The A-Team

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Mr. Golightly
Dec 6, 2007
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John Singleton is said to be the top contender to direct the big screen adaptation of The A-Team for 20th Century Fox.

The newly revamped A-Team will center around a group of Gulf War veterans as opposed to the Vietnam vets of the original.

The IESB has contacted 20th Century Fox and are awaiting a response at this time.
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Ving Rhames for B.A. Barracus.
I doubt he'd do something like this. I'd like to see Paul Rudd as either Murdock or Faceman.

Actually, with Cagefighterkip's suggestion, we could come up with a pretty good cast for the A Team.

Sam Rockwell as Murdock
Paul Rudd as Faceman
Ving Rhames as B.A.

But who could play Hannibal?
Not a bad idea, provided that he's out of the loony bin.

How about Bruce Willis for Hannibal?
This is the worst tv to movie idea ever. The part of what made the A Team classic, and fun was that it was campy. Bullets would fly and nobody got shot; guys would jump on each other in slow-mo; cars would summersault through the air and the ppl inside would get out, and walk away unscathed.

Now they're trying t make a serious incarnation of the show? Why even call it The A Team? To draw a handful more ppl into the theatre that might not have went if it was named something else.
Not a bad idea, provided that he's out of the loony bin.

I wonder what Jew-hater-rehab is like. Do they make you look at pictures of Scarlett Johansen and Natalie Portman all day? If so, then maybe I will commit myself, lol. :oldrazz:
Great, now I have that damn theme song stuck in my head. :mad:
Bruce Willis as Hannibal or Mel Gibson there the only to in my opinion or a Black Hannibal with Sam Jackson.
Face should be played by Matt Damon or Christian Bale. This be dream cast ofcourse.

Murdoch should be played by

Steve Bushemi or Borat himself for he seems lika good crazy guy.


Four Candidates.

Micheal Clark Duncan.

Bob Sapp.

Ice Cube.

The Guy who Played Tealc from Stargate SG1.
This is the worst tv to movie idea ever. The part of what made the A Team classic, and fun was that it was campy. Bullets would fly and nobody got shot; guys would jump on each other in slow-mo; cars would summersault through the air and the ppl inside would get out, and walk away unscathed.

Now they're trying t make a serious incarnation of the show? Why even call it The A Team? To draw a handful more ppl into the theatre that might not have went if it was named something else.
Thats not true BA. got shot and they had to use Murdoch's blood. Face was responsible for him getting shot.
Mr T has to have a Cameo maybe he is the new B.A 's Father.
Thats not true BA. got shot and they had to use Murdoch's blood. Face was responsible for him getting shot.
Mr T has to have a Cameo maybe he is the new B.A 's Father.

I know, i was speaking about the shooting thing in general.
When is John going to get to Luke Cage:huh:
Hopefully never. He completely butchered 'Shaft'. guys have some of the worst casting ideas EVER!
You guys ever even watch an episode of A-Team? Bruce Willis? Mel Gibson?
I'd rather see Mel BROOKS as Hannibal before Mel Gibson!
And keep Jim Carry the hell away from this okay? He get's within 50 feet of the script you shoot him! You put him down!

Heres the cast...

Tommy Lee Jones-Hannibal
Sam Rockwell - Murdock
Paul Rudd - Faceman
Ving Rhames - B.A.
Why does everyone want Ving Rhames as B.A.? He's a good actor but he's never really struck me as Mr. T-esque.

And Mel Gibson looks very much the way Hannibal ought to IMO, and he's a darned fine actor.



Give him a big stinky cigar and black gloves and he's all set.
I still think Mr. T can play B.A. Barracus.
I can just imagine, if they include the prologue, how it might be edited for the new film...

"Fifteen years ago in the Persian Gulf, a crack commando unit was sent to prison for a crime they didn't commit. These men promptly escaped to the Los Angeles underground. Today, still wanted by the federal government, they survive as soldiers of fortune, solving problems for the highest bidder. If you can find them, maybe you can hire...The A-Team."
(cue theme intro) :D
I totally hope that the original theme song is in there. Heck, the end credits sequence ought to be an update of the classic TV intro.
I only want Mel if they let him go uncensord

Girl-"But Mr. said *sob* you would help my decreped old father get back his pawn shop from those sleazy, sterotypically italian mobsters in the bad leisure suits who have been leaning on him for protection money."

Mel-"Thats BEFORE I found out you was a stinkin' jew! Now get outta my way suger t*ts!"
This pic made me lol. :D


WTF was he thinking with that beard, anyway?
My own brand of Mel Gibson insanity, lol.


Off-camera antics aside though, I think he'd be a great Hannibal.
There is always George Clooney or Harrison Ford as Hannibal and J.K Simmons would be a perfect Decker.
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