I've been collecting comics for years (tho, I don't pick up much these days) and I still don't get this book. It's Garth Ennis in mindless shock mode. This is what he follows a brilliant story like Preacher up with?? Rick Vietch did this idea brilliantly in Bratpack and The Maxi-Mortal under his King Hell line years ago. What is Ennis doing that hasn't been done before? I remember reading a discussion where this one kid thought it was just hilarious that a hampster crawled out of a characters a**. You guys seriously find that funny?? I bought the first five issues of THE BOYS including that one...and didn't find it funny OR original at all. Darrick Robinson's art is murky, stiff and too detailed as all that sloppy hatching closes up when shrunk to comic size. I liked it better when Ennis had something original to say. Now it seems he's just in it for the bucks, too bad he blew his *** on Preacher and could'nt do another great series. I Can't imagine anyone over 18 liking this book. 18 yo's that like WWF and get off on drawings of b***s and decapitations. Please!