious, what's makes you say they are there to stay? Do they have further plans for them?

Viacom owns Paramount and they also own Nickelodeon...so it sounds like TMNT will be under the Paramount umbrella for quite some time.

I definitely feel there is potential for a great TMNT film and we have yet to see it.


I feel like if the film makers and the studio have a passion and an idea for a great movies, there's a chance it could be equaled in some fashion down the line. However, it seems that producers and studios need to move away from the idea of creating a TMNT film just to make a quick buck as opposed to creating something substantial. The 1990 film had the perfect combination of heart, tone, character development and action. I would LOVE for a new film to get it right and reinvigorate TMNT on screen with the same passion that happed in 1990, but it has to start from the beginning of the project.

My ultimate dream is to have Guillermo del Toro create a TMNT film that blends together themes and story beats from Mirage, the original '87 series and some elements from IDW. I feel he's the perfect guy to get a story with some meat to it as well as bringing in the updated practical effects this franchise could benefit from.

All in all though, nothing can really touch the 1990 film for me. I still say it's one of the greatest comic book movies ever made and is severely underrated in the grand scheme of things. I love movies like Man Bites Dog, The Holy Mountain, Drive, A Clockwork Orange...but there's something about Steve Barron's TMNT film that continues to capture my imagination with every viewing.
Viacom owns Paramount and they also own Nickelodeon...so it sounds like TMNT will be under the Paramount umbrella for quite some time.


I feel like if the film makers and the studio have a passion and an idea for a great movies, there's a chance it could be equaled in some fashion down the line. However, it seems that producers and studios need to move away from the idea of creating a TMNT film just to make a quick buck as opposed to creating something substantial. The 1990 film had the perfect combination of heart, tone, character development and action. I would LOVE for a new film to get it right and reinvigorate TMNT on screen with the same passion that happed in 1990, but it has to start from the beginning of the project.

My ultimate dream is to have Guillermo del Toro create a TMNT film that blends together themes and story beats from Mirage, the original '87 series and some elements from IDW. I feel he's the perfect guy to get a story with some meat to it as well as bringing in the updated practical effects this franchise could benefit from.

All in all though, nothing can really touch the 1990 film for me. I still say it's one of the greatest comic book movies ever made and is severely underrated in the grand scheme of things. I love movies like Man Bites Dog, The Holy Mountain, Drive, A Clockwork Orange...but there's something about Steve Barron's TMNT film that continues to capture my imagination with every viewing.

Ah okay, thanks for the info.
So it looks like the studio are not going to continue with the current iteration of the turtles, but have hinted on revisiting the material.

What direction would/should the studio take?
*Lean hard into the fun Nickelodeon cartoonish style?
*Go back to the sleeker, darker version?

Even with the success of Logan and Deadpool, TMNT will never go R, but maybe something a little more grittier than we've seen before in live action?

Something similar to the current IDW run. A mix of fun color, but still violent within reason.

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2. Save Shredder for the sequel(s). Have a newer villain we haven't seen before onscreen yet be the first movie villain ala Rat King.
3. Make it gritty but also keep the fun. I'd say have Mikey continue be the comic relief, Raph be the cynic and sarcastic one of the group, and have some nerdy moments from Donnie, but overall... I'd say go back to the old books and incorporate some IDW and the original series into it. A nice blend.
4. We live in an age where kids and teens have seen their favorite superheroes kill if they need to or because it's a way of survival. So, maybe it's time we see the Turtles actually kill Foot Ninjas.
5. Mousers.
6. Bebop and Rocksteady should not be one and done villains. Set them up in movie one, have them go to jail in movie one or two, broken out in the sequels and then mutated into Shredder's henchmen.
7. Triceratons or Baxter Stockman as a fly needs to happen.
8. Hun and Casey Jones.
9. Casey and April hook up.
10. Mutanimals. Have Slash and Leatherhead start out as villains before siding with the turtles.
Make them sleeker and shorter. They're no taller than like 5'1-5'2, keep it that way.
I hope they go back to the more darker versions of TMNT much like the first 90's movie was. It was fun, but it had that dark atmosphere to it. I didn't care for the new movies, but the 2nd one brought back a lot of nostalgia with BeBop and RockSteady.
How I would remake it.
Make them look and act more like teenagers. Smaller, younger voice actors.

Practical suits with small amounts of CGI to enhance facial movements, something similar to Abe Sapian and Hellboy

Set in on the streets of New York in the early 80s. Have them fight only street level crime, no end of the world scenarios no buildings collapsing.
Have the turtles represent the outcasts that were into underground, anti establishment scene of that time. Graffiti, punk, hip hop.

