ChrisBaleBatman said:
Well, I think it follows the leads there are.
Batman isn't, being a detective AND a scientist.....he might not even believe in God actually.
There is no way Batman can deny the existence of God.
1. The Spectre and Zauriel are agents of the Judeo-Christian God.
2. Wonder Woman is the champion of Athena, the goddess of wisdom, and is submerged into Greek mythology
3. Wonder Girl is the champion of Ares, the god of war
4. Troia was once part of the Titans of Myth and married to Coeus the Titan of the Moon
5. Captain Marvel obtains his strength from the Greco-Roman gods: Hercules the once demigod turned god of strength, Atlas the Titan, Zeus the king of the gods, and Mercury the messenger god.
6. Hawkman and Hawkgirl have connections to Egyptian mythology
7. Ragman's costume contains dead souls.
8. Green Arrow and Barry Allen have been/are in Heaven
9. Etrigan/Jason Blood is involved with Hell
10. Deadman is involved with the Hindu goddess: Rama Kushna
Batman's beliefs can be simplified into that he does beleive in the gods but he doesn't worship any of them. It's impossible to be athiest in the DCU or Marvel Universe for that matter. Unless you're Mr. Terrific, whose athiesm seems to be more of a childish denial than actual disbelief.