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Ultimate Hype


Jul 24, 2006
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*Based on the strange IM Conversations with Twylight and Catman_prb. Paying homage to BL's first attempt at a Fanfic about the Hype RPG members, comes a tale written by the crazy and delusioned Mercenary.*​



My name's Syn (Mercenary). I thought I knew this world, thought I had it all planned out. I believed what we saw was reality. That everything was set in stone with no falacies or alternates. I thought everyone was the only one, with no clones or twins. I was wrong.

A month ago I was in an accident, an electrical disaster. I dropped the blow drier into the sink, along with my portable DVD player at the same time. The electric shock could've killed me. I wish it did. Instead, it transported me to an alternate dimension. A strange world that I wish were just a lie. The things I have seen here are shocking, terrifying, and often skew. I've discovered a different Hype. A world where the people I thought I knew are different, and changed.

This is where I live, now. Working with these duplicates and living in this strange world. I don't know when I'm leaving, or if I'll even survive. All I know is this is my story. My accounts from this world. I hope one day I'll see the day that this is read by all, so they can know this truth.

This is my home. My nightmare. My Ultimate Hype.
Chapter One: Wanted

With a sharp pain in my side, I breath my firsts breaths of consciousness. As my teeth close together, I feel a crunch in my mouth. It's grainy, small like dirt. As my body slowly awakens, I can feel a warm powder on my skin. It's in my clothers, my hair.

Slowly I rise to feel a deep heat on my skin. I open my eyes and see a blinding light. It's bright, too bright to see. I hold my hand in front of my face as a visor, trying to adjust my eyes. As I sit, I realize what I lie in. Sand. Lots of it.

With a dry breath I inhale, and take my first few breaths here. My eyes are able to open, staying completely wide so I can see. I survey my surroundings carefully and look out at the terrain. Desert to my left...city to my right. A city. Thank God.

Slowly, I stumble to my feet. The sand makes it uneasy to move, and I fall. I get my bearings and eventually find my balance, walking on the ground and making it about twenty steps. As I walk, my mind remembers one thing. Pain.

Apartment...blow drier, DVD player...electric shock. Then...pain. I quickly look at my body, but to my surprise, no injury. No burns, no scorches. I'm clean. How am I fine? I should be dead. I ponder to myself as I continue to look at the deep desert behind me.

Why am I here? I ask. Where is here? With these thoughts in my mind, I move up a thick sand dune. It takes minutes to move, but I make it to the top. Tripping slightly, I make it to the flat top of the dune. There I see a thin road, curving at this dune and going off into the nothingness. The other end leads back to the city, most likely miles away. I let out a sigh of relief as I make it there, wiping the sweat from my brow.

"What...am I...doing here?" I ask no one. "Where is this?" I question, quickly becoming frustrated as I look at the emtpiness. "Why am I here?" I continue, my mind drifting into shock. "WHERE AM I?!" I shout loudly. I hear my voice echo dully, and then die out.

"Dammit." I say, shaking my head in shame. "What's happened to me?"

Suddenly, I hear the sound of a car engine humming. I turn around instinctively to meet the sound, and as I suspected, I see a car barreling down the long narrow road. Dust follows it like an omen, trailing the car and leaving a sandstorm in its wake.

As it grows closer to me, I can make out its shape. Police cruiser, 2002 model. Black and white colors adorn its hood, and a gold badge is painted on the front. The lights aren't flashing, and I hear no siren. He's not on call. Perfect. Help is here.

"HEY!" I shout, jumping into the road and waving him down. "HEY! HERE!" I continue to beckon the car, and sure enough, it comes. In only minutes it comes to a screeching halt in front of me, stopping only inches from my body. The brakes cause it to skid, and more sand flies up in the air.

I laugh with joy as I make my way to the side of the vehicle, smiling as I breath the sandy air. "Oh, thank you!" I say, grining widely. "Thank you. Man, I was hoping help would come. Listen, I just woke up here and-" suddenly, the door opens and hits my leg. I feel the muscles in it go numb from the blow, and I collapse to the ground.

I hold my leg and hold it in a clamp, trying to stimulate the blood flow so I can get back to my feet. As I lie on the ground in pain, the man steps out, along with his partner on the other side. "Come on, man!" I shout in anger. "What was that?"

