ummm the theme.....


The Crimson Saint ®
Mar 21, 2005
Reaction score
did anyone else have their guts clench when they heared the theme in the teaser....... my god... i will be in the front of the line wen this movie is released!!!!!!

**** YEAHHHH!!!!!!!
It's a great theme, yes, but its been around for a long time. Nice to see people catching up, though.

******** i meant the ****ing point that it sound newer, i have been a bond fan since birth my grandad, may his soul rest in peace, got me into bond since a kid, i know the bond theme so well i could fart and whistle all at the same time.... my point was that just hearing it with craig on the screen...... and with new action and with new everything... christ brings a tear to my eye with the excitment.....

i gotta learn to be cool with my reactions and i need to learn to speak right so i don't get witty ****ing responces like that..... damn!
Its was a cool theme, for some reason reminded me of the Goldneye game for N64.
can someone maybe rip the music from the teaser trailer ? it was awesome . i first had my worries about craig as bond but now i think he does do it fine as bond
somebodys gotta rip that theme onto an mp3. that was by far the coolest interpretation of the theme to date. i cant wait for this movie! :-)
Yea. Does anyone know what that theme is or who did it or where it came from? I love the overlaying drums in the background throughout the entire thing.
the theme tune is great, although nothing beats the original. How awesome would it be if they played the theme tune as craig introduces himself as bond for the 1st time ala connery in
I liked the theme.
The teaser was very Love/Hate for me
i hope someone rip the music from the teaser it was just perfect :up:
They always update the Bond theme when a new actor comes into the role. John Barry used a synth style theme for Dalton, then David Arnold gave Pierce a techno styled theme and now they updated the theme for Craig.
Furious Styles said:
They always update the Bond theme when a new actor comes into the role. John Barry used a synth style theme for Dalton, then David Arnold gave Pierce a techno styled theme and now they updated the theme for Craig.

thats what i was gonna say! lol.
yeah, i prefer the new updated, craig version.
has someone find out who made the teaser music ? or has someone already ripped the music ?
Isn't David Arnold doing all the music again? I hope he does a good job, because he makes a lot of 'filler' music for the films, which is just plain boring, dull and crap. I hope he does a good job with this one.

When the theme played I actually cringed a bit. I guess it's the classic guitar. I know it's the original instrument for the theme, but I don't like it anymore. I'd rather new instruments to be used. Arnold's stuff is so repeatitive to me now. This was especially apparent when Craig does the gunbarrel shot - it's the intro drums that I've heard 1000 times before.

Personally, if we are doing a Bond restart, I'd ditch Arnold (his style just brings up memories of the bad DAD etc) and I'd also ditch Judi Dench as M. Then it would be more of a restart to me. I'm fine with Campbell for the moment (apart from refusing to dye Craig's hair).

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