The Official "Tell How You Think The Final Battle Will Go Down" Voting Thread.


I'm a photographer
Sep 5, 2004
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Well, this is the thread about how YOU think the final battle will be. Tell your story and do the best you can. Don't say anything like, "Your version sucks" to ANYONE. People have their own opinions and imagination. Then we'll decide on who had the best one by using a poll.:)

It will close on June 30, 2006, that's when I'll go ahead and make the poll. Even after the voting and everything people can come here and post theirs anyway. There just won't be any more voting.:)

The idea for this was from chaseter.:up:

Just have fun doing this. Mine will be up soon. It will take awhile.
No spamming either. Post your version, elaborate necessarily, and have fun!
Team A will start first, the battle will rage, when all hope is lost, Team B, Rogue, Angel, Cyclops, arrives to shift the tables, then....o wait. Wrong movie. :(
Team A will start first, the battle will rage, when all hope is lost, Team B, Rogue, Angel, Cyclops, arrives to shift the tables, then....o wait. Wrong movie. :(
You violated rule 32a.:No delirious rants at other Marvel/DC characters. But seriously...please no spamming:) after this post:up:
chaseter said:
No spamming either. Post your version, elaborate necessarily, and have fun!

Just because I made the thread doesn't mean that I think up all the rules. You guys have to listen to chaseter too. He thought of it.:up:
Alright, here it goes.
Venom is at the construction site just waitiing for Spidey to show up, ahving tied up gwen and MJ. Spiderman figures that its going to be one on one till Sandman(lime OMG) forms from out of nowhere, from seemingly a few grains of sand scattered at his feet. Venom beats down on the Webbed Wonder digging into him with backfists and haymakers and whatnot whilst trapped in Sandman's solidified form.
Spidey breaks free and dances round the battlefield, dodging Venom-webs and Sandman's constant "anvil-hand" punches that we all know and love from the comics. They get the upper hand till Sandman gets pwned by Spidey, knocking him into next week. Venom now pounces into him, taking advantage of the weak Spidey. It looks like he's gone for the count until GG2 (Lala Harry Osborn) shows up and throws down teh gauntlet with some bombs and rockets to Venom. Also Harry comes equipped with a sonic gun(OMG) that his labs developed for...stuff.

The fight with Venom rages on until Harry puts up the ray gun. Venom is too quick, however, and impales Harry on a lead pipe near trhe site. Spidey reaches for the gun in time, and blasts Eddie's better half to kingdom come. Eddie and his captured cohorts fall into the abyss, falling fast form tiptop most placing on the battleground. In split second thinking Spidey saves one or the other or both(depedning if Gwen/MJ lives) whilst Eddie goes splat ohnoes bye bye.
Sandman doesn't die but is put into captivity, Teh End.
I'm not sure where to begin.Do we just post our version of the final battle or stuff leading up to it to explain how the fight started?
TheFlyinRussian said:
I'm not sure where to begin.Do we just post our version of the final battle or stuff leading up to it to explain how the fight started?

Just post what you think is going to happen in it. Who will be teamed up with who, who fights who, stuff like that.

By the way guys, mine's coming along greatly.
Just for gigles, here is a parody version, with important words in CAPITAL.

First, Spider Man is full of MACHIAVELLIAN impulses, which leads to GAUCHE remarks by Mary Jane: who is his SYCOPHANT nymph of the world. Then, something not related to the movie happens, which causes us to question Raimi's VALIDITY and then Spidey's interest in Mary Jane quickly WANES. There is a MORATORIUM between Venom's appearance, but then Sandman, in his PARTISAN approach to hating Spidey, takes on the form of a Super Villain by working with Kingpin. Unlike Venom, who is a SEQUESTERED villain, he works solely for a mob-like crime syndicate. He operates on, shall we say, a TANGENT.

Sandman quickly falls prey to OEDIPAL complexes, and confuses his mother with the Kingpin, leading to INTERGENDER CONFUSION. Then Venom joins SomethingAwful and posts about how l33t Jeff K. is, and consequently is banned from the COMMUNITY.
Kingpin decides to post an ULTIMATUM: Spiderman must respond in under the POST-MODERN timeframe as according to Dali. Spiderman trips on acid and sees a MELTING CLOCK, which leads to his demise and rebirth as RICOCHET.

