Superman Returns The one thing about Lex I was dissapointed in.


Nov 22, 2005
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I had read somewhere a bit before the movie came out that, Lex had built up a fortune for himself and had cleared his name, bringing him up to the "business man" status he has had in the comics since the revamp. I thought that sounded like a cool way to bring together both types of Lex' personas.

But, then I saw the movie and he just swindled an old lady out of her money, and he was still just the old Lex, albeit much better than Hackman's.

I just wanted to see the modern Lex make it to the big screen.

There's a lot of the modern stuff, the revamped story, and some new things etc. that I'd like to see on the big screen. They should've just made a restart movie. There are too many good things to do with Supes now, not just the same old Lex story, which I know we've all said.

And I really do love SR, but it is time for something new. Maybe in the sequel Lex will somehow squirm his way into the public's hearts and clear his name and doing the legitimate business man thing, and that'll totally piss off Clark, knowing he was responsible for the whole new Krypton thing and all, and knowing how evil he really is.

Another thing I wanna' see on the big screen is the evolution of Lois and Clark's relationship, they got into it on the tv show at least, time for the movies to do more than just have Supes fight Lex, I know Singer said he'll do more, I hope he does.

Just had to get that off my chest.:supes:
While I did like the movie, I would be lying if I said I liked spacey's Lex. I wanted to see the Lex-corp Lex, not more land grabbing by him, even though his plan was bigger and more sinister, it was still basically about land...if they would have changed the plot from Lex growing N.K. for land, to him growing it to get weapons, it would have been waaay better IMHO. That way he could have created Lex-corp.
I would have loved to have seen Lex be the head of LexCorp in SR. So, when Superman returns from his trip not only does he see Lex out of jail but also as the head of a billion dollar company. It would have been nice to see how Superman would have handled that. Plus, they probably then could have worked in Metallo as well.
GreenKToo said:
while I did like the movie,I would be lying if I said I liked spacey's Lex.I wanted to see the Lex-corp Lex.
Same here.
Yes, this is my view too. Sadly, Lex's attempt to kill billions and destroy the world in SR means he will now never get the credibility to set up a company as he'll always be a wanted criminal. The only way he could do is would be to be a 'silent partner' or the secret founder of a company which had someone else as its public face. That would work. A company that used kryptonian technology would be good, except the crystals are in space.
I dont necessarily want to see Lexcorp, but I want to see Lex somehow clear his ties to the New Krypton disaster and try to pin it on Superman and turn the public against the Man of Steel, while trying to win them himself.

And just when things are going great for Lex, Brainiac effs him over.
I didn't find him at all menacing as a villain. And having a campy female side kick certainly didn't help the situation.

Luthor was very disappointing to me. One of the worst aspects of the movie, and there was many.
I liked Lex, except for making the whole New Krypton thing into a land scheme. It could have been about something bigger and more meaningful than real estate. Things were going in that direction till he revealed his plan to Lois. It was like they were building it up to something big and the all the sudden "gotcha!".
I don't see why the land scheme is so repulsive to people around here. It's something that businessman Lex would do, land IS a very profitable business in the real world and I think Lex Luthor's plan in Superman: The Movie was genius, and if handled correctly his plan in SR would've been even better, but they didn't explore its full potential.

Marv Wolfman, who invented businessman Lex, based the character on Donner's Lex. He also planned for businessman Luthor to develop into a full-blown supervillain (with green and purple battlesuit) over time.

