The Walking Dead

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i just started (at issue 14) but like what i'm reading so far...gotta get some back issues
Been a loyal Walking Dead reader since issue #5, and every issue has been great!
read the first trade and loved it, then i picked up the second trade and i think the book went to ****. The art is just terrible now, and even the writting seems to be stretching to make another comic.
Zombies. The art in teh second arc is no where near as good as the first, but the writing is still great. :up:
is it related in any way to 30 days of night?
This is an official bump and an official declaration that this is now the Official Walking Dead Thread. Officially.
I wish the artist from the first book would come back. I like th eart in the other two, but I find it was easier to tell characters apart in the first book.

Still, an amazing read. Does anyone know when the next trade will be released?
mmm, I think they're only three issues away from the end of the last volume, so a couple of months at least
I love this book. I really do. Maybe even more than Invincible.
This is one addicting book, I bought the first trade at work because it was like $11 and it was zombies bought it loved went out and found the second right when I finish it I order the 3rd. I will agree that I'm not to crazy about the second artist but the story itself makes up for it by alot. I will defiantly be reading this until it ends.

I do need some help though does anyone know what issue number the third trade leaves off on? I would like to just start buying the issues from now on.
whenever you need to know that, just look in the indicia, which is the small print paragraph of legal text in the first couple of pages of a book. For a trade paperback, it will usually say "originally published in monthly format as XXXX #X-X" so that will tell you

I'm pretty sure it's issue 18, but you need to learn this
I think "The Walking Dead" would make an AMAZING HBO would be filmed with the gritty camera of "Band of Brothers" and follow the team, as they go through America...

Wouldn't that be amazing? And the script could almost stay word-for-word!

(Luke Perry for officer Rick Grimes?)
Elijya said:
whenever you need to know that, just look in the indicia, which is the small print paragraph of legal text in the first couple of pages of a book. For a trade paperback, it will usually say "originally published in monthly format as XXXX #X-X" so that will tell you

I'm pretty sure it's issue 18, but you need to learn this
you are correct, the sad thing is I saw that in a trade paperback the other day and didn't even think to check walking dead.
I've just read the first trade, and its really very impressive stuff. The art style was very gritty, completely suiting the style of the book imo.
How big of a change is the art in the next arcs/trades?
Kirkman gives me a handjob for each of his comics I push...
This book is one of the best things I have read in a while that is'nt super hero related. I get the same feeling reading it as I did reading Y the last man, and it has a way of actually making you care for the people involved.
The Watchman said:
Kirkman gives me a handjob for each of his comics I push...
Yeah, well he gives me a rim job so eat it. :mad:

I've read the first two trades and it really is a great series. I agree they should make this into an HBO series.
Battle Pope ain't to shabby either. :up:
You guys should also check out Tech Jacket. That was another great book from Kirkman.
I picked up the first trade over the weekend. It's enjoyable read, but I'm waiting for it to get better.
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