Comics Time to cash out...


May 25, 2006
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I flipped through Brand New Day after being completely disgusted with One More Day. I have to say I wasn't impressed at all. I've reached the point where I just don't like reading Spider-Man anymore. So, I've decided to cash out. My collection is being put up for sale. I have a nearly complete ASM and complete Spectacular, Web and Sensational runs. I'm selling the Spectacular, Web and Sensationals as complete sets, but if anyone has particular ASM back issues they want, PM me with your list and I'll reply with condition and price. If anyone is interested in the other titles as complete sets, PM as well. Sad to say, but it's time for me to move on to other interests.
selling everything just cause you didnt like the latest is stupid as s**t. I hated OMD, but I'm not gonna sell all my back issues in a big hissy fit cause of it. That's not hurting anyone but yourself.
selling everything just cause you didnt like the latest is stupid as s**t. I hated OMD, but I'm not gonna sell all my back issues in a big hissy fit cause of it. That's not hurting anyone but yourself.

I'm not selling in a hissy fit. I've been getting bored with comics in general but Spider-Man in particular the past couple of years. I'm sitting on about 10 grand of four colors and it's just about time to sell. I don't see how that's hurting me. I get cash for something that's been sitting in storage, (individually bagged and boarded in long boxes for those who may be interested ;-) ) doing nothing for me but taking up space and someone whose maybe been looking for a hard to find issue to fill a hole in their collection gets what they want at a decent price. Seems like a win-win to me.

You may disagree with that, but that's your opinion, to which you are entitled. I've just simply lost the enjoyment of reading comics and would rather put the money to better use.
Can you guess where it came from?

I don't remember the issue, and I may be paraphrasing, but it was something like:

"Oh Aunt May, you're such a pussywillow!"

One of the most unintentionally funny things I've read in a comic. :woot:
I don't remember the issue, and I may be paraphrasing, but it was something like:

"Oh Aunt May, you're such a pussywillow!"

One of the most unintentionally funny things I've read in a comic. :woot:

Not quite, but you get points for a really good effort!

Actually it's the title to one of my favorite Jethro Tull songs. Didn't have anything to do with Spidey! :cwink:
Actually, I believe "pussywillow" was Aunt May's accidental distortion of the popular term "pussycat." (Popular in the 60s that is.)

Instead of saying, "What's new pussycat?" Aunt May would say, "What's new pussywillow?"
Do you have an original Amazing Fantasy #15?

That's all I need...

I'm not selling in a hissy fit. I've been getting bored with comics in general but Spider-Man in particular the past couple of years. I'm sitting on about 10 grand of four colors and it's just about time to sell. I don't see how that's hurting me. I get cash for something that's been sitting in storage, (individually bagged and boarded in long boxes for those who may be interested ;-) ) doing nothing for me but taking up space and someone whose maybe been looking for a hard to find issue to fill a hole in their collection gets what they want at a decent price. Seems like a win-win to me.

You may disagree with that, but that's your opinion, to which you are entitled. I've just simply lost the enjoyment of reading comics and would rather put the money to better use.

yes, sell it all now cause you disagreed with the one arc, and yes, this is a knee jerk reaction, dont deny it...or do the smart thing, get everything CGG graded (if you already havent) and store it away for either a rainy day or retirement like a sane, sensible person would do in this day in age.
I'm surprised at the people who are just know chosing to abandon Spidey. I mean you would think that maybe the Clone Saga would have been enough to push them over the edge. You know, the story that said Peter Parker was a clone and then had someone else take over as Spidey for a while. And actually did mess with continuity.


Well what about maybe the The Other. When Peter Parker "died" and was reborn mutated with stingers that protruded from his wrists and a penchant for biting villains heads off.

Really, you still kept reading after that? Wow.
I'm not selling in a hissy fit. I've been getting bored with comics in general but Spider-Man in particular the past couple of years. I'm sitting on about 10 grand of four colors and it's just about time to sell. I don't see how that's hurting me. I get cash for something that's been sitting in storage, (individually bagged and boarded in long boxes for those who may be interested ;-) ) doing nothing for me but taking up space and someone whose maybe been looking for a hard to find issue to fill a hole in their collection gets what they want at a decent price. Seems like a win-win to me.

You may disagree with that, but that's your opinion, to which you are entitled. I've just simply lost the enjoyment of reading comics and would rather put the money to better use.

