Ulead GIF Animator help


The Big Bad
Jan 19, 2004
Reaction score
I'm new to using the program and was wondering if I could get some help. After I have selected the frames I want to use from a clip it runs at a normal speed in the animation time line but then when I preview it or save, it runs really slow. I know it's most likely something simple to figure out but I can't find anything online to help me so was just wondering if I could get some help here, thanks.
I am not a picture guy...someone else can help you on this one.
I am not a picture guy...someone else can help you on this one.

Then why bother to post anything at all??? :whatever:

It will be your FPS (frames per second) that will need to be changed it probs on one frame per second.
i don't have this but there must be a frames per second panel in your options

also, in the preview it might be running slow because the resolution is high (compared to the downsized animation window)
OK, so the fps have nothing to do with the delay right? Because I have that at 0. Also it seems I can't edit the Image and resize (letting the part I want fit in the 50x50 frame) it in Ulead, so do I need to use photoshop for that?
Just get adobe image ready its way easier by the sound of it :p
Just get adobe image ready its way easier by the sound of it :p

I have that to, and still have the same problem and I must be dumb because I can't find this Frames per second panel in imageready. I have the delay set to 0 but I don't see anything about fps
I have that to, and still have the same problem and I must be dumb because I can't find this Frames per second panel in imageready. I have the delay set to 0 but I don't see anything about fps

Yeah the 0 secs bit is your FPS


So thats how mines set out, if its like that should be no reason for it to lag on the frames
I have it set to exactly that above and still it's playing back slow
Uh, why do you even use gif animator? Adobe Premier is waaaaaaay better.
Well then problem solved. Your welcome thanks for playing and come again. CLOSE THREAD!!!
Well then problem solved. Your welcome thanks for playing and come again. CLOSE THREAD!!!

Wow that did nothing to help. And if your not going to help and just act like a 3 year old don't bother posting in here. Premier is an editing software, not the most Ideal for making gif's. And my question is for Imageready, so yeah you told me to use another program yay for you but that dose not help me at all with Imageready. I need help with Imageready so again you solved nothing for me.

Thanks for playing and please don't come back again :o

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