The President Obama Thread

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Aug 24, 2000
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Spider‐Man;24589253 said:
First, I don't watch Fox news.

Second, I find it extremely amusing that not until it has become clear that obama is going to get a free pass on benghazi and its not really going to hurt him in the election that you suddenly 'get it'. For the record, though nothing will ever be done, it is ultimately his failure as commander in chief why those people died. Funny how you seem to ignore the fact that obama is being just as political about it by avoiding addressing his responsibility for it. And 'serious blunder'? That's an insult to the people that died.

And finally, I never criticized his handling of Sandy. That's just you, once again, reading in. I'm saying if the situation was exactly the same only a republican president was in office it would be all about 'They just forgot about Staton Island' and 'Where the hell are the FEMA generators?!' Now do you get it?

Now, I'm sick of politics for a while so I'm going to a more enjoyable forum to discuss something much more fun. Try not to pee your pants over the next 24 hours.

Piss out.

Benghazi was a security screw up. I wonder if you are as condemning on the Bush Administration for another 9/11...the one in 2001 that happened after they got memos that said, "Bin Laden determined to strike in US" that warned of flying planes into buildings. :dry:

And the difference is Obama wasn't partying and on vacation for the first two days of crisis and waiting that long to try to get Louisiana to send in the National Guard. Also, FEMA was on the ground immediately.
My final useless prediction is Obama will win the electoral college by 281 points by carrying Ohio, Nevada, Wisconsin, Iowa, New Hampshire and New Mexico while maintaining Michigan and Pennsylvania despite Boston's bluster and Romney will come close by carrying Florida, North Carolina and Colorado.

New Mexico isn't a swing state anymore, you mighty as well put is as a solid blue state like Michigan and Pennsylvania, infact I am more sure about NM then the other 2.

Benghazi was a security screw up. I wonder if you are as condemning on the Bush Administration for another 9/11...the one in 2001 that happened after they got memos that said, "Bin Laden determined to strike in US" that warned of flying planes into buildings. :dry:

And the difference is Obama wasn't partying and on vacation for the first two days of crisis and waiting that long to try to get Louisiana to send in the National Guard. Also, FEMA was on the ground immediately.

I definitely understand where you are coming from....but the one thing that I see as a difference is that Post 9/11 security issues are/and should be looked at far differently than Pre 9/11....just like how security is different ON PLANES, no longer is it a case of negotiating with the terrorists on the plane, it is a "we will take you out at any cost" scenario, not a "wait and see" scenario. I just hope that the questions are answered about Benghazi, and we learn.

FEMA was on the ground immediately, not because of Obama, but because the GOVERNOR'S of those states asked for that help, immediately. FEMA is sent, ONCE THE PHONE CALL IS MADE (stupid bureaucracy yes...but that is how it is) to have them sent. It is not the call of the President, it is the call of the Governor of the state. People need to understand that to understand the **** up called Katrina...NOW, how Bush handled it afterwards with the fly over, etc....hell he even admits that was a stupid decision. I think that Obama needs to admit that the almost month of "uhs...and ahs...and we are waiting for intelligence, and we aren't sure what it was that happened...." was a stupid decision as well.

I don't blame what happened in Benghazi on the President persay, Bush said with Katrina the "buck stops with him...." Obama has "said" the same thing....but his campaign operatives continued to make excuses, that is where I have the problem. I just want questions answered, not blame dealt and excuses given....
I know this is completely trivial nor should anyone take political advice from celebrities--particularly pop stars--but somehow I missed this and only saw it this morning in a wrap up of the last 72 hours before the election on CNN and....


Day-um. I never really liked that slogan much until right now.

I got something I can FORWARD to her:word:
Imagine how good that dress would look a genuinely hot woman. ;)
She has a nice body, that is pretty much it.
That dress on Rihanna, or Beyonce...;)
It would mean it would be over for anyone who believes elections cannot be bought, that political cynicism by minority parties should not be rewarded and those who realize exploding the national deficit even more with tax cuts that only magnify income inequality in this country and an inevitable war with Iran are all bad things.

Obviously, that may not include everybody around here.
And if George Bush won in 2004, he was going to declare himself emperor by the end of his second term. :o
Honestly though, while I thoroughly believe all of the demo rating doomsday forecasting with Romney is just them swimming up to their ears in propagandic fantasies and half-truths, I am still surprised its going to be as close as it looks to be. There's something about Romney to me that just screams John Kerry, Bob Dole, George McGovern, etc. I just can't imagine him ever bring elected. Nor him receiving the level of support he has gotten.
There's something about Romney to me that just screams John Kerry, Bob Dole, George McGovern, etc. I just can't imagine him ever bring elected. Nor him receiving the level of support he has gotten.

John Kerry was ~120k voters away from winning Ohio(and the electoral vote)

I like how when these things are changing votes for Obama, no one picks up on the story. Then as soon as this happens everyone is on top of it.

Bottom line, technology just sucks sometimes.
I like how when these things are changing votes for Obama, no one picks up on the story. Then as soon as this happens everyone is on top of it.

Bottom line, technology just sucks sometimes.

Is there evidence of it happening for Obama? It suck either way. I can't believe there are so many issues with voting. I've never had issues and I was in and out in under a half hour.
Write in Beelzebub, problem solved.
I know this is completely trivial nor should anyone take political advice from celebrities--particularly pop stars--but somehow I missed this and only saw it this morning in a wrap up of the last 72 hours before the election on CNN and....


Day-um. I never really liked that slogan much until right now.


[YT] mUZ-8o5Px3M[/YT]
In all seriousness, does anybody know Katy Perry's reasons for supporting President Obama? I always wonder if these celebs genuinely know the policies or if they just think it's "cool."
I don't know about you, but I shudder to think about Katy Perry's thoughts on anything, let alone politics. :o
Probably rebelling against her conservative parents, aka what her whole career has hinged on.
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