Something small and similar to Attack the block or The Warriors

Have a rad soundtrack consisting of Hip hop and punk from that era. Run DMC, The Ramones etc.
I would include fun cameos of celebrities of that time. Have them meet Andy Warhol and have him get excited by their names, they could be chasing some criminals and end up smashing into a bar where The Ramones are playing and have a brawl while the band continues playing their set.
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How I would remake it.
Make them look and act more like teenagers. Smaller, younger voice actors.

Practical suits with small amounts of CGI to enhance facial movements, something similar to Abe Sapian and Hellboy

Set in on the streets of New York in the early 80s. Have them fight only street level crime, no end of the world scenarios no buildings collapsing.
Have the turtles represent the outcasts that were into underground, anti establishment scene of that time. Graffiti, punk, hip hop.

Something small and similar to Attack the block or The Warriors

Have a rad soundtrack consisting of Hip hop and punk from that era. Run DMC, The Ramones etc.
I would include fun cameos of celebrities of that time. Have them meet Andy Warhol and have him get excited by their names, they could be chasing some criminals and end up smashing into a bar where The Ramones are playing and have a brawl while the band continues playing their set.

this is it - great points, TMNT is such a good product of its time, similar to GB's. You see it and for the maturity over 30 it takes you right back to the 80's and 90's.

I have my own pitch - which is similar to yours, fact earlier it honk you even improved on my ideas.

firstly, the look of the TMNT's, have smaller than average stunt doubles/body actors under practical suits (i initially wanted updated Jim Henson/weta style heads, but CGI are just as good). So when we see them, it has a gritty, realistic feel. Have voice actors that are young sounding (think Goonies).

It has to be set in the 80's/90's - or take huge inspiration on the location - back alleys, graffiti, nothing new and shiny - no plot devices with modern gadgets - if they were real, everything the would use would be recycled old junk from thrift stores/stolen/found so would all look retro (if set now).

The main story would be about them defending their neighbourhood - perhaps china town could play a huge influence and street crime. The mutagen should be treated as a fluke, a one off (saved for later movies if they want to expand).

I want Shredder invalided but i want him portrayed in a similar vein as the Original cartoon, almost as if he could fit in the 'kick ass' world. He is slightly deranged, almost mad - believing he can rule the world but has to take down those turtles first and to wear such armour. Not camp, but just in his own 'spectrum like' world. At the end when taken away to be assed, he screams about working for the Krang and dimension X, which make him sound even more crazy and fits with the narrative he is psychotic - but a nod to a whole other world we all know is true.

Rat King, a homeless man living in the sewers too could be featured - he is creepy and almost like a child catcher - misunderstood and seen as a threat.

But here is the pitch when you try and sell it.

Team up movie like Avengers, similar characters in essence - quirky like GOTG with a similar awesome soundtrack and nostalgia. Humour and style similar to that of Deadpool/logan with a feel of Spiderman with a rogue gallery Batman would be proud of riding off of such comic book movies.
this is it - great points, TMNT is such a good product of its time, similar to GB's. You see it and for the maturity over 30 it takes you right back to the 80's and 90's.

I have my own pitch - which is similar to yours, fact earlier it honk you even improved on my ideas.

firstly, the look of the TMNT's, have smaller than average stunt doubles/body actors under practical suits (i initially wanted updated Jim Henson/weta style heads, but CGI are just as good). So when we see them, it has a gritty, realistic feel. Have voice actors that are young sounding (think Goonies).

It has to be set in the 80's/90's - or take huge inspiration on the location - back alleys, graffiti, nothing new and shiny - no plot devices with modern gadgets - if they were real, everything the would use would be recycled old junk from thrift stores/stolen/found so would all look retro (if set now).

The main story would be about them defending their neighbourhood - perhaps china town could play a huge influence and street crime. The mutagen should be treated as a fluke, a one off (saved for later movies if they want to expand).

I want Shredder invalided but i want him portrayed in a similar vein as the Original cartoon, almost as if he could fit in the 'kick ass' world. He is slightly deranged, almost mad - believing he can rule the world but has to take down those turtles first and to wear such armour. Not camp, but just in his own 'spectrum like' world. At the end when taken away to be assed, he screams about working for the Krang and dimension X, which make him sound even more crazy and fits with the narrative he is psychotic - but a nod to a whole other world we all know is true.

Rat King, a homeless man living in the sewers too could be featured - he is creepy and almost like a child catcher - misunderstood and seen as a threat.

But here is the pitch when you try and sell it.