Yeah, and if you wait another five years those comics will be worth a lot more. And if you wait another ten years they'll be worth even more. So, yeah, it does sound like another knee jerk reaction to a bad storyline.

Or you are one of those people that think that Joe Quesada and people at Marvel read these message boards actually caring about what you think or say, haha.

What types of conditions are your older issues in? Like say...from Amazing Spider-Man # 50 to # 200...are they mint? Because if they aren't mint, near mint, or fine condition I wouldn't even be interested. And what are your prices?
I flipped through Brand New Day after being completely disgusted with One More Day. I have to say I wasn't impressed at all. I've reached the point where I just don't like reading Spider-Man anymore. So, I've decided to cash out. My collection is being put up for sale. I have a nearly complete ASM and complete Spectacular, Web and Sensational runs. I'm selling the Spectacular, Web and Sensationals as complete sets, but if anyone has particular ASM back issues they want, PM me with your list and I'll reply with condition and price. If anyone is interested in the other titles as complete sets, PM as well. Sad to say, but it's time for me to move on to other interests.

I flipped through Brand New Day after being completely disgusted with One More Day. I have to say I wasn't impressed at all. I've reached the point where I just don't like reading Spider-Man anymore. So, I've decided to cash out. My collection is being put up for sale. I have a nearly complete ASM and complete Spectacular, Web and Sensational runs. I'm selling the Spectacular, Web and Sensationals as complete sets, but if anyone has particular ASM back issues they want, PM me with your list and I'll reply with condition and price. If anyone is interested in the other titles as complete sets, PM as well. Sad to say, but it's time for me to move on to other interests.

sell them on ebay or hold on to them awhile, you get much from here
collecting is only fun when you still believe the collection is worth something.

If it's being stored for the sake of it and you get no more joy reading new stuff, then pass them on to someone else who may get something out of them.
Yeah, and if you wait another five years those comics will be worth a lot more. And if you wait another ten years they'll be worth even more. So, yeah, it does sound like another knee jerk reaction to a bad storyline.

Or you are one of those people that think that Joe Quesada and people at Marvel read these message boards actually caring about what you think or say, haha.

What types of conditions are your older issues in? Like say...from Amazing Spider-Man # 50 to # 200...are they mint? Because if they aren't mint, near mint, or fine condition I wouldn't even be interested. And what are your prices?

And wait another 10 and they'll be worth more and another ten after that. You could keep that going forever. Conversely, I could die tomorrow and what good would they do me then?

I couldn't give a rat's *** what Joe Q or anyone at Marvel thinks or whether they read these boards or not. Doesn't matter to me either way.

It's mighty presumptuous to think that I'm selling these because of how much I disliked one more day. That is not the case. About seven years ago, I sold off several thousand comics I had been collecting because I lost interest in the books. I kept my spider-man and iron man collection sbecause I was still interested in reading the new issues and wanted to continue building the complete collection. Everything else was gone because I didn't care about them; Daredevil, FF, Avengers, my entire DC collection, and on and on. I have been losing interest in the two remaining characters for some time now and the interest is simply gone. I don't know why that's so hard for you to understand or accept, though frankly, it doesn't matter to me one bit whether you do or not. My motives are my own and if you don't agree with them, well, I'm sure I'll survive.

As for condition, the bulk are in F- or better with some in the VG range and a handful in G. I have been buying comics since the late 70s and for years the comics were stored unbagged in cardboard boxes, (after all, what does an 8 year old know or care about polyethylene bags,) so they are in great shape, but not pristine as they would be if they had been bagged from the start. In the mid 80s, I started bagging everything and boarding select titles, some of which were the various spider-mans. I always bought the best condition older issues I could afford. Some of the lower grades I have were simply all that was available in my price range or were so hard to find, I took the first ones I found with the intention of upgrading to higher quality as I found them. My prices will certainly be better than any internet comic shop. The most recent overstreet guide I have is from 2005 and I'll work with that to determine prices. I'll check the value from the book based on grade and deduct a percentage so the cost would be below 2005 book value. I hope that answers your question.
collecting is only fun when you still believe the collection is worth something.

If it's being stored for the sake of it and you get no more joy reading new stuff, then pass them on to someone else who may get something out of them.

Very true.
For me Spidey still rules

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