Ultime Blade comics?


Jul 29, 2003
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I figured this was a decent place to ask since its the only Blade related board on here now. I heard there's going to be an Ultimate Blade miniseries, but I haven't been able to find any info on it, like a release date. Does anyone know if/when this is coming out?
Oh i hope so cause i'll def be buyin them if they do release it.
The Blade min-series was on Marvel Max a six part series (very good IMO) and he did look alot like Sticky in it.
Tony_Montana said:
The Blade min-series was on Marvel Max a six part series (very good IMO) and he did look alot like Sticky in it.

If you're refering to the Marvel Max series from 2002, I already have that. I agree it was pretty good (except for the sixth issue), and yes the Blade on the covers did look a lot like Sticky. However, what I'm asking about is a new miniseries that's supposed to be in production under the Ultimate line. Here's where I heard about it. Is the information there innacurate, or is there going to be an Ultimate Blade comic?
I don't think Marvel has announced a release date for the Ultimate Blade series. But I'd bet it will debut in the summer, around the time of the Blade TV show.
There is going to be an Ultimate Blade, but it's not a mini-series. Bendis is writing it on USM, after the current Deadpool arc.
MaskedManJRK said:
There is going to be an Ultimate Blade, but it's not a mini-series. Bendis is writing it on USM, after the current Deadpool arc.

first in The Ultimate Spider-man story arc with morbius then he gets his own min-series

"Ultimate Morbius and Blade will soon make an appearance, which may possible tie-in with the Ultimate Blade mini-series."

"Blade made his first appearance in the Ultimate Marvel Universe in the Ultimate Spider-Man Super Special One-shot. His appearance was limited, but he was still hunting vampires and was, himself, part vampire. An Ultimate Blade mini-series is currently in production"


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