Team up movie like Avengers, similar characters in essence - quirky like GOTG with a similar awesome soundtrack and nostalgia. Humour and style similar to that of Deadpool/logan with a feel of Spiderman with a rogue gallery Batman would be proud of riding off of such comic book movies.

Ah! Thanks dude!, I have been hoping someone would appreciate my ideas.

I really want to make a fan trailer that can be done in a similar way to what we have both described.

Have you seen this before?

I wouldnt go as violent and graphic but it really captures a lot of what I am visualising. I want to try do a fan trailer in this fashion.
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Practical suits with small amounts of CGI to enhance facial movements, something similar to Abe Sapian and Hellboy

OOOoohh Yea I like! :yay:

2017 I know we have the ingenuity to combine practical with decent prosthetics and CGI touch ups. Would love to see some practical stunts, freerunners and martial artists get back to the grounded fight scenes.

I'm sure it will help keep the budget low too which means the creators might be able to take more risks with the material.
I can't get this idea out of my head where the turtles meet Warhol and Warhol finds them interesting but isn't scared

"Ooh hey you guys look neat, real interesting, what are your names?"

As they are still young they dont really have their names yet and are all wearing the same colored eye masks. So then Warhol says "ooh you should meet my friend..Hey Jaun you should come meet my new friends.."

Then Jaun Michel basquiat enters and asks what their names are

Warhol replies
"oh they don't have names jaun..they are teenage mutant ninja turtles."

Then basquiat grabs some paint and writes each of their names on their shells...Leonardo, Donatello, Michaelangelo and Raphael.

Then we cut to a scene of a Warhol painting with each of the turtles wearing different colored masks.
That would be neat, as a stand alone 'turtle story' - similar to that time travel comic edition - as a filler, but in the movie, i don't think it would flow with the gritty nature - but, this is where great minds think alike, i too was thinking a while back how to explain the coloured bands and i was thinking - they start off as red, as they train and play as kids do in the sewers - goofing around (a cool flash back scene would look cool, as they watch an old tv copying their ninja heroes) but the foot terrorizing the streets are known for their red bandana and someone gets scared at Mikey thinking he is part of the foot, this gets to him, due to his free spirited nature and he is laying there in his bedroom which is full of street art/posters, road signs, hippy protest billboards, and above his bed pinned across a vent to keep out the draft is a pride flag - he obviously just likes it for the colours - it's iconic right - he grabs it and stares at it, then grabs some scissors.
Next scene, we hear sirens, up in the city cops speed down alleyways, as a sewer lid starts to revolve and open 4 heads pop out to take a look for their first ever venture and it recreates the original movie poster!
Boom, that's how they all had multi colours, it's inclusive - it's subtle and pleases everyone.
That would be neat, as a stand alone 'turtle story' - similar to that time travel comic edition - as a filler, but in the movie, i don't think it would flow with the gritty nature - but, this is where great minds think alike, i too was thinking a while back how to explain the coloured bands and i was thinking - they start off as red, as they train and play as kids do in the sewers - goofing around (a cool flash back scene would look cool, as they watch an old tv copying their ninja heroes) but the foot terrorizing the streets are known for their red bandana and someone gets scared at Mikey thinking he is part of the foot, this gets to him, due to his free spirited nature and he is laying there in his bedroom which is full of street art/posters, road signs, hippy protest billboards, and above his bed pinned across a vent to keep out the draft is a pride flag - he obviously just likes it for the colours - it's iconic right - he grabs it and stares at it, then grabs some scissors.
Next scene, we hear sirens, up in the city cops speed down alleyways, as a sewer lid starts to revolve and open 4 heads pop out to take a look for their first ever venture and it recreates the original movie poster!
Boom, that's how they all had multi colours, it's inclusive - it's subtle and pleases everyone.

Perhaps we have a different vision of how gritty it should be.
I want it to be very much focused on the fun and attitudes teenagers would bring but have the action be intense and dark.

Kick-Ass is a good example of a goofy comedy but with dark action. Not to say Kick-Ass is a high quality film or not but its just as an example of balancing the 2 tones.

I think im just really obsessed with the 80s New York iconography and want to see Warhol and Basquiat referenced :ilv:.

I imagine another scene where they are running through ally ways chasing some thugs when they crash through a door and find them selves in front of The Ramones playing a set, everyone around them stops and looks and then The Ramones start playing a punk cover of the TMNT theme song while the turtles are flipping about beating up goons.
I still think 2014 > 2016. Turtles themselves looked more real, and tangible. Knoxville was a better Leo too. It's the same exact 3rd act, just not near as good. I actually thought the meched out Shredder with huge blades went well with him fighting more hulked out super powered turtles.

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