Chapter Ten
I didnt need to use my costume for the rest of the school year, but I still wore it under my suit anyway. Just in case.
Before me or my friends knew it, it was the last day of school; classes had officially ended and finals had been taken. This last day was only a formality, where students pretty much just spent the day talking or watching movies. This wasnt the case for World History first period.
Mr. Tanner said, Instead of doing nothing, Im gonna teach you one last thing.
The whole class, myself included, groaned.
Calm down, Mr. Tanner droned. Today we will discuss my favorite topic: the Spartan Warriors of ancient Greece.
As Mr. Tanner discussed how the Spartans were trained from children into the greatest warriors ever to live, I sat fascinated.
During last period math, I was talking to Briana, grateful that Jason wasnt here. I noticed that she was a little distant from me, and before I could ask her why my sixth sense went off, but I didnt know why until the fire alarm rang. Looking at the clock with five minutes left, I doubted this was a drill.
The teacher, Mrs. Grend, evacuated us onto the field, as was protocol. There, Briana and I met up with Leon, then Jason, and finally Jackson, after minutes of bustling through kindergartners from the conjoined Kindergarten Center.
As my friends discussed all the possibilities of what could have happened, I stared at the burning building sadly, though I wasnt sure why. Jackson must have noticed this, as he came to me and said, Theres nothing you can do.
Nodding and accepting this, I heard a police officer saying that theres a little girl unaccounted for, and that theyve alerted her parents.
Alarmed, I looked at Jackson, who without asking knows what happened. Ill cover for you if Briana asks, he swore.
Nodding my thanks, I ran to a place I could change-and alley across the street. Running down that alley, I ripped off my clothes to reveal the costume and leaped onto a wall, crawling to a rooftop. I leaped across the street to a rooftop that directly faced the school. Looking for a way to get inside, I found a window. Unfortunately, the whole area was surrounded by cops.
I shot a web and swung on it to the window, hearing astonished cries as I passed. Not letting it get to my head, I used my concussive heat vision blasts to destroy the window, and I landed inside the burning building.
I tried listening for the girl, but couldnt hear her. Either my hearing wasnt yet honed enough to hear her or she was being kept silent. Either way, I ran through the flames and searched each classroom for her, to no avail.
As I made my way to the second floor, I heard a cry for help coming from what I thought was the boiler room, followed by a familiar voice silencing that cry.
Eyes glowing, I darted to the boiler room, where I found Jeff Wyners holding the little girl at gunpoint with a snub nosed pistol. When he saw me, he grinned darkly.
Good, you showed up, he said.
What are you doing here, Wyners? I asked. You were expelled, and sent to juvey.
I was let out, he explained. Good behavior and all that.
I doubt that, I snorted.
Youre right, that was just the official excuse they gave for letting me out. No, a person that shall remain unnamed set me free. He was very interested in you. He gave me the means to do all this (Jeff motioned to the burning building). All this, just to get my revenge on you.
Huh, I said. Youre insane, by the way. Just thought I should let you know.
Angered at my accurate assessment, he shot me repeatedly. I dodged all the shots before appearing directly in front of Jeff. I yanked the gun away from him, rolled it into a ball, and threw it at his head, knocking him out.
As he fell, I went to the little girl. She was black, had glasses, and wore her dark hair in pigtails. I kneeled in front of her. Hey, I said gently. Its gonna be okay, but only if youll come with me. Will you come with me?
She nodded, and I threw her on my back. As I went to leave, I contemplated leaving Jeff there, but realized that that decision wasnt mine to make. I hefted him under my armpit and told the little girl to hold on before running out of the building.
As I ran, I noticed with alarm that the flames were growing and spreading rapidly. Willing my body to go faster, I reached the window I entered it just as the building exploded, sending me and my cartel of sorts flying wildly in the air.
Somehow, I took control of myself long enough to attach a webline to a tree, and land safely.
A bald cop with a straight nose and friendly eyes approached me, a man and a woman in tow. I noticed the woman looked like the girl I had saved, and realized it was her mother and father. I handed her to them, and they thanked me profusely.
That was a damn good thing you did there, the cop said. Im impressed.
Thanks, I said, looking for my friends.
Im Sergeant Raphael Mendoza, the cop introduced himself as, extending his hand, which I shook. Before I could introduce myself as
, the fat principal Mr. Norman bounced over.
I demand you arrest this man at once, Officer! Mr. Norman spat.
For what? Sergeant Mendoza asked, shocked.
For crimes against the school!
You made that charge up, fat ass, I chirped.
That he did, Mendoza said to me before turning to Mr. Norman. You also fail to realize that this person just saved the life of a little girl, as well as brought her captor to justice.
It was at that point I remembered Wyners was still under my armpit, so I carelessly dropped him on the concrete.
Hes a hero, Mendoza concluded, causing my principal to blather incomprehensibly.
Well, thanks
Sarge, I said, getting ready to leave. But before I did, I turned to Mr. Norman and flipped him off before running away.
When I was done changing back into my street clothes, I met up with my friends. Briana asked me, Where the hell were you?
Jackson whispered, Bathroom, so I said, Taking a leak.
Rolling her eyes, Briana walked away. Leon went to follow her, but not before saying to me, You should have listened to me.
Confused, I asked Jason and Jackson what he meant. Well, Jason began, ever since you got your powers, youve become cocky, arrogant, and immature.
Its true, Jackson confirmed.
Looking back on the past six months, I realized my friends were right. I remembered a lot of the times Briana and me were together, and saw I was acting like Jason, but worse.
Theres something else, Jason continued. Something concerning what just happened: When you returned, you looked exhilarated. Like you enjoyed playing the hero.