The Incredible Hulk :season one coming to DVD

C. Lee

Superherohype Administrator
Staff member
Oct 24, 2002
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The 2 original TV movies and the 10 episodes from the short first season coming to DVD.

They released a DVD set a year or so ago that had episodes from throughout it's run, but this is the actual first season. I'm looking forward to it does anyone else feel about it?
Saw a few episodes on TV. Never liked any of them. They strayed way too much from the comics, and it's really cheesy at times.
I had a kind of love/hate relationship with the reruns that I've watched. In some ways I thought it was good, but in other ways I thought it wasn't, because it was basically like the fugitive if Richard Kimball ocassionally turned green and smashed things. I can only think of maybe two episodes where he actually fought the army.
They seemed to be a lot better when I was a kid compared to now. They run marathons on the Sci-Fi channel every now and then and I will watch a couple of episodes, but they are really dated.
It was a good show,but try telling that to hardcore Hulk fans. Somehow it screwed up the Hulk's perception,they say. :confused:
this is INCREDIBLE NEWS for fans of the show
3dman27 said:
this is INCREDIBLE NEWS for fans of the show
Yeah there's gotta be like 5 or 6 of them right? The 1 TV movie I saw of the live action Hulk show made me wonder what people saw in this absolute butchery of a classic Marvel character. Mellowdramatic crap through and through.
I'd be really excited if the Batman series with Adam West came out on DVD. It's cheese-arific, but it's just so awesome.
Gamma Ray said:
I'd be really excited if the Batman series with Adam West came out on DVD. It's cheese-arific, but it's just so awesome.

yeah I want that dvd box set dammit
Gamma Ray said:
Saw a few episodes on TV. Never liked any of them. They strayed way too much from the comics, and it's really cheesy at times.

they did but they became a different beast altogether.

A quality show despite straying with a very strong lead actor in Bixby.

They tried to put the series on track with TV films 10 or so years later, which killed it IMO. Their versions of Daredevil & Thor was just.........................wrong.
I thought the TV series showed a different take on the Hulk universe and I enjoyed a few episodes such as when Banner is stuck in mid transformation to the Hulk by some meteor.

Oh and I also like the three TV movies from the 80's yeah that's right call me stupid but it was cool seeing Thor (as a drunk bar fighter) and Daredevil (in black jammies).
Lazlo Panaflex said:
I thought the TV series showed a different take on the Hulk universe and I enjoyed a few episodes such as when Banner is stuck in mid transformation to the Hulk by some meteor.

Oh and I also like the three TV movies from the 80's yeah that's right call me stupid but it was cool seeing Thor (as a drunk bar fighter) and Daredevil (in black jammies).
yes it was

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