The Official: Yep...they're going to hell thread.

That is just sad and pathetic that this had to happen. :csad:
Must...refrain...from...using the word...



Okay, it's official. I'm off to hell too :csad:

Two teens have been charged with killing the 7-year-old sister of one of them by beating her with imitations of moves from the "Mortal Kombat" video game, prosecutors said.

Zoe lost consciousness and stopped breathing after the teens hit, kicked and body-slammed her, imitating moves used in the video game, the document said.

I am speechless...I only hope they are convicted on all charges and rot till death.
Must...refrain...from...using the word...



Okay, it's official. I'm off to hell too :csad:

Yeah... because there is a lot of comedy in a 7 year old being beaten to death.*****e-bag.jpg


The evil faces of innocent child murdering scum bags.
Yeah... because there is a lot of comedy in a 7 year old being beaten to death.

Yeah, and I have no feelings whatsoever for the girl's death, just because I didn't mention it in my post.
I'm going to hell so this thread is perfect for me :oldrazz:

Seriously though, that story is sad to hear.....I hope justice is served. :(
Yeah, and I have no feelings whatsoever for the girl's death, just because I didn't mention it in my post.

Don’t even try. You made an inexcusable scumbag comment.
End of story.
Does it make you evil? No…it makes you a dick in that moment. Learn from it and move on.
Hey Sugar you know that was a stupid comment because of how you wrote it. Let's move on now though.
Don’t even try. You made an inexcusable scumbag comment.
End of story.
Does it make you evil? No…it makes you a dick in that moment. Learn from it and move on.

seems like you're the only one acting like a dick around here.
How is the game Mortal Kombat being brought into this? At 17 and 18 years old you can't use the video games made me do it excuse, besides the time when you could use Mortal Kombat as an excuse was before their time. Lock 'em up and throw away the key.
Don’t even try. You made an inexcusable scumbag comment.
End of story.
Does it make you evil? No…it makes you a dick in that moment. Learn from it and move on.

You have made your point. Now stop posting derogatory comments.

How is the game Mortal Kombat being brought into this? At 17 and 18 years old you can't use the video games made me do it excuse, besides the time when you could use Mortal Kombat as an excuse was before their time. Lock 'em up and throw away the key.

How is the game Mortal Kombat being brought into this? At 17 and 18 years old you can't use the video games made me do it excuse, besides the time when you could use Mortal Kombat as an excuse was before their time. Lock 'em up and throw away the key.

I don't think that they're using Mortal Kombat as an excuse, or at least that's not the impression that I get from the article. It does mention that they were imitating moves from the video game but I think the teens must have already had some violent tendencies if they were willing to beat a 7-year old.
I don't think that they're using Mortal Kombat as an excuse, or at least that's not the impression that I get from the article. It does mention that they were imitating moves from the video game but I think the teens must have already had some violent tendencies if they were willing to beat a 7-year old.

Well, they were also drunk... Great babysitters there.
I just love how they have to use an exact name of a video game to of course shove the blame on to that as opposed to people in this society being immature ******s.

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