The Jehovah's Witness Wont Leave Me Alone


Mar 26, 2006
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They keep knocking on my door, they see my fiance is not interested but now they want me, there even leaving books for me to read and watchtower magazine with this moths headline 'what Jehovah's Witness think of domestic violence'


For some reason i think they think they can convert me. How do i stop her visiting? on one hand the company is quite nice but i aint converting (i'm joking im not that hard up for company)
Tell her that if she keeps visiting you, Satan will strike her down.
I've had that happen to me before.... I just challenge them on their beliefs and call them what they are... a cult.
Open the door, and imitate one of these two videos:

They will never bother you again. 100% Guaranteed.
My mom started handing them Catholic propaganda and they got scared and quit coming.
My Dad did the Catholic propaganda too. One time, when I was only about 14, they told me they wanted to take to the Shenandoah river and baptize me. Creepy.
My Dad did the Catholic propaganda too. One time, when I was only about 14, they told me they wanted to take to the Shenandoah river and baptize me. Creepy.

Yeah they told me about re-baptising me too, that they dont just accept anyone that theres a test?

Anyone know what the test is?
My dad was raised as a Jehova's Witness. Luckily, he got out. Then a pair of witnesses came to our house and we tried hard to save him, but they just would not leeeeeeeave. They haven't come back since, but they're a determined bunch. If you don't nip it in the bud it could get very sticky. &&You don't have to be sugar and spice when you tell them that you're not interested. I'm sure they get yelled at all the time.
do what i did..came to the door naked...been 3 yrs since they came a knockin
If they come back just open the door naked and smearing peanut butter over your chest. Stare them straight in the eyes with a serious face and simply ask "Care to join?"
My dad was raised as a Jehova's Witness. Luckily, he got out. Then a pair of witnesses came to our house and we tried hard to save him, but they just would not leeeeeeeave. They haven't come back since, but they're a determined bunch. If you don't nip it in the bud it could get very sticky. &&You don't have to be sugar and spice when you tell them that you're not interested. I'm sure they get yelled at all the time.
the only thing you really can do is show them the scripture that contradicts what the freakish Watchtower brainwash them to beleive
This is what we did a few times, my roommate and I.

They usually came around our complex at certain times, so one day we got candles and put them in a pentagram and made my dog sit in the middle. They looked at it and I said "No thank you." Another time we let them knock, and then when they started to walk off we opened the door and said "Hello." We shut the door, they come back, and repeat the process. One I have wanted to do is get a couple of buddies to dress up like Mormons (white shirt, helmet, etc...)and tie them up in the living room so they can see them!
Funny story, my friend once opened the door to these JW one morning and all he had on was a bathrobe, he noticed in their schpeel their eyes kept jumping from his face to his lower region. He noticed [blackout]he had a hard on[/blackout] and he never heard back from them since.:yay:

Sort of like the come to the door naked comment.:oldrazz:

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