Soon, the Kingpin decides to issue a warrant for his own arrest because he needs to get away from the insane Sandman and his FREUDIAN ideals. Venom becomes smarter by reading SHAKESPEARE, and develops a mental insecurity where he believes himself to be Hamlet and Sandman Horatio, and Spider Man as Claudius.
Consequently, Venom becomes a ye olde englishman and therefore, a wuss. He uses KITTY CAT CARNIVAL to his advantage, becoming more powerful than Spider Man and Sandman combined. However, in the ensuing DUEL, Spiderman exchanges poisoned rapiers with Venom and Venom dies.

The crowd draws closer to Venom, feeling BROTHERHOOD with him. Or, something like that.
Then, the IMPACT!
And Kingpin is in jail.
The End.
PS Gwen Stacy dies of a poison earwig.
chaseter said:
You violated rule 32a.:No delirious rants at other Marvel/DC characters. But seriously...please no spamming:) after this post:up:

I guess we can rule the goddamned Batman out :(
Mine's Prett long but here goes:

At this point Brock has the Venom suit and has a deep hatred for Peter/Spidey.Sandman has fought him.So has Harry,without Spidey knowing his identity,only suspecting.But he is fighting his own insane mind more than anything else.

Sandman won his previous fight with Spiderman,and decided not to kill him but to save precious time to get his stolen money where it needs to be.He's going through town but trying not to draw attention.A cop recognizes Marko and starts shooting at him.He starts rampaging through the streets.Peter sees this on the news and gets into action.

Spidey catches up to him but Sandman is moving pretty quickly.He swings at him looking for a kick to the face but is dodged easily.He swings over to him this time looking to land on his back.As soon as Spiderman makes contact near Sandy's shoulders,he lets him fall right through him.Spidey lands on the ground in front of him and is immediately being crushed by a huge open hand of sand.The street cracks around him.

Marko sees a construction site two blocks ahead and tosses Spidey at it.Still weary at this point,he doesn't recover in time and lands on top of a crane.Sandman shows up in seconds and grows to 30 feet tall.Spiderman is using every acrobatic move he can to avoid the massive attacks of Marko.Spidey then makes a large jump over to a truck.Sandman uses every ounce of strength to flatten him but Spidey gets out of the way in time.Sandman realizes he threw his own body into a cement truck.

Now covered with cement from the waist up,he shifts his body to get it off but it's too late.His lower body turns into a pile of sand while his upper body is disfigured and covered in hardened cement.Spidey is on all fours with fatigue when his spider sense goes off.He looks up behind him as Venom lands with two feet on the center of his back.

Brock puts a hand around Spideys entire head and says "We are going to enjoy this!" as he puts him through a brick wall.Peter uses the momentum to do a handstand,leans forward with his feet and kicks Brock in the head to send him flying back through the same wall.Eddie uses his tendrils to grab a pipe and fiercely swings it at Peter who is able to dodge it.Brock gets frustrated and throws it at Pete,catching him in the rib.

Venom's now throwing many punches at the bruised Parker,who is eventually hit in the stomach.Spidey is laying on his back barely alive.Peter slowly lifts his head to see Eddie standing in front of him with his arms above his head,one hand in a fist and the other hand clenching over it."This is the end,my friend!" Brock shouts with a laugh.

Just as he is about to make the fatal blow Peter's spider sense goes off.Not for Venom's attack,but for something else.Something dangerous,but not about to attack him.In a flash Venom is gone.Pete looks around to see two mysterious figures on a glider fighting each other.With the little energy he has left Peter starts web swinging and catches up to see what's going on.

The new goblin had come to save him from Brock but was being beaten badly on his own goblin glider.The goblin recovers and lands a few punches on Venom,then attaches a pumpkin bomb to the bottom of the glider,without Brock noticing.He takes many brutal punches from Eddie but steers the glider over the lake of water just as the bomb explodes.

Eddie's body landed back on Manhattan Island from the explosion.The goblin's is out about 120 feet out in the water.Peter jumps as far as he can and brings his saviours body back to shore.Pete takes off the mask to see it's Harry.By now Harry's suit has many pieces blown off and is coughing out blood.All he can say is "I'm sorry Peter...I'm sorry...",he then passes away."No...I'm sorry Harry." Peter says,with tears running down his face.
Nice! this'll probably be the most outragiously ****ing cool superhero fight scene ever.

