World Ultimate Spiderman Episode Idea: Superhuman.


Jul 15, 2012
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I was thinking about what would be a good episode for Ultimate Spiderman and I decided it'd be good if they did this. Tell me what you think:


Mary Jane gains superhuman powers, including super strength, flight, and being impervious to bullets. But, it is discovered she gained these powers after being infected with a special type of nanobots. But, when the nanobots start evolving in Mary Jane's bloodstream, her powers become completely out of control. If left unchecked, this could lead to the destruction of Spiderman, his team, and New York City.
It's an interesting idea, but it would probably be better for another Spider-Man cartoon since USM isn't a very serious show. It would be done better if it was used in a more serious Spider-Man show.
Agreed with Gwen. This storyline would fit perfectly with the 90s series, not so much USM, though.

It would work great in a Alistaire Smythe storyline, that's for sure! :)
It's an interesting idea, but it would probably be better for another Spider-Man cartoon since USM isn't a very serious show. It would be done better if it was used in a more serious Spider-Man show.

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