The election is over and so was the idea of the United States of America. It died on November 4, 2008. So it's over.
Time to build a new nation for the Caucasian people. We can continue to complain on Stormfront, ***** on Youtube or Face book or we can do something for real. It's not going to be OK, it's bad, like biblical bad. Either prepare now or suffer later. Remember Waco and Ruby Ridge? Multiply that by a 100.
1. Boycott the Media totally. They are to blame for this brainwashing and misleading the American public; from failing to report the negro criminal war to shoving the Jewish agenda down our throats. The TV, radio and cable has to go. The newspaper and magazine should be shunned as well. People like Oprah Windbag and Tina Traitor should feel the pain. Buy as little as possible in the next six months, pay off your credit cards, some Jew banker is already enslaving you. Read some military history books. Small unit infantry tactics would be a great start.
2. Next three months, sell the X-box, the Blu-ray and the plasma screen TV to a anti idiot. Buy yourself a rifle and a pistol, .223 and .40 caliber, we are going to need it. Spend a lot of time on the range. Hit the gym and running track.
3. Talk to your White neighbors, start a conversation and see who your friends are. Any White for Obama will sell you out, so beware. Start a neighborhood watch with other WN sympathizers.
4. Meet at the Flagpole for Confederate Memorial Day or any White Non Federal holiday Afraid of losing your job? What your friends will think? Screw them. Bring your flag and be brave. We have already lost our country to the perverts, what does a freaking kiss ass job matter? If we throw off the shackles, those old bills won't matter, I guarantee once you are Jew free, you are debt free. Get a job after the war. I will throw you a MRE and a sleeping bag. Shred the bills. Can you say Wolverines?
We can meet, show solidarity and take it to the streets. Time for us to riot and raise some hell.
5. Join the militia and train. One forming near you soon. Learn to shoot and survive. Learn to operate in "wolf packs".
6. Do not communicate to the other side. No use debating them, work on eliminating them. When they are posting a video on Youtube, we will be shooting their fat asses in the back. Plus once communications are lost, what then?
7. Lose the US flag, destroy it with dignity. Anyone flying it from now on, is not our friend. That symbol was lost after 1861 and 2008.
8. Work on a solid emergency preparedness plan. food, filed clothing, ammo, transportation shelter, medicine, silver, gold, medicine, water, etc. Get some gear.
9. Become a Community Organizer for the Whites, one that is armed and ready,
10,. Pray to God for deliverance.
As you can see none of the above involved debating liberal a-holes on youtube or constructing a blog. Those days are over. Time for serious action. I don't care what MSNBC, Katy Couric or any of that scum thinks. We will deal with them later, DO NOT TALK TO THE JEW MEDIA.
So less talk, debating and "exposing" Obama, more real action preparedness and plans on what we can do. Welcome to Civil War 2.