Top 10 Giant Movie Monsters

Man, I loved Reptilicus as a kid! And I couldn't remember his name, just that green stuff he vomits!

Good to see [blackout]Kong[/blackout] over [blackout]Godzilla[/blackout] again...
Interesting choice for #1 ...

But the film does have it's moments. Especially the one scene where some teen hot rodders are yelling at another car, "Hey daddy-O, get that tin can off the road," right before getting swept up. :woot:

After the success of King Kong and Cloverfeild giant monsters are probably going to be seen a lot. Maybe they'll remake "The Beast from 20,000 Fathoms"
What in the heck did you not like in Cloverfield?:wow:

the terrible, nauseating camera work, the unlikeable *****ebag characters, the laughable dialog, the non-existent story, the 60-something minute runtime... should i go on?

the only good think was the monster... that we got to see for a grand total of about 52 seconds, and even then, not very clearly.

that's why "Clover" isn't on that list. because a few weeks after the movie is out, no one knows what it even looks like, where it's from, what it's story is, etc.
It was would be a much shorter list if we did what I liked about it.
Special effects were great, especially considering that the camera ran in one long shot from time-to-time with many different things and effects going on (I don't think that's been done before in the movies), the monster looked cool, even in the scenes that you could barley see the monster, it was cool what you did see, the action kept moving, original idea for a big disaster movie with the moving camera, the list goes on and on.

Man, oh, man,............:csad: :cmad:
the terrible, nauseating camera work, the unlikeable *****ebag characters, the laughable dialog, the non-existent story, the 60-something minute runtime... should i go on?

the only good think was the monster... that we got to see for a grand total of about 52 seconds, and even then, not very clearly.

that's why "Clover" isn't on that list. because a few weeks after the movie is out, no one knows what it even looks like, where it's from, what it's story is, etc.
The camera work was original for this type of movie, and created realism, characters were just regular every day people, not trying to 'overact' to the point of 'they would never act like this if it was real,' the dialog made sense for this type of situation (and all that screaming, yeah, I'm sure you would hear alot of that if a thing like this really happened), the story was simple yet neat for this type of movie, trying to rescue and survive a monster attack, if anything, I found the movie to be too short (though, I think it actually was a perfect time, not too long, not too short)............

And the creature was very visible at one time and in fact, also at other times in the city, I'd say at least twice......

Cloverfield will be etched in eternal stone because it's a............

.............Great movie. :up:
The camera work was original for this type of movie, and created realism, characters were just regular every day people, not trying to 'overact' to the point of 'they would never act like this if it was real,' the dialog made sense for this type of situation (and all that screaming, yeah, I'm sure you would hear alot of that if a thing like this really happened), the story was simple yet neat for this type of movie, trying to rescue and survive a monster attack, if anything, I found the movie to be too short (though, I think it actually was a perfect time, not too long, not too short)............

And the creature was very visible at one time and in fact, also at other times in the city, I'd say at least twice......

Cloverfield will be etched in eternal stone because it's a............

.............Great movie. :up:

yeah, yeah, we get it... the movie was original and different. so is gwen stefani. that doesn't make her any good.

this movie is an internet fad. it won't be spoken of within the next few months.
yeah, yeah, we get it... the movie was original and different. so is gwen stefani. that doesn't make her any good.

this movie is an internet fad. it won't be spoken of within the next few months.
But that's just it. This movie is GOOD!

And forever remembered.
yeah, yeah, we get it... the movie was original and different. so is gwen stefani. that doesn't make her any good.

this movie is an internet fad. it won't be spoken of within the next few months.

How did you just compare Gwen Stefani to Cloverfield?
BTW Mr credible, get over it. Ok, you don't like this movie, and tons of people do. Just let it go. It's getting fricking annoying seeing you whine about it.

I like Godzilla, but Cloverfield is better (and the best).

Cloverfield shouldn't be in the same list as King Kong, Godzilla, and the Beast. I mean, yeah Cloverfield was a good movie, but the monster showed no emotion. You didn't feel for the monster when it gets attacked, unlike King Kong or any other monster on that list.

Respect the classics, man!
the terrible, nauseating camera work, the unlikeable *****ebag characters, the laughable dialog, the non-existent story, the 60-something minute runtime... should i go on?


1. Don't blame the camera work for your inablity to hold in your own popcorn. Did you not see the trailers for this movie? It made it pretty clear that this was a hand-held camera/documentary type of movie, hence shaky camera work.

2. Because you cannot relate to this characters is your own fault buddy. I for one could relate each character to my own friends.

3. Where in the movie was the dialogue (yes, it's in fact spelled with a "ue" at the end genius) laughable? Was it maybe when Rob had to tell his mother that Jason died? Oh yes, I found that part histerical.

4. A monster attacks New york City. Rob goes after the love of his life because thats all he cares about, no matter what the risk is. Yeah, that's totally non-existent.

5. What could have happened in this movie to not make the story drag on? The length was Perfect for this movie. Yes, I used a capital "P".
I think the people that violently HATE Cloverfield missed the whole point of what it was. If you went in expecting Godzilla, then yeah, you're disappointed. But I see Cloverfiled as "Godzilla meets Blair Witch Project meets Signs" And everyone says, "Signs? How's it like Signs?"

Because Signs is to Independence Day as Cloverfield is to Godzilla. The story didn't focus on the major players, i.e. the President, the military generals, the people who actually figure out where the creature came from and how to destroy it. It's just a survival story focusing on normal individuals.

And I don't get the motion sickness argument either. I can't ride the Teacups at DisneyWorld without puking. I get a headache from watching Blair Witch. But at no time did I have a problem with Cloverfield.
/\ /\ Agreed, especially about the Signs thing.

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