Suddenly the men draw their weapons, and I watch in fear as the point the barrels toward my head. "LAPD! FREEZE!" What did I do? I ask myself. What's this about? I hold up my hands and comply. I know protocol, I know to show no devious intent. All I want is help. That's all.

"Guys!" I say, holding my hands high. "I just need help. What's this about?" The two men stare at my face, examining it closely as they look deep into my eyes. They turn to eachother, and exchange a look. A look that unsettles me...right to my core. They nod, and turn back to me, holding their guns still aimed and ready.

"Sir, I think that's the Merc." The one says to the other. "You know...five years ago..." The other officer nods in agreeance, and continues to watch me carefully.

"Yeah. Bone structure, build, hair, eyes...that's him. But the skin," he says, letting out a heavy sigh. "The skin's clean."

"Clean skin?" I ask in confusion, desperately trying to understand what is going on. "What do you mean? What's going on?"

"Remain calm, you!" He growls, his facial expression showing emotions such as anger, impatience, and...betrayal? "Hands high, hold em." The officer nods to his friend, and the man holsters his gun and approaches me. He pulls the handcuffs from his back pocket, and prepares to put them on me.

"GUYS!" I shout, my mind running a mile a minute. "What's going on?"

"You're under arrest." The officer says, slapping the cuffs on my hands and throwing my arms to my lower back.

"For what!?" I ask, wincing in pain as he pulls me awkwardly to my feet.

"For possesion of illegal fire arms, extortion, attempted murder, and falcifying documents."
"I didn't do that!" I plead, looking over my shoulder to him as he pushes me to the car.

"Don't lie to us, Syn." He says, spitting lightly on my neck. "You got some surgery for the scars, but it doesn't fool us any."

"What scars?!" I ask frantically, trying to put this together in my mind. "What are these accounts for?" He opens the door, and throws me into the back seat. I pull my legs in quickly, and continue to ask questions. "Who do you think I am?!" He slams the door hard,making the whole car rattle. He stares at me through the window, and seemingly snarls at me like a rabid dog.

"You're Syn the Mercenary. Traitor, criminal...garbage." I sit in shock as I hear what he says. Leaning back in the seat, I just listen as my jaw is opened agape. What did I get myself into? Where the hell am I? "Officer Mortal," The officer says, shouting to his superior across the car. "You call it in?"

"Commissioner knows, Ted. He says bring him in." The other man says in a dark voice. The doors open, and the slip into their seats with ease. They smile to eachother as they buckle their seatbelts. "Can't believe we got him."

"Yeah," Ted says. "You'd think after the Invision project we'd never see him again." Suddenly, the superior officer turns to me, and I stare at his face in shock. I know him. I know who that man is.

"...Venom?" I say in surprise as he stares at me.

"Oh." He says with a mocking jeer. "So you do remember me. Good." He says, turning front again. "It'll make it that much easier when we send you to court. Maybe you'll remember the DA too."

"...What?" I ask him, my mind confused and on it's breaking point.

"Oh, that's right. When you left here, left all of us to clean up your damage, you never checked up to see how we made out." He puts the key in the ignition, and the car starts. The seats rumble and the car jostles as he shifts to drive, and begins to turn. "Your old friend is workin' DA, now. You remember. Guy you shot four times?"


"Don't play dumb, Syn." He says in an irritated voice. "Amnesia, insanity. Psh, none of it will save you from him. He's the best damn attorney here. And he'll make you fry."

"Venom, I don't understand. I-"

"SHUT UP!" He shouts, cutting me off and silencing my plea. "You have the right to remain silent. I suggest you use it. Otherwise..." he pauses, pressing his foot on the gas and moving the car quickly forward on the road. "Otherwise...I'll say you resisted arrest."

I lean back in my seat and let out a hard sigh. I try to breath deeply to stay calm. What is Venom doing here? Why am I a convict? And...dear God. What do they think I've done?​
Chapter Two: Investigation

Two hours later. Two hours, and I'm still here. This isn't a dream. This isn't a delusion. No matter how much I try to believe it is. No matter what I think, this is my reality. Twisted and skewed. Horrible. This isn't a dream. It's a nightmare.

