The Appendix is not so useless, after all!

Dew k. Mosi

Hype Award Winner
Mar 22, 2001
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Purpose of Appendix believed found

WASHINGTON (AP) -- Some scientists think they have figured out the real job of the troublesome and seemingly useless appendix: It produces and protects good germs for your gut.

That's the theory from surgeons and immunologists at Duke University Medical School, published online in a scientific journal this week.

For generations the appendix has been dismissed as superfluous. Doctors figured it had no function. Surgeons removed them routinely. People live fine without them.

And when infected the appendix can turn deadly. It gets inflamed quickly and some people die if it isn't removed in time. Two years ago, 321,000 Americans were hospitalized with appendicitis, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

The function of the appendix seems related to the massive amount of bacteria populating the human digestive system, according to the study in the Journal of Theoretical Biology. There are more bacteria than human cells in the typical body. Most are good and help digest food.

But sometimes the flora of bacteria in the intestines die or are purged. Diseases such as cholera or amoebic dysentery would clear the gut of useful bacteria. The appendix's job is to reboot the digestive system in that case.

The appendix "acts as a good safe house for bacteria," said Duke surgery professor Bill Parker, a study co-author. Its location _ just below the normal one-way flow of food and germs in the large intestine in a sort of gut cul-de-sac -- helps support the theory, he said.

Also, the worm-shaped organ outgrowth acts like a bacteria factory, cultivating the good germs, Parker said.

That use is not needed in a modern industrialized society, Parker said.

If a person's gut flora dies, it can usually be repopulated easily with germs they pick up from other people, he said. But before dense populations in modern times and during epidemics of cholera that affected a whole region, it wasn't as easy to grow back that bacteria and the appendix came in handy.

In less developed countries, where the appendix may be still useful, the rate of appendicitis is lower than in the U.S., other studies have shown, Parker said.

He said the appendix may be another case of an overly hygienic society triggering an overreaction by the body's immune system.

Even though the appendix seems to have a function, people should still have them removed when they are inflamed because it could turn deadly, Parker said. About 300 to 400 Americans die of appendicitis each year, according to the CDC.

Five scientists not connected with the research said that the Duke theory makes sense and raises interesting questions.

The idea "seems by far the most likely" explanation for the function of the appendix, said Brandeis University biochemistry professor Douglas Theobald. "It makes evolutionary sense."

The theory led Gary Huffnagle, a University of Michigan internal medicine and microbiology professor, to wonder about the value of another body part that is often yanked: "I'll bet eventually we'll find the same sort of thing with the tonsils."
At last, they've found the function of the body's D-student.
Makes sense.

Awesome...this is a highly debated issue that goes far beyond the merits of the appendix makes its way into countless evolutionary debates. :up:

Hasn't this been known already? I swear I knew this already.
Yeah, I remember in intro Biology classes in middle school (so like 8 years ago) that the appendix used to help with digestion, but it's mostly unnecessary now.

two things stood out from that article: the word "theory", and the phrase "people live fine without them".

that second one especially just kind of drives home the point that it is, in fact, useless.

two things stood out from that article: the word "theory", and the phrase "people live fine without them".

that second one especially just kind of drives home the point that it is, in fact, useless.

There are people who live fine without eyes, or even limbs, too. Doesn't mean I'm letting anyone remove mine. I always figured it was in your body for a reason, it has to serve some function. Remember, back in the day Egyptians thought the brain was a useless organ. The way I see it, if doctors aren't smart enough to know what it does, then I'm smart enough to know not to let them remove it.
So what happens to all those people who people who have had their appendix's removed?
Nothing, unless you live in a tiny remote village and get cholera and you're unlucky.
Nothing, unless you live in a tiny remote village and get cholera and you're unlucky.

People who live in tiny remote villages where cholera is still a problem probably wont get their appendix removed anyways.

two things stood out from that article: the word "theory", and the phrase "people live fine without them".

that second one especially just kind of drives home the point that it is, in fact, useless.
People can live just fine without a spleen as well, but that doesn't make it useless. It serves a purpose.

If you knew just how important the symbiotic relationship between humans and the internal bacteria is, you'd know why the organ has significance, especially in terms of evolutionary biology.

Besides, there really aren't many things in the world of science that aren't theory. A theory is heavily supported by evidence and experimental results. If it weren't, it would simply be a rejected hypothesis.

Does this mean it's set in stone? No. Still, to dismiss it based on the laymen interpretation of, "theory," is rather short-sighted.
well it don't matter 2 me cause my bursted when i was younger and i almost died from it. so i dont have one anymore
So what happens to all those people who people who have had their appendix's removed?
I know.. Mine has been gone since I was 10 :/ It ruptured over thanksgiving holiday one year... **sigh** bad times...
Great! Now I have to have one put back in! Well, I can probably find one on Ebay.
So what happens to all those people who people who have had their appendix's removed?
Nothing, unless you live in a tiny remote village and get cholera and you're unlucky.
People who live in tiny remote villages where cholera is still a problem probably wont get their appendix removed anyways.


Great! Now I have to have one put back in! Well, I can probably find one on Ebay.

:woot: ^ It's stuff like that that keeps me coming back.
[flamebait] Of course every part of our bodies is useful - God created us that way! [/flamebait]
I thought the Appendix was that thing at the back of books you're supposed to read but never do.
There are people who live fine without eyes, or even limbs, too. Doesn't mean I'm letting anyone remove mine. I always figured it was in your body for a reason, it has to serve some function. Remember, back in the day Egyptians thought the brain was a useless organ. The way I see it, if doctors aren't smart enough to know what it does, then I'm smart enough to know not to let them remove it.

Because the millions of people who have their appendix removed are seconds away from dying....:huh:
There are people who live fine without eyes, or even limbs, too. Doesn't mean I'm letting anyone remove mine. I always figured it was in your body for a reason, it has to serve some function. Remember, back in the day Egyptians thought the brain was a useless organ. The way I see it, if doctors aren't smart enough to know what it does, then I'm smart enough to know not to let them remove it.

But, see, they know what it does. In fact, they've known what it did for a while (helped digestion), this is just some more detail for them to add (did so by breeding bacteria). They do know it serves no purpose to 99.999...% of people. The only thing it does for the average modern person is to sit there until it's infected and threatens your life.
It could have killed you

yah, cause all the poision got into some of my organs. it was pretty bad. i was in a hospital for about 2 months.
and the only symptom i had that made my mom take me to the hospital was i kept vomiting. like every 10 minutes.
it was nasty.
but its kool cause i have a neat scar on the right lower side of my stomach:woot:

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