Thoughts on Moon Knight?


Feb 16, 2004
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I always thought the costume and name were kinda cool, so I'm thinking of picking up the Essential Moon Knight, though I don't really know anything about him. I browsed Wikipedia but the entry seemed kinda vague.

Someone also said he has a new series out. If so, has anyone read it?
I've seen the new Moonknight series at my local comic shop, but I haven't picked it up because I don't know much about the guy, and I buy a fixed number of comics. But with the Doc Samson and Daughters of the Dragon minis coming to an end, I might be able to squeeze Moonknight onto my "to buy" list.

So to repeat Sundancer, anyone read it? Is it any good?
I picked up #1 and I think the series is going to be quite good. The artwork is phenomenal! I remember Moon Knight from when I read Defenders back in the day but I know little else about the character. Issue #1 is a good set up and I'm definitely on board for the duration.
The art is excellent, this is Finch's kinda stuff. The first issue is kinda dialogue lite, but it talks about him being a West Coast Avenger, and why he does what he does.

I thought it was a great read.
I read the first couple of v.1 issues, and they werent too good, though not bad either. The guy seems like a generic Batman.
He is definatley a Batman rip-off lol. He has the gadgets, the mansion, the money, and uses fear to intimidate his enemies.
Ok Moon Knight is my second favorite hero behid Spider-man.Trust when I say he is not a batman rip-off.Batman's motives are to instill fear into criminals because of what happened to his parents.He wears dark colors so he won't be seen.Batman uses several different technologies to fight Crime.Yes they both own mansions But Moon knight does not have a cave under it or anything like that.Yes there both night characters both Moon Knight wears White on purpose so that the criminals can see him unlike batman who doesn't want to be seen.Moon knight also had three personalities in the forms of steven grant the millionaire,Jake lockly the cabbie and Marc Spector the merc.Unlike Batman who doesn't believe in killing, Moon Knight use to make a living on it.Many have believed to be insane cause of his mutiple personalities and his belief in Konshu the egyptian god of vegeance.He believes konshu ressurrected him and put him on the path to redeem himself and moon knight fasioned his costume after konshu.Moon knight was married unlike batman.So I hope this cleared things up.
He is Mac Spector, though, right? There's no three secet identities or anything?
rigel7soldiers said:
He is Mac Spector, though, right? There's no three secet identities or anything?

Mostly so far yes. That could all change.
I just picked up #1 and #2 and I think it's looking very promising. Things talked about

His faith in Konshu instead of himself

His low level comparision to other heros and how they see him.

His costume--a night avenger wearing white

Relationship to some of his colleagues (Crawley)

They should be fitting more text in, given what comics cost now, but it's worthy stuff so far.

If your curiosity is piqued, get it.
In case you all didn't already hear this:

He may be making an appearance in the new Blade TV series that premieres this month (this is from the Wizard World Philly Blade Panel). Apparently Spector's name is dropped in the show's trailer...
Are you serious?That would be Awesome.Intrest in Moon knight has really been up with the essential vol.,The new series and #1 debuting at #6 in the charts.An him being in the blade tv show might catapult him even futher.Which I really wouldn't mind at all.
I was picking it up, but he ripped a guy's skin off his face. Thats a little too graphic for my taste.
Artistsean said:
I was picking it up, but he ripped a guy's skin off his face. Thats a little too graphic for my taste.
No, man. He methodically sliced it off w/one of his crescent throwing thingies. And that's where comparisons between MK and Batman end.

Maybe I'm sick but I loved it. :up:
It has been incredibly brutal thus far.

Kinda surprised it wasn't shifted to MAX actually.
Or at least Marvel Knights. Yeah, I was a little shocked at his cutting the dude's face off, and then another preview shows him shoving a knife in someone's mouth and out through his cheek. I'll stick with it through the first arc probably and go from there. The first issue just blew me away, and Finch's art has me hooked.
demento said:
In case you all didn't already hear this:

He may be making an appearance in the new Blade TV series that premieres this month (this is from the Wizard World Philly Blade Panel). Apparently Spector's name is dropped in the show's trailer...

Holy crap this would be awesome.
demento said:
No, man. He methodically sliced it off w/one of his crescent throwing thingies. And that's where comparisons between MK and Batman end.

Maybe I'm sick but I loved it. :up:

Really? Sic why did he do that?
RAMORE said:
Really? Sic why did he do that?
His inner monologue goes on about "wiping the smile" off of Bushman's face and then he sorta offers it up as a tribute to Konshu. This is after the two of them fell off of a roof, destroying MK's knees and crippling him. He was more than a little out of his head...
Might drop it soon depending on the story.
He sounds like a cool character, a Batman with multiple personalities, and the art is good too, its just too bad its so gory.
demento said:
His inner monologue goes on about "wiping the smile" off of Bushman's face and then he sorta offers it up as a tribute to Konshu. This is after the two of them fell off of a roof, destroying MK's knees and crippling him. He was more than a little out of his head...

Oh i seemed to have missed that one. So let me get this he's crippled laying on the ground bushman is knocked out and he crawls over and slices his face off? then how does he get away?
RAMORE said:
Oh i seemed to have missed that one. So let me get this he's crippled laying on the ground bushman is knocked out and he crawls over and slices his face off? then how does he get away?

Ok, here's the play-by-play after the fall off of the rooftop:

Bushman manages to get to his feet and is still coming at MK, who hits him with a few well-placed crescent darts to the throat. He makes one more lunge and literally takes a bite out of MK's face. MK (still on the pavement) clocks him w/a hard left either knocking Bushman out or finally killing him (it's not really clear which) and then he performs the 'face-lift'.

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