I see that some folk are putting extreme adult films in, like Goodfellas and Clockwork Orange, I don't know, that kind of defeats the purpose of the thread imo, because if you are specifying movies your kids should watch, well, surely it should be more along the lines of movies that are suitable for their age group? As in...movies you would want to sit down and watch with them when they are still children?
Sure, maybe you'd want to push it with some action films that have swearing in them, like Die Hard, maybe even Robocop...but Clockwork Orange and Goodfellas...I don't think those are the kind of films that should be on a list like this, just my opinion, haha.
Anyway, just off the top of my head, these are the kind of films I'd want to sit and watch with my kids, just like i used to with my nephew when he was growing up...
Basically, i would want to be sitting watching films with my kids asap, as soon as they could comprehend wth is going on in an intelligent piece of television, so these are the ones i'd want to put on when they were aged 5 and up...
1. all the Star Wars films, to be watched in the order of IV, V, I, II, III, VI...yes, no matter how much they cry, I am gonna force them, haha, to watch the prequels as a flashback after the reveal of Vader's ID in ep V, a long wait before getting to the cliffhanger of Han Solo being rescued. I don't care what their mum says, that is the way we are gonna watch em, I'm putting my foot down, the foot has spoken, haha.
2. the Spider-man trilogy
3. All the Batman films, start them off with Batman Forever when they are wee little tykes, then the 66 film, then the Nolan films, if they are ready for them. Burtons last as they are a bit messed up and boring, and then Batman and Robin, but they will probably get bored with it. That is what happened when I put on B&R for two of my young nephews, they also got bored with Batman Begins, they were a bit too young for it to appreciate it I think.
4. The X-Men franchise. Start them off with the Singer/Ratner films, then FC and Wolverine films. Mum can have a say in this one, if she thinks they would be better off seeing Fc first, but I am putting my foot down about that SW order.
5. Superman the movie and Superman II. We will watch Superman III when they start drinking, and Superman IV when they start taking drugs.
6. Indiana Jones. watch them in the order of release, no farting about with the chronology of ToD occuring first.
7. Matrix Trilogy.
8. Little Big Man
9. Signs
10. Gregory's Girl
11. the Blues Brothers
12. Planes, Trains and Automobiles
13. The best Marx Bros movies...Monkey Business, Duck Soup, NATO, Day at the Races, Horse Feathers...
14. Silent running
15. Stir Crazy
16. Ghostbusters
17. The Marvel stdio shared universe stuff
18. Alien - as long as they don't get too scared, i loved seeing this film when i was wee
19. Marathon Man - another film that hit a chord with me when I was wee, hopefully it will not put them off going to the dentists, a chance i am willing to take to see if they loved it at that age as much as I. they are going to the dentists anyway or else they are not going on any school trips, or getting any sweets.
20. The Iron Giant
21. The Pixar films
22. Gremlins - i wanted to see this film like crazy when it was released but i was too young, I had to ask my sister to describe it to me when she got back from the flicks, and she actually did a really good job of describing the whole movie for me. So i am letting my kids see it no problem, I don't think it is too scary.
23. Unbreakable - maybe, the end scene might be a bit too much for them.
24. The Dead Zone - give them another serious grown up superhero type film, although, i might tell them to look away when that dude headbutts the scissors, don't want to put them off the barbers, although i might improve my own barber skills by cutting their hair myself anyway, haha.
25. Scott Pilgrim - Gregory's Girl is a nice film to show them the beginnings of romantic relationships, good because it is set in a school, and this one is another to show them this important aspect of life in a manner that will be especially entertaining to them.