I sit in the interrogation room, my hands cuffed to the table. My fingers are black with ink, my fingerprints being processed as we speak. On my arm is a strip of gauze wraped tightly around the hole. They took my blood.

Wires are attached to every part of me. My forehead, my palm, my chest. A polygraph is to my side and a man sits across from me reading the results that come out on the thin and long piece of paper. We've been sitting here an hour. He's asked me question after question, I've answered it truthfully. All of them. All.

"What is our relationship to officer Mortal Venom?" He asks.

"I told you," I say in a tired voice. "He was my friend."

"Here?" He asks. "Before you betrayed him, and everyone?"

"NO!" I shout, becoming frustrated. "No, he is my friend. NOW. Well...was. I don't...know what's going on."

"I'll ask again. Is he your friend?"

"Yes." I say, staring him down aggressively. "He is." The man sits back in his seat and places his pencil on the desk. He takes the glasses from his face, and lets out a sigh.

"He's obstinant." He says, seeming to no one. "I'll give him that." Suddenly, the door to the room swings open, and Venom walks inside.

"Damn, Syn." He says, his arms folded across his chest. "I didn't think you'd be this hard to break."

"V," I say, staring at him desperately. "Dude, I don't know what's going on. Come on, man. It's me. Syn! What's going on?"

"What's going on?" He asks me, his face showing that familiar expression of betrayal. "What's going on is you tried to kill me. Just a job, right, merc? Just another paycheck." He turns away from me, and lets out a heavy sigh. "I knew you'd do it. That's what gets me. You're scum, Syn." He says, gritting his teeth. "Scum."

"I'M NOT WHO YOU THINK I AM!" I shout, rising to a stand. I lift the table off the ground slightly as I raise my arms in a flurry. "I'M NOT THIS SYN!"

"Then who are you?" He snaps, turning back to me. "You say you are Syn. You look like him! DNA and fingerprints prove your identity! Yet, you tell me you aren't him." He gets closer to me, staring me straight in the eyes. "Who are you if you're not Syn?"

"I...I...don't...know." I look down in shame, and sit down in my seat. I shake my head and breath deeply, trying to make sense of it all. I'm Syn. But...I am not the Syn who did what they said I did. Was a framed? Or...what?

Suddenly a man walks in through the door. He has a peculiar expression on his face, rubbing his neck furiously. He's nervous, but why? "Sir," he starts, putting his arm on Venom's shoulder. "Sir, we...have some...news."

"Oh?" He asks, turning to his officer with a smile. "What is it?"

"Syn the Mercenary...sir, he's..."

"He's...?" He asks, eager to hear what the man has to tell.

"Sir, they just spotted him in West Delta."

"...what?" Venom asks, shocked and confused. "How, are you sure it's him?"

"Sir, everything. He...intel is perfect. Undeniable. It was Syn." Venom rubs his chin as he thinks, looking at me out of the corner of his eye as he ponders.

"...who is this, then?" He asks the officer, his mind rushing as he tries to think.

"Clone, sir?" The officer asks, hoping to have some suggestion.

"No." Venom says, shaking his head. "DNA was 100% match. This is Syn." He breaths hard, and grasps the back of his neck with a tight grip as he tries to loosen the stress in his muscles. "We've got two Syns...and no reasons."

"Sir, I don't know what to say." He turns to me, and looks at me carefully. "But...that man is not the convict we're after." Venom nods to his man, and walks over to me as he continues to watch me closely.

"Alright," he starts, his tone calm this time. "Who are you?"

"I'm Syn (Mercenary)," I start, looking up from the table and at his face. "I woke up in that desert two hours ago not knowing where I was or how I got there." I lean forward on the table and my cuffs clang as the metal rubs against eachother. "But this isn't right. In my life, we're friends, your not a cop, and I'm not some scarred mercenary convict."

"Oh? And what is right, huh?" He asks with a cocky smile. "Where exactly are you from?" I shake my head as I lean back in my seat, unsure of what to say. I don't know where I am. Hell, I don't even know where I am from. I just know I want to go back to the reality. Back to what's normal.