I hope topher kicks Mcguire's ass.
Let's see... they're at the construction company site that has a lot of sand on the ground so it's the perfect place for sandman.
Spidey will be dodging sand blasts from sandman while venom's lurking in the shadows and just as spidey thinks he's safe WAMMMO, venom clobbers him from out of nowhere and sends him falling through a long shaft. Then spidey regains his ballance and clings to a wall with his finger tips to slow his fall to a stop. he runs up the wall back at venom. Venom just sits on the wall like a badass waiting for him to come. then they both do some wall crawling combat while sandman creates spikes out of sand to shoot at spidey. (I like this because raimi can swivel the camera around them so we see it from every angle in one shot since they can fight anywhere on any surface. Like the matrix but upside down. and better.) venom has spidey in a headlock and throws him at the ground near sandman. Sandy shoots his sandspikes at hims and spidey moving quickly dodges fatal hits but they fly so close they tear his costume apart and cut his skin... poor spidey weblines away from the shooting sand spikes and reaches a ledge only to see at first someone's boot, he looks up and sees that it's venom already there, and venom steps on his fingers and kicks him off the ledge. Venom then jumps down and wraps spidey in his webs. Spidey can't break out of the webs... it's over. wait no it's not. who's this guy. Green goblin swoops in and snags spidey before sandman can hammer him with his sand mallot, no make that a sand-axe. Green goblin or white goblin, whatever it is in this movie, uses his dagger to cut through venom's webs to free spidey. without hesitation spidey goes after venom wile gobby goes after sandy. they fight some more.

Goblin's blasting sandman with missles but sandman creates a sand-shield to block them from reaching him. venom and spidey tackle each other on a roof and fall through it down into a dark warehouse or something like that. Spidey regains footing as venom fades away into the shadows to toy with spidey. "we will have fun with our prey," says venom... back at the sandman gobby, fight gobby is smasshed by a sand fist into a wall and sandman grabs him with his sand hand by the neck, chocking gobby which sandy is very pleased to do. But goblin harry smiles, what? smile? the plan is working. the goblin's glider is close enough to sandman who wasn't aware of it and it drops several pumkin bombs at his feet. KABOOOOOOOOOOOOM. sandman is blown apart.

Back at the warehouse place, spidey says "can't we just talk about this instead.. it's a lot less painful." Out of the darkness we hear venom laughing. he could be anywhere. "We will kill you for what you have done to us." it's quiet, too quiet and suddenly a huge figure leaps towards spidey, his spidey sense reacts so he braces himself, and it hits him with the force of a feather. he looks to find it's a spiderman doll from spider-man day. "Nice." then wack, he's kicked in the back by venom, off he flies into a shelf.

sandman regathers himself while gobby jumps back on his glider and flies off to wards the warehouse. venom beats spidey and is about to bite his head off when gobby crashes through a wall and blasts venom full of bullets from the glider. Sandman finishes re-gathering and now he's extremely irate so he crashes a wall of sand on spidey, venom, and goblin, tearing the warehouse apart until it collapses on all of them. sandman eyes spidey not far away who's lifting pieces of wall off goblin. Venom appears behind spidey and grabs him. goblin's dead, iapparently. spidey, battered, tired, but furious makes loud noises by swinging huge metal beams into other metals nearby, and just hammers a weakened venom with his fists. As this happens, Sandman makes a sand spike to stab spidey. he aims it and fires. We see it come closer and closer and when it's about to kiss its target, something moves in its way and is stabbed instead. Now gobby is dead. spidey sees what happens and screams "noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo." So now Venom is defeated, brock unconscious, all thats left is the sandman. spidey fearlessly attacks sandy who defends himself with sand spikes, sand maces, sand whatever, while spidey's doing amazing twists in the air to dodge them and sock him in the mouth with a fist. spidey moves fast with barely inches of room between him and death from a sandman knuckle sandwhich. I guess spidey could defeat him by dropping a water tower on him here.The end.

thanks for readin.
Very good; but good God man there is a reason why people use spacing and indents. Edit, please.

