This one's kicks off with the story of the fall of the Templar, a group of warrior mice sworn to uphold truth and protect all innocent life in the lands. At some point, there was a disagreement and the Templar warred with each other before apparently vanishing altogther. Even now, most mice do not even believe in their existence. We're intoduced to the main cast of Pilot the Tall, Karic, Deishun, Gabrielle and Leito. Deishun is the grizzled town blacksmith with Leito as his apprentice and Karic the friend of Leito. Gabrielle is also a childhood friend of Leito and Karic, who takes the role of Maeven (a female archer) when the three play Templar. The main story begins when Pilot, and old Templar veteran comes to town to warn of an impending rat raid. These rats are nasty. Oeming's design is amazing. Anyway, they've come to town looking for Deishun and like any good group of villians, they kill and burn anything in sight to find him.