As the silence fills the air, his expression says it all. He looks away from he and laughs awkwardly, unsure of what to say now. We both are confused. Both unsure of what the hell is going on. But, he's not the Venom I know. And I...I'm not the Syn he knows.

"SIR!" A voice shouts, walking into the room. "Sir, you gotta come see this. It's him." He says with a strange expression. "It's...you know." Taken by the information, he looks back at me, not hiding his surprise. He looks at me again and looks carefully, scrutinizing every part of me.

"Alright, Syn," he starts, taking out a pair of keys. "We'll see if you aren't that Merc. But...as for right now. If you don't know where you are, I'm gonna show you." He opens the handcuffs and I pull out my hands. He rises to his feet, and motions to me to follow him out the door.

I do so, and we both walk into the next room. As we step inside, I hear the talk of a familiar voice. One I know all too well. I watch as many men stand huddle around a TV set, the flickering image slightly obstructed. Venom looks to me a smiles, pointing toward the television. He puts his arm through the space between two officers, and opens the gap so I can see the screen. "You wanna know where this is?" He asks me. "You know anything about him?"

I stare at the screen, and my eyes buldge. My heart slows and my body goes numb. I don't believe who I see on the screen. My old friend, my old ally. Catman_prb. He stands in front of a podium, a large pawprint on the wooden stand. His face is blank, no expression as he stands and speaks at his stand. "Good evening, world. This is your evil genius, Catman talking. As you know you failed to allow my law of Sabertooth cat recreation pass. Saying it was too 'deadly' and a 'liability'. Like bringing back a carnivorous hunting cat from millions of years ago is a bad idea. ... Well, this is the final straw. I have had enough of your games, and so have my collegues. My roommate and daughter are quite irritated at this, and we have an ultimatum." He leans forward on the podium, and stares at the screen dead on.

"We have developed a feline mind control device, allowing us to control every cat on the planet. Bring us the skeleton of a Sabertooth tiger; a real one, no casts. Deliver it to my artic-" suddenly a voice cuts in off screen, it's tone muffled and soft, but still able to be heard. Catman pauses and looks to his side, and nods his head. "Right...Our...artic base, or we will seize control of your independant houseguests, and cause mass chaos throughout the world." He grins strangely at the camera, and puts his hand to his eyes. "You have been warned. The skeleton should be adressed to Master Catman, ruler of the felines. ... what?" He asks a voice off screen. "No, I'm not saying that." He pauses, listening to the voice as it speaks it's muffled statement. "Alright, alright." He turns back to the camera, a look of annoyance on his face. "Okay, address it to Catman 'Ruler of the Felines', and Sensei 'Guru of Cheese.' You have our demands, meet them. Ta ta." The screen goes blank, and everyone stays silent.

"Okay..." a voice says, coming from the TV as the screen remains blank. "Alright we get that?" A silent pause follows, and the men in the room begin to look at eachother in confusion. "What? No, I can't hear you it's loud. ... No, I'm not aware this is still on. ... Well, turn the thing off."

"TAKE OFF THE MIC!" A voice cries, its tone barely deciepherable from the speakers on the television set.

"Indoodle..." Muffled crackling noises follow as the blank screen continues to play. "There, is it off? NO? ... dammit, what do I pay you bastards for. ... You know what, Richard, don't. I pay you fourty thousand a week to not screw this up."

"Fine!" The voice yells back. "I'm out of here!"

"Okay then..." Catman's voice continues, his tone calm and serine. "Enjoy the cold." A pause follows as more microphone crackles and pops follow. "Okay now, we offline? ... Oh this thing has an off button? Well why didn't you tell me that. ... Oh, just shut up." The microphone goes dead, and the screen cuts to static.

The room is quiet as everyone leans back, moving into a comfortable stand. I turn to Venom as he looks at the screen with undeniable worry. "So..." I say, breaking the tension. "Who was that?"

"That?" He asks me, turning away to stare me in the eyes. "That was Catman, the greatest mastermind of evil we've ever seen!" I stare at him curiously, rubbing my hands together anxiously as I look at the seriousness in his face.

"...Really?" I ask, my voice unsure and partly surprised. His eyes squint, and he looks directly at my face, staring right into my eyes.

