The Chronicles of Narnia

Really you could turn each book into a mini series for each season.
Interesting! I wonder if they’ll set it in the present day?

And most important question of all, who will play the white witch?
Guess this series is better suited for television. Already has the potential to be better than the BBC series. I was somewhat disappointed in Dawn Treader with the silly 'Seven Swords' concept. Wonder what's happening with Joe Johnston's Silver Chair film though? May as well scrap that film if they're not going to go any further. One Season can easily constitute each book - and should they begin with The Magician's Nephew for chronology's sake?

And I don't necessarily want the series set in the present day - but it would still be interesting if they do decide upon that approach. If Sherlock can adapt to current times, then I'll be open to Narnia doing the same, I suppose. :)

You know it’s funny that Narnia is getting its third go but the Enid blyton books are just sitting there waiting for an adaption. They’re not perfect but you can fix some stuff up and do great stuff with the magic faraway tree or the wishing chair
If it’s netflix I can see them putting in an LGBTIQ character and as a gay guy I hope they don’t make Edmund gay. I could see them doing that to try and broaden the demographics so it’s not just christians this time that are interested in it. Sure it would explain why he and peter had such a falling out but there’s so many good ways to tell a story like that and include LGBTIQ people without having Edmund as the gay character
If it’s netflix I can see them putting in an LGBTIQ character and as a gay guy I hope they don’t make Edmund gay. I could see them doing that to try and broaden the demographics so it’s not just christians this time that are interested in it. Sure it would explain why he and peter had such a falling out but there’s so many good ways to tell a story like that and include LGBTIQ people without having Edmund as the gay character

Ha, the books already imply that girls who wear makeup and like boys won't get into heaven (a misreading of the Lewis's message IMO, but that's the popular consensus now). Having an LGBT character in there would just make the conservative Christians **** themselves. For that reason alone, I say yes. Make Aslan pink, and voiced by Harvey Fierstein.
Oh my gosh I love that. Fierstein Aslan ftw.

You and I should be writing this script pinkranger. We could cast Bianca del rio at the white witch
Mini series style is definitely the way to go for Narnia. I dig it, and I hope they really lean into the fantasy.

I wonder if they'll start at the first book in the series, or jump straight to doing the most famous Lion, Witch and the Wardrobe first.
Oh my gosh I love that. Fierstein Aslan ftw.

You and I should be writing this script pinkranger. We could cast Bianca del rio at the white witch

The first six hours of the Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe would have no lion, no witch, and all wardrobe.

You know it’s funny that Narnia is getting its third go but the Enid blyton books are just sitting there waiting for an adaption. They’re not perfect but you can fix some stuff up and do great stuff with the magic faraway tree or the wishing chair

The Chronicles of Narnia are one of the biggest, most influential children series ever. Most people, particularly Americans, have no connection to or have never heard of Blyton's books.

Also, it's not just Christians who like Narnia books. That's pretty silly to say. Sure there are biblical parallels but the stories are just .... good. I have fond memories of our 3rd grade teacher introducing us to the books and everyone loved them. We didn't like them because of Christian overtones.
I didn’t say only christians like it. I loved it as a kid and I’m not Christian, in fact I didn’t even know it was so churchy til the last movie came out. My point was it’s very popular with christians and the filmmakers will want to tread carefully
Gotcha. I will say that I agree with you on the last movie being more on the nose.

I love Narnia so I'm down to see a new interpretation
Same! I mean, talking lions, centaurs, epic mythology. Just put it straight in my veins
I'm glad Netflix and Amazon are making a big fantasy push.
Same! After lord of the rings happened everyone wanted to do fantasy but it was all bad and it killed the genre. I’m glad it’s making a long overdue comeback
Same! After lord of the rings happened everyone wanted to do fantasy but it was all bad and it killed the genre. I’m glad it’s making a long overdue comeback
I hope with enough quality it becomes a staple genre like CBMs are becoming.
Ha, the books already imply that girls who wear makeup and like boys won't get into heaven (a misreading of the Lewis's message IMO, but that's the popular consensus now). Having an LGBT character in there would just make the conservative Christians **** themselves. For that reason alone, I say yes. Make Aslan pink, and voiced by Harvey Fierstein.

"To defeat the dahkness out there, ya gotta defeat the dahkness in yaself, sweetie."
The Chronices of Narnia thematically is Christian allegory. That's evident from the very first book.

That's not to say it can't be inclusive. Christ, in fact, broke all the social and cultural norms of his era in the way that he included people of all types and classes and backgrounds and taught them how to love each other. He embraced the marginalized and disenfranchised most of all, in fact. It's a shame that somehow far too many Christians forget that and express their beliefs in a judgmental way that doesn't at all represent the nature of Christ.

I think they shouldn't just make changes willy-nilly. They have to honor the spirit of the books and coming up with relatively faithful characterizations should probably be part of that. At the same time, I do think there is room to expand beyond the more limited representation of the literary climate within which Lewis was writing. And there's a lot of ways they can do that and a lot of characters to use to that end.
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He and I have different understandings of "episodic". At first I thought he meant the fantasy adventure equivalent of Law & Order.

We already got the movie treatment for three of the films, so I like the idea of a TV series as long as it has the appropriate budget.
I didn’t say only christians like it. I loved it as a kid and I’m not Christian, in fact I didn’t even know it was so churchy til the last movie came out. My point was it’s very popular with christians and the filmmakers will want to tread carefully
Why? Just make it what you want and if Christians get pissed then screw them. Also, don't feel the need to add a gay character just to offset religious subtext either, but if they do want to add a gay character then whatever. It won't make the show any better or worse. Christians do have money though so I don't see the issue with making something they would be more apt to watch as well as non-christians also not being alienated. Disney didn't try to appeal to one specific demo with their take really, except children. Seems like a non-issue that some will get hung up about for no legitimate reason. Narnia ain't exactly God's Not Dead it's always been accepted by non-christians as it exists.

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