I like the "kamikaze" effect Harry does on Venom.
And people sure do like seeing Sandman covered in cement :)
One thing I'd really like to see is someone's version of the final battle in comic book form.I mean fan trailer's are neat but in the end you're just taking footage from the previous two movies or taking a still picture and making it look like he's moving.
Here's mine. I read over it and corrected all the mistakes I saw. If something doesn't make sense then ask me.
I hope you like it!:)

Green Goblin II and Sandman have both been defeated in the past and

decided to team up and take down Spider-Man. Harry has seen Peter and

Gwen hanging out lately and knew she was important to him. He knew

kidnapping her would make him come. He didn’t want to kidnap Mary Jane

because he still liked her.

Peter has just gotten rid of the Symbiote in the church where Eddie

Brock was and the Symbiote went to Eddie. Happy of getting rid of the alien

substance, Peter returns to his Apartment taking off his Spider-Man mask and

notices 2 messages on his machine. He checks the earliest one and it’s Gwen

asking if they could go on a date sometime that week. (Peter had broken up

with Mary Jane) Peter smiles and checks the next one before calling her back

with a “yes“. The next message we hear Gwen in the back round screaming

and yelling “Help!” as Green Goblin II says “You’ve taken my father’s life and

it’s time you’ve realized the pain! His voice gets deeper and more sinister.

“Meet me here at her apartment by 7:29 because her life ends a minute

after…” Goblin chuckles and then the phone clicks. Peter’s smile died when he

had heard the message. He wasn’t going to let somebody else die. The clock

read 7:22. He quickly puts his mask back on. We see the outside sky. Dark,

the sun is setting and there’s a pinkish purple color in the sky along with some

red. Spider-Man swings out the window and swings very fast to her


Inside Gwen’s apartment there’s a balcony with two open doors. The

wind is blowing the curtains. We see a close up of Green Goblin’s face looking

down at Gwen who we can see reflecting in his eyes. Gwen is tied up in a

chair with a few bruises and scratch marks on her from trying to get away

from the Goblin. She had fallen into a few things while running earlier. Gwen

asks with a scared deep voice, “Why are you doing this to me?” “Revenge.

It‘s all revenge.” Harry replied. The clock read 7:28 and then Harry slowly

pulled out a sword from his belt. Gwen looks terrified.

Spider-Man came through the open balcony windows and landed on the

floor. “Let her go! You don‘t understand what happened!” (About his father)

he yelled. As Spider-Man said that there was sand pouring through a vent

onto the floor. Spider-Man’s Spider Sense went off but he didn’t move in time

to dodge Sandman’s enlarged arm smacking him out the window through a

skylight of another building. Spider-Man lands on top of a desk crushing it. It

looks like an office building. Sandman pours through the broken sky light and

piles up on the floor making himself. Spider-Man gets up and hits him. His fist

went through Sandman not doing any harm. Sandman fell on top of him as

sand and then his face formed in it. (Like the cover when he first appeared in

a comic) He was weighing Spider-Man down, then Spider-Man rolled out of it

and rolled into a water dispenser. The big jug on top of it hit the floor hard

and exploded. Water went everywhere. Sandman screamed and shielded his

eyes as if he was afraid of it. Spider-Man saw that he didn’t like water.

Before he could do anything else Sandman made his hand into a hammer and

hit Spider-Man out a window and into a construction site.

Spider-Man got up struggling as if something was pushing on his back.

He was just knocked out of a tall building. The ground was dirt and there was

some construction equipment around along with a metal frame building.

Sandman came down from building in sand and blended in with the dirt there.

Green Goblin also arrived on his glider with a cackle. He threw a bomb and it

exploded weakening the steel building frame on the building that was being

built. Spider-Man stood up and shot a web at the frame building taking himself

to it. Then got to the very top by using jumps and webs. He perched at the

top as Green Goblin pulled out a small sword from his belt heading towards

Spider-Man. Spider-Man lunged himself at him in the air and landed with him

on top of his glider. Spider-Man punched Goblin in the face once then Goblin

cut his leg stunning Spider-Man for a second then pushed him off. Spider-Man

shot a web and prevented a very painful fall while hitting the ground. Goblin,

meanwhile, didn’t notice the frame building ahead of him. He tried moving out

of the way but the left end of his glider hit it showering sparks everywhere.