"You worked for him months ago. Or...one of you did. That's why I don't trust you. Not after what you...or who ever you, did." I try to speak, but words fail to come out of my mouth. I don't know what I'm doing here. I don't know anything that's happened. What can I say?

"He didn't do it, Officer Mortal." A voice says, coming from the shadows. I turn to my left and see a shadowy figure move out from the dark hallway. "This isn't the Syn we're after."

"Oh, and what makes you sure, Comish?" Venom asks the man as he slowly comes into the light. As I see his facial features become distinguished, I remember the face, the demeanor. It's him.

"I'm sure because this Syn has one thing the other doesn't." He turns to me, and holds up his hand. He extends his index finger and his middle finger, holding up a 'peace' or 'victory' hand signal. "How many fingers, Syn?"

As I stare at his hand, I try to hold back but something inside me keeps me from stiffiling it. I can't hold it back, it's a physical need to blurt it out. "TWO!" I shout loudly, continuing to look at his fingers. "Two..."

"Just as I suspected." the man says, placing his hands back into his pockets. "Obsession with the number two. This is officer Mortal, Syn." He says, gesturing to Venom. He steps closer to me and comes right up in front of me, looking me in the face with a pleased smile. "I'm Comisisioner Master Bruce. MB if you prefer. It's good to see you on our side again."

"...side?" I ask him, my mind still frazzled and unsure of exactly what is going on. He laughs lightly, his smile barely coming through his gruff expression.

"Two sides for every battle, Syn." He grins, turning around and walking back down the hallway. "Come on. You need to be briefed."
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So, Cats and I are roomates that have a daughter.

It's like you write my dreams :csad:
If i turn out to be their daughter the pain will not end for you Syn... ever.
The minute I was mentioned, a heard of goats began to scream.
I'll be putting up parts 3 and 4 tonight. Look for more introductions of RPGers tonight.

Thanks for the praise. :up:
Chapter Three: The Epiphany
Part I

I follow behind MB, or as he is here, Comissioner Bruce. Behind me, Venom follows, keeping watch on me. He still doesn't trust me. I guess, if what they say is true, I wouldn't either.​

We turn a corner in the hallway, and stop in front of a door. It's brown, nicely carved oak with a shady glass window in the upper center. On it, MB's name is written in the block lettering. Only, strange enough, instead of black...his name is in red. Just like...home.​

Bruce opens the door, and steps inside, hitting the lights. He walks to his desk in the far back of the room. As I survey the location, I notice papers cluttering the desk and chairs. Piles of them, even the bookcase is filled with papers.​

I hear Bruce let out a sigh, and I turn to face him. Catching me off guard, I notice a man sitting next to him in the only clear chair. The man looks familiar, short hair, light skin, and a fine armani suit covering his body. I know this man...I know him well.​

"Syn," Bruce starts, noding to me. "This is SSF, District Attorney for LA law. He's helped us put away some of the worst criminals in the city, but his best work was with Officer Mortal on the drug running operations."

"SSF?" I ask, staring at the man. "That an acronym?" Bruce stares at me with a dry face, dissapointed and aggitated by my question.​

"...Yes." He says, putting his hands together on the table. "I've informed SSF that you aren't the man we've been hunting for these years. You're the same...yet different." My old friend from another world stands, and hold out his hand to me. I smile to him, and move to take his hand in mine. Suddenly, without warning, he throws a punch at me, surprising me. His fist hits my jaw, and I stumble backward. "SHUT UP, ****E!"

"Ow!" I shout, grabbing my jaw and massaging it as it shoots off painful pangs. "What the hell, I thought you said you told him!" Bruce grins as he watches me continue to hold my jaw.​

"SSF has been diagnosed with multiple personality disorder. That's what makes him such a good DA. Four men with four different methods often makes criminals crack under the pressure. We let it slide because...well, he's just too damn good."

