John Connor is now an ultra terminator and the main baddie? How does he end up being half machine? Wtf is going on?
I don't think they should have blown that twist.
And not simply because it makes this movie look even less appealing to a fan boy such as myself(it seems seriously stupid to me right now) but because finding it out in the movie may have been at least something.
Bit of an interesting and logical article about the trailer being spoiled and why it's probably a non-issue. I would counter that though that even if you take spoiler out of the equation I just don't think the trailer did a hell of a lot other than make the film look more confusing.
I like Daenerys, but I'm afraid Clarke as Sarah is gonna come across like a little girl playing dress up.
John Connor is a Terminator is a pretty straightforward idea. How that happened is a mystery, but not necessarily confusing.
I kind of agree. Hiding twist only matters is it's simply a twist and not the actual plot.
Time travel is confusing in general.
I just think combining elements of T1 and T2 does nothing but make the film look like a highlights package. It really doesnt seem to convey a clear message about what it's actually suppose to be. I honestly think Cameron is the only person who knows what should have been done with this franchise, everyone else since seems to be guessing.
Its gonna be hard to fill Linda Hamilton's shoes. She was just such a bada**. Even back in the 90s we were all blown away by what she did. She was crazy and super tough, and she really sold it. I'll give this actress a chance . She's certainly closer look wise to what Hamilton was in the first Terminator as opposed to T2.
They know they are in trouble, so they are trying to wow people to get them into the theater. Very typical tactic. Maybe it will work. I won't go.It was one of those "show too much" trailers.
Batman does im assuming that the bus flips due to the john terminator possibly getting underneath it and throwing it or he pegs himself to the ground somehow causeing it to flip..and not only flip but then roll forever
I actually don't think the mythology is all that expansive as people make it out to be. It's been built around Arnold since day one.
This looks hilariously bad. Clarke and Courtney look terrible. At least the twist isn't hidden. I'm going to see this just to see the car wreck.
It is still T1, T2, and Sarah Connor Chronicles for me. Come on Cameron, get me my ending!!!!
He did though! T2 was that ending. I believe there are interviews with Cameron where he confirms that it was the proper ending for the story, which is why they filmed that future coda scene of John as a senator with Judgement Day adverted.