Show me a good picture and I'll comment. I don't like what they've done with Superman.
wait so is all the Batman run with Grant for the past few years no longer in continuity?
Thats still not really a good picture of the new suit.Here you go!
I'm actually digging Capullo's artwork. Big plus for having Professor Pyg stick around. However, I'm totally distracted with the Riddler's question mark mohawk.
As far as Superman's new suit goes...why the hell does he need armored boots? He's SUPERMAN.
Is Dick going back to being Nightwing??Nope. Professor Pyg is in the image above so he's still going to be around, Damien is still going to be in the Bat-Family and as it looks like some of the members of Batman, Inc will still be around. As far as everything else goes, still too early to tell.
Is Dick going back to being Nightwing?? really wasn't.I don't think they should be rebooting, everything was just fine the way it was.