The only thing about SR Lex that I was disappointed in was that he was just there, didn't seem to be a real character.
I thought John Byrne created businessman Lex.
I think it's wrong to think that Spacey lex is good because he would be based on Donner and Comics lex too. Even if it's true that comicbook Lexcorp Lex has been based on Donner's Lex, they have been based totally differently. One can't compare the two of them.
I agree with you "land is a very profitable business" but not in the cheesy way of the movie. And come on, because it's profitable doesn't make it the unique way (nor the best) to make money.
I thought John Byrne created businessman Lex.
Marv Wolfman did, John Byrne just wrote it into the comics.
I think it's wrong to think that Spacey lex is good because he would be based on Donner and Comics lex too.
Good, because I didn't say that.
Even if it's true that comicbook Lexcorp Lex has been based on Donner's Lex, they have been based totally differently. One can't compare the two of them.
Why not? They both hate Superman. They are both bald. They both get other people to do work for them. They both aren't hesitant to kill people who stand in their way. One has just got a more animatedcharacter than the other, and for some reason people think that ruins the character.
I agree with you "land is a very profitable business" but not in the cheesy way of the movie.
How is it cheesy? It is no more cheesy than any other superhero plot (In fact, less cheesy because it has some basis in reality, land would give you more power than being able to fly) I think your real problem with it is that it wasn't the Luthor you wanted, and any other version of Luthor is 'cheesy', which is a lot of peoples problem around here.
And come on, because it's profitable doesn't make it the unique way (nor the best) to make money.
Of course not, but just because there are other ways doesn't mean this way can't be used. Again, the only reason you think there is something wrong with it is because you don't like it.
wow! I didn't read your answer! what a lot of aggressivity! calm down bud.
My point was that I tried to explained things from a "objectiv" point of view, not my personal opinion at all. Maybe you consider everything you think as "just opinion", not me. I have my own opinion and I have things I try to say in the most objectiv way. That was the case here.
After seeing Lex in Superman.TM why on earth would they bring him back as a solo villain. We should have moved beyond that. Im cool with seeing Lex and I was looking forward to seeing a revamped darker more sinister version but this is what we got. His own sidekick girlfriend didnt have respect for him. He should have been so intimidating it put fear in her heart. and at the least hint of disrespect it should have over and done for her. There should have been another villain in this movie to along side Lex. A real physical threat for Superman while lex was the psycological threat. The least thing they should have did was show the capabilities of the crystals with weapons.
When they did the reboot in the comics, Lex was a captain of industry, and it is canon post crisis that he always was. Pre-crisis, he was a villian. Someone who hijacks two nuclear missles and changes their trajectory to sink California, and one of them actually succeeds in making it's target, starting an earthquake that caused billions in property damages and killed a lot of people could never ever clear himself. O.J. Simpson allegedly killed two people and that guy can't take a sump without showing up on the news and being ridiculed by the public. So if Singer decides to make Luthor a catpain of industry in the sequel, good luck. Now he has two strikes against him that he can never recover from. Singer just dug himself into such a deep hole that he can't get Luthor out of it believably.
If I remember right, Superman did reverse time in STM. Most of the damage by the second missile was probably never done.
Nope. The damage still happened. Lois was talking about being in the earthquake. Jimmy came up to them and told about rocks falling everywhere and thanked Superman for abandoning him in the middle of nowhere. So everything happened up to the part before the fissure swallowed Lois' Car when she was trying to start it. And Lex went to jail for hijacking the nukes and sending one into California. Both versions of S2 state it and Donner's cut starts with the chief reading the newspaper of him going to jail for it. Even if we went with the Donner cut of 2, he only went back to the point at the start of S2 as Clark and Jimmy still have the conversation about the new camera, replacing the old from STM.
I would have loved to have seen Lex be the head of LexCorp in SR. So, when Superman returns from his trip not only does he see Lex out of jail but also as the head of a billion dollar company. It would have been nice to see how Superman would have handled that. Plus, they probably then could have worked in Metallo as well.
This too is what I expected to see after hearing about a more "vengeful Lex" early on into the production. Lexcorp and some sort of adaptation of Birthright's second half would've been amazing for the return of Supes to the big-screen.
This too is what I expected to see after hearing about a more "vengeful Lex" early on into the production. Lexcorp and some sort of adaptation of Birthright's second half would've been amazing for the return of Supes to the big-screen.
And Kevin Spacey would have been legendary playing the part. The potential was there as I thought we would get that kind of Luther this time. It just wasnt meant to be. Whats next the return of Gus Gorman played by Chris Tucker. I wouldnt put it past Singer.
I loved Spacey's Lex, but wish it had been the rich, successful business Lex.
You guys are right, the Spacey Lex wasn't exactly like the character in the comicbooks you've read and must therefore suck.
The one thing? Too funny.

Like the movie or not, I can't imagine anyone who thought Lex in SR was what they had hoped for. What could you possibly have thought was exceptional? They way he interacted with his goons, his cheesy dialogue, his Century 21 evil plan, his rise to power by sexing up an old woman who was dying.

I can understand someone liking the movie as a whole. Maybe they loved Superman or Clark or maybe Lois and Clark's relationship, maybe the "action", but I could never understand how anyone could have loved Lex. I can just barely understand how someone could be indifferent.
hmmm, well I doubt singer would ever consider it, but he could do the next film like a graphic novel, a stand alone film if you will, ignoring the last film.
hmmm, well I doubt singer would ever consider it, but he could do the next film like a graphic novel, a stand alone film if you will, ignoring the last film.
How much can we continue to ignore?
I could be off here, but my belief is that the land scheme in STM was something of a hobby for Luthor. Pretty sure that a sort of "LexCorp / LuthorCorp"( tho not the exact name) financial network was established for the character in STM, and that was Luthor's prime source of wealth and power.

By the way the land scam in STM was ingeniously clever. An already enormously wealthy and powerful Luthor is surreptitiously buying millions of acres of worthless desert, that alone hints at quite a complicated network of un-witting employees of "LuthorCorp". Then what appears to a horrifically tragic nuclear accident transforms desert, at the cost of countless hundreds of thousands of lives, into oceanfront properties, all owned legally, but covertly by Lex Luthor! Luthor in STM was an evil genius par ecxellance!

Luthor in SR was a low life gigalo, who garnered wealth by conning an old dying woman. That simply is not the way of any Lex Luthor I know.

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