"Sorry about that, buddy." SSF says with a smile, his voice differnt now. He walks over to me and begins patting me on my shoulder. "Good to meet you." I stare at him with an untrusting expression, and reluctantly shake his hand as he greets me in a completely different demeanor this time.​

"Yeah...okay." I respond. SSF moves back to his chair, and I continue to stand, looking for an open seat, but still finding none.​

"Alright, Syn. No use beating around the bush." Bruce starts, leaning back in his chair. "I'm not quite sure what kind of a man you are, but I know who you are here. As you know, your counterpart here is evil. A traitor, and a felon. Now, judging by the events that brought you here, I'd say I can trust you." I grin to him, folding my arms over my chest.​

"Why is that?" I ask with a curious smile.​

"Well, officer Mortal picked you up in the outskirts. Apparently, they used force and put you under high stress situation. If you were a violent man, I'm sure Mortal and his partner would not be standing here." I nod to him in agreeance, analyzing his analysis.​

"Fair," I say, noding my head. "But, we still have a mystery. I know all of you where I come from. But...you're all different. Sure, you all exibit similar traits or appearances, but...this isn't my world."

"Just like you aren't our Syn." He says, rubbing his chin. "The DNA analysis puts you at 100% identical match, yet, you don't have any scars. Your polygraph showed no signs of deception. Hell, even your name is different."

"Still," I say with a suggestive smirk. "Couldn't I be your Syn from six years ago? Couldn't I just be another version in time?"

"No, not time." He responds, leaning forward onto his desk. "Space."

"...space?" I ask, confused by his meaning.​

"Different theories say that there are different...dimensions. Each dimension is like the other, but they have variations. Differences making them unique."

"...whoah, whoah, whoah." I start, waving my hands in the air. "You saying I'm from another dimension? That...this place is another place all together?" He smiles, and nods.​

"Yes. That's exactly my point. I can tell you aren't Syn the Mercenary. Even if this was all a clever ploy, no one can change their mannerisms."


"You've been surveying every area we enter. You look for the openings, the rooms, the doors. You notice the small things, papers on the desk, the disposition of someene's posture or face. You've been acting in a way no one can fake, Syn. No man can hide his true self, no matter how well he tries." Wow...he's right. That's an amazing analysis. To think he studied me that closely in the five, seven minutes we've been talking.​

"Alright," I tell him, my boy relaxing slightly. "You've got me sold. This is another reality, a shadow of my world. Or...my world a shadow of this. But, how did I get here?" Bruce sighs hard, blowing the papers on the desk, making their corners rise and then gently fall.​

"I've been trying to figure it out myself." He starts, his mind deep in thought. "It's impossible, by all definitions. This is almost as unlikely as a man returing from the grave." He takes a pause, and the room stays silent. He looks up, and stares me in the face with an awkward smile."But...that's been done before, right?" I smile back to him, and nod. Resurection...dimension hoping...things man's mind can't possibly comprehend.​

"Great, great." SSF says, his voice different again, most likely another personality speaking this time. "So you brought me here to witness a phenomenon." He grins widely as he sits back in his chair. "Are we going to talk anything...important?"

"Yeah, I suppose you're right." Bruce says, the mood loosening slightly. "We should talk about the current situation. As you know from that broadcast, we're facing a major threat at the moment."

"Major threat is putting it lightly." Venom mumbles.​

"Catman_prb and his close friend The Sensei of Cheese have joined forces once more in their "on again off again" alliance. It appears this time, they are finally ready to make their move."

"Make their move?" I ask, hoping to gain more insight into this world's versions of my two foreign friends.​

"Yes, they have been throwing around the idea of world domination for some time. But...Sensei has always been busy with his agenda, and Catman his. Something has brought them back together, though. And it appears this time, they are completly in agreeance."

"Yeah," I say, breaking the thought. "So what kind of threat are we talking?" I start, moving toward the desk. "Because...I'm not really convinced those guys can be that threatening." As the words leave my lips, a deep silence follows. Every eye on the room stares at me, burning a hole into my body. Their faces are serious, worry is in their bodies. Perhaps I underestimate the threat.​

"Don't be fooled, Syn. These men are not to be taken lightly. Catman is a master of zoology." Bruce leans back and opens a drawer in the desk. He grabs two manila folders, and tosses them onto the top of the desk. "Catman developed an obsession with the Felidae Felis at a zoo in London. He continued his obsession, delving deeper into it until he eventually went mad."

"So...he's addicted to cats?"

"That's one way of putting it. He respects them, seeing them as gods. He believes they are smarter than humans, and feels that they have and always were the dominant race."

"...cats." I say, staring at Bruce with a curious look. "He thinks...cats...are smarter than humans."

"Yes...that's what I said." He responds, noding to me sarcastically. "He's been building his criminal empire for years now, amassing an extensive collection of felines. His most prized cats he keeps with him at all times. Seven of them. One named for every deadly sin. He believes that each of them embodies the sin that he named them for, seeing it as a sense of higher thought and reason."

"...how is this legal?" I ask, still confused by what he's telling me.​

"It's...it's not." He responds, giving me a strange look. "He's evil..."

"Right, right." I say, nodding my head. "So what about Sensei?"

"Sensei has an obsession too. He claims his ancestors invented cheese. He tried to get the rights to all cheese, hoping to gain an empire from the funds he would receive. But, no one believed him. He was seen as a liar and a con artist, and shunned from society."

"So...he's teamed up with Catman because he wants to get back at everyone for...not giving him the rights to cheese all across the world."

"Yes." As I see the seriousness in his face, the thoughts that this is a joke fade away, and I am left with an awkward feeling.​


"Sensei and Catman have been working together for the past decade, but they often break apart, only to unite once more. Unfortunately, this time, it looks like they are going to pose a threat."

"What brings them back together?"

"Their daughter." He says, pointing to one of the files on his desk. "Rachel."

"Ah," I say, reaching forward and grabbing the file off the desk. I open it, and look at the picture inside. Nice girl. Eighteen, long blond hair, and a threatening demeanor. I skim her file breifly, and get the basics of her backstory. "So...who's daughter is she? Sensei's or Catman's?"

"She's both of theirs." Bruce responds in an emotionless voice.​

"No, I mean, who's wife...or girlfriend was the mother?" Silence follows my question, and I look up from the file. I stare at Bruce and he looks at me with a look of certainty. I see only seriousness in his expression, and I look back down to the paper. "Okay..."

"The three of them make up an formidable force. The daughter is just as evil as her fathers. In addition to Catman's feline adversaries, Sensei has a well trained group of ferocious polar bears. Their base is in the arctic for just that reason. Polar bears can only survive in that climate."

"Catman has been researching sabertooth tigers for the past few years. He's wanted to try a resessitation program and possibly recreate them. All scientists have denied him this wish, and I'm sure that is what sparked his recent move to begin his plans." After skimming through the multiple pages in the document, I toss it back on the table and look at Bruce with a determined expression.​

"So...let's get this straight." I start, rubbing my face roughly as I take a deep breath. "Catman and Sensei have joined forces to conquer the world. Catman's plan is to gain appeasement by being given a sabertooth tiger skeleton, in hopes of recreating a sabertooth tiger which I'm guessing he wants to do this so he can make an army of them, and continue his dreams of world domination." Bruce nods to me, and I nod back.​

"Okay. Now, Sensei wants to join with him because he wants revenge at the world for shunning his family as the true discoverers ...or ...inventors ...of cheese, right?" Again, he nods, and I continue. "They both live together with their daughter in an arctic fortress...and their army of deadly carnivores, and they apparently from that news message have the ability to control every cat in the world should his demands not be met." I let out a sigh, and put my hands in my pocket. "How's that?"

"Not bad, Syn." He smiles.​

"Okay, so here's what I don't get. Why does a police department in LA care about fighting a threat in another continent? Isn't that work for the government?"

"We're more than concerned policemen, Syn." Bruce says, leaning back in his chair. "We're devoted men. Men who care about justice and world saftey." I look at SSF, and stare at him closely.​

"...and a district attorney is here...why?"

"We'll need someone to convict them after we capture them." He says with a proud smile.​

"...yeah." I respond in an unsure tone. "Still, I have two questions."

"As always." He says with a grin.​

"You expect a small precinct from California to travel to the arctic circle, fight off an army of polar bears and tigers, two crazed evil masterminds, and their adolescent daughter alone?" Suddenly the air whistles, and a breeze brushes by my face. The papers on the desk fly up and float in the air. I hear a slight bang, and my eyes are drawn to the wall.​
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