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World Uncanny X-Men: How an animated series should be


Dec 28, 2007
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One thing i dont like about the x-men animated series from the 90's evolution to wolverine and the x-men, they all have altered story lines and they touch upon key story lines but go in the wrong direction... I think that if they really sat down and thought about it, they could easily make an x-men animated series that would be worth its history... Let me explain...

So far we have enough fuel for 5 Seasons and we can have 24 episodes a season...

Uncanny X-Men: Season One
Story Arc: Creation Of The X-Men
Episode One: The Begining - Pt 1 (Parts of Xavier's Origin showing his friendship with Magneto, His family he left behind, and his fight with the mutant Lucifer who crippled him. Too which he gets the idea for the X-Men)
Episode Two: The Begining - Pt 2 (Professor X - First three mutants are found, Angel who was already acting a street vigilanti known as the avenging angel, Beast who was just a science nerd and Iceman who is afraid of his own ability - we are also introduced to Cyclops and Marvel Girl whose paths cross but end up getting into trouble and captured)
Episode Three: The Begining - Pt 3 (Professor X, Angel, Beast and Iceman attempt to rescue Cyclops and Marvel Girl with some success, We learn of the sentinal project...)
Episode Four: Master Of Magnetisum (The X-Men learn of Magneto, who was once one of Xaviers friends whose idealism differed and there fight fight as a team is againt him)
Episode Five: Now you see me (The X-Men learn to team together to stop a series of buglary attempts from a mutant called The Vanisher)
Episode Six: Did you call me Blob! - (The X-Men take a day of to visit the carnival only to meet a new mutant Blob, however we learn of a mysterious organisation The Brotherhood is trying to recrute him, however was unsuccessful, The X-Men also extend a hand to recruit him..reluctantly however it goes wrong when the blob is offended by one of them calling him Blob and the team are forced to stop the unmovable)
Episode Seven: Brothers - (The X-Men are investigating the Brotherhood only to find they have stolen a frieghter. They track it down to an abandoned base where the X-Men are confronted by the brotherhood consisting of Toad, Mastermind, Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver. as the fight starts to lean towards the x-mens way Magneto appears and rescues his brotherhood and they escape.)
Episode Eight: Visiting - (Jean Grey's parents come to visit the mansion of the school on the same day the Brotherhood plans there revenge. The brotherhood also envoke the goverment to test the new sentinal)
Episode Nine: The start of an onslaught - (Xavier is able to locate Lucifer the mutant that crippled him, however he fears his mind is becoming out of control. The X-Men go to apprehend Lucifer however he escapes)
Episode Ten: Dispanded - (Fearing he is creating his own little army of soldiers Xavier Dispandes the x-men as they attempt to go back to there normal lives, Beast becomes a wrestler to earn a bit of extra money and meets Unis The Untouchable, however we learn that Unis is also a mutant and that he is starting to loose control of his powers, when he is unable to control his powers xavier re-stablishes the x-men to help save Unis, however they are unable to, too which xavier realises that there is a need for the not only an x-men but a school for learning mutants how to use there ability.)
Episode Eleven: Ultimatum Pt.1 - Lucifer unleashes his ultimate plan to enslave the human race. With mutants being kidnapped Magneto and his brotherhood must join forces with the x-men to defeat a common enemy. However the sentinