Comics The Jackal's Return


Veritas veritatum
Feb 18, 2001
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Personally I dont mind Miles Warren being back in Amazing. As long as they dont go overboard with clones, I say welcome back.

What's your opinion?
The Jackal can be good without clones. I'm all for him coming back. He wasn't the main problem during the Clone Saga, he's more of an unfortunate link to a crap era.

Has this version of Jackal ever been revealed as the actual old man Miles Warren or is he continuously being reborn into cloned bodies a la Red Skull? I can't remember....
You'll never know... it's like everytime you think you've got Dr. Doom, you've got a lousy Doombot... even when the Spider Queen killed the Jackal during Spider-Island, it was a clone that was killed...

It's kind of neat... :up:

Yeah... he was always menacing to me... at least in the 70's stories... I liked how he sometimes chose to run around on all fours... :up:

I didn't like how he was drawn in the 90's... like a regular guy in a trenchcoat... :dry:

I'm glad he's back to his old look...

Yeah... he was always menacing to me... at least in the 70's stories... I liked how he sometimes chose to run around on all fours... :up:

I didn't like how he was drawn in the 90's... like a regular guy in a trenchcoat... :dry:

I'm glad he's back to his old look...


Have to agree! Although he was a bit of a mess in the 90's, he was cool in the 70's! His brief stint in Spider-Island was interesting, and I look forward to see what Dan does with him.
I guess we are all products of ours times, as I prefer the 90s Jackal. I thought the trench coat looked cool and the tight little pants from the 70s looked ridiculous. Oh well, whatever.
I'd like to see Carrion come back too. He's another gem that's been forgotten about. I love the idea of him being constantly reborn via a virus that infects some poor schlub.
Maybe he can... wait for it... Bring Back Ben? No? Ok, I'll leave.
I don't think that Ben is coming back. That ship has sailed, Kaine took the role.
And has been doing a damn fine job with it, too.

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