X-Men seems to be focusing on all these prequels (Wolverine, First Class) but they have so much potential for more in sequels. What are your views on a New Mutants movie (story, cast, etc.) based many years after the events of X3.
Samuel Gurthie-Cannonball (team leader)
Rahne Sinclair-Wolfesbane
Danielle Moonstar-Psyche
Roberto da Costa-Sunspot
Amara Aquila-Magma
Illyana Rasputin-Magik
Cypher-Doug Ramsey
(I'm aware I left out Karma, but due to her having the power to possess people's bodies, I don't think the battles would be fair. There's so much to work with using these 8.)
Samuel Gurthie-Cannonball (team leader)
Rahne Sinclair-Wolfesbane
Danielle Moonstar-Psyche
Roberto da Costa-Sunspot
Amara Aquila-Magma
Illyana Rasputin-Magik
Cypher-Doug Ramsey
(I'm aware I left out Karma, but due to her having the power to possess people's bodies, I don't think the battles would be fair. There's so much to work with using these 8.)