The glider landed hardly on the ground making Goblin fall off onto the ground.

Spider-Man got up and sand started swirling around him. In a annoyed voice

Spider-Man said “Oh crap.” then Sandman hit him to the floor. Sandman was

towering above Spider-Man who was leaning against a pile of dirt. Spider-Man

remembered the water dispenser inside the building and how the water

frightened Sandman. Spider-Man saw a wheel against a wall in the

construction site and looked behind Sandman where he saw a pipe dripping

with water. He knew this was perfect. He shot a web at the wheel then

pulled. Water shot out from the pipe hitting Sandman. Spider-Man got up,

punched Sandman a few times and noticed it was harming him because

Sandman’s expressions looked like he was being hurt. The water shut off

because it was out and needed to be pumped again. Spider-Man’s vision was

a little blurry from the water spraying on his lenses. He did see Sandman

looking almost normal again though, but not enough to fight. Spider-Man was

hit by an unknown figure into a pile of bricks. A black blur lands on the ground

in front of Sandman making a little dust come around it’s feet. We see a close

up of sharp teeth with a tongue come at the screen very fast. Then we see

Venom’s mouth take a big chunk out of Sandman. Sandman looks frightened

at its looks and what it did. He melts to the floor in sand and goes down a

drain. We see who it was. Venom. He looks like the comic version and is

about the same size as Spider-Man but his arms are a little bigger. He has the

evil white eyes and sharp teeth with a long tongue. He looks scary. He saw

Harry over there lying on the floor but didn’t think he would get up. Venom looks

ticked and excited as we hear some bricks hitting the ground. He turns

around to the big pile of bricks where he hit Spider-Man and smiles.

Spider-Man comes up in a hurry making dust fly everywhere. His mask is

ripped off and his head is visible, his costume has some tears in it. He couldn’t

see two feet ahead of him. All of a sudden Venom lunges through the dust

towards the camera with his arms reached out and his teeth and tongue

showing. He tackles Spider-Man and they slide in the ground. Venom is on top

of Spider-Man showing his teeth smiling. He says “Remember us?!” then uses

his claws to dig in to Spider-Man’s stomach. Spider-Man gives a terrifying

scream and we see a painful look on his face. Saliva is dripping on Spider-Man

from Venom’s mouth. Venom is still smiling as he pulls his hand out of his

stomach with blood on it. Spider-Man looks at the face in horror. Venom’s

face pulls back to show Eddie’s. “Eddie?!” Spider-Man asked in surprise. “NO!”

Venom yelled while making the Symbiote come back over his face. He throws

Spider-Man to the ground near the frame building. Venom screamed at him as

he walked towards him. “You ruined my life, took my girlfriend, (Gwen) got me

fired from my job, and took my home away from me!” Venom picks up

Spider-Man with both hands around his neck as he says “But now you’re

gonna’ pay! From now on we are poison to you!” He throws Spider-Man

against the frame building as he says “We are VENOM!”

Venom comes up to Spider-Man who is getting up. He grabs him by the

neck with his left hand and pins him against the wall. He leans his head in six

inches away from Spider-Man’s face. His tongue is close to his face too.

Venom puts his tongue in and snarls. In a really low menacing voice he says

“I wanna’ eat your brains…” Venom punches Spider-Man twice in the face

with his right hand really hard. The blows sound painful. He then shoves his

knee into Spider-Man’s stomach. Venom throws Spider-Man to one of the

lower frames and jumps up on it next to Spider-Man. He kicks Spider-Man’s

face knocking it into the air and punches it while it‘s in the air. A long thin

tentacle comes out of his hand. Venom swings his arm smacking Spider-Man

with it. We see Harry look at the fight and sees that Venom is doing this to

his best friend. Harry realizes that he himself has been wrong doing this the

whole time. Harry decides to help his friend. Spider-Man tries to hit Venom

but Venom catches his fist then twists it making a cracking noise. Spider-Man

screams. His wrist is hurt, not broken. Venom holds his fist in the air about

to do the finishing blow, he snarls then says, “Burn in Hell.” Venom’s fist flies

towards Spider-Man’s gut but Harry comes between Spider-Man and Venom

taking the blow. Venom’s arm goes through Harry’s chest and we see a spray

of blood. Spider-Man is shocked. Harry falls to the frame and lies there barely

alive. Venom smiles. Spider-Man is ticked and remembers the bell at the

church. He jumps to the floor and Venom follows him. Spider-Man grabs a

metal bar as Venom is coming towards him and hits the frame making a

clanging sound. Venom holds his ears and screams. “What’s happening?!” he

yells. Spider-Man does it three more times and sees the Symbiote going wild

on Venom then it slides off revealing Brock. Spider-Man catches him as he

falls. He puts him on the floor and webs him there. The Symbiote slides

through a crack in a building escaping.

Spider-Man quickly jumps to where Harry is and sees that he’s barely

alive. He asks Harry, “Can you hear me?!” and tears are coming to Peter’s

eyes. Harry makes a smile and says, “Pete, I’m so sorry. Please forgive me. I

was wrong *coughs up a little blood* to blame my father’s death on you. I’m

so sorry” “Harry?!” Peter cries out. “No! Somebody help!” Harry smiles “Bye

Pete.” and closes his eyes leaving nothing but a empty body. Peter holds

Harry close to him and cries.

The End.
Then we just see the end of the movie, what happens with Gwen, some other stuff and after that the credits.
SmirkingRevenge said:
Best quote FTW :up::up::up:


thank you. thank you. :)

I ate a cheeseburger while I wrote it. shoot, I forgot about gwen stacy... well she's not there at the end in my version.
You have Gwen being held captive by Sandman only
Venom is tracking Spiderman who it tracking Sandman
Harry is making a decision whether he should save his pal or watch him suffer.

Spidy fights sandman, venom gets in and fights sandman off long enough so venom can take on spidy alone.(cause we all know that venom wants to be the one to take spidy out. And Venom is the one who originally killed sandman. Plus this makes for a better battle instead of an akward alliance between sand man and venom)
(At a certain point Eddie brings Gwen to safty. He's a man who believes in justice and helping others. His own twisted justice. Or have Spidy save her at a certain point. Either or)

Sandman pops back in taking down venom then turning his direction at spidy.
Green goblin shows up and bombs the two villians.

Its Sandman on Goblin and Venom on Spidy. Goblin gets Sandy down and is distracted to see spidy get his ass kicked and goes to help, but sandy gets him with a huge hammer of sand to knock him off the glider into debris.
Sandy goes for spidy, Venom get furious and fights sandy off him they battle and venom bites sandy, Sandy falls to his knees. Venom goes back for more Spidy.

As Venom is getting the upper hand on spidy Goblin is back to help tag team on Venom. Venom holds his own for awile, then Goblin sacrifices himself to take out Venom. This gives enough time for spidy to finish venom off. Eddie is unconsious and the symbiote, that is believed to be gone, slithers off.
Parker and Harry have a heart to heart. Harry passes away. Gwen is fine. Eddie is in jail. Sandy is dead. Last shot is a zoom out from Eddie in Jail looking out side, further and further away until we see the symbiote slyther in the direction of the jail.
In this movie we'll start with spider-man fighting some villain that only we fans will probably recognize. At the same time we'll be introduced to Eddie Brock. The black suit will attach itself to peter. GG2 and Sandman will be main villains. 65% into the movie Peter after beating sandman to within an inch of his life realizes the suit is evil and gets rid of it on top the church. Eddie is infected by the symbiote and then toys with spideys head for awhile before teaming with GG2. They run spider-man down to the NASA building (like in the cartoon) we see a huge fight before Harry realizes that what he's doing is wrong. Venom doesn’t agree and turns on Harry. Harry is wounded and it’s Spidey vs. Venom. The shuttle begins to launch and the intense noise and heat cause the symbiote to leave eddies body. Eddie passes out , Peter webs the symbiote to the shuttle and it launches off to orbit mars. Peter finds Harry and he realizes that he needs help. Harry goes to a mental institute to receive counseling; while peter tries to make amends with the ones he’s hurt over the course of the film. CLIFFHANGER: While the shuttle is heading into space, we see a small internal device with a screen which says “Warning malfunction” the thrusters turn off and the shuttle slowly drifts towards earth.

I like the symbiote slithering to jail, nice touch. It sets up Carnage, too.
(Not sure if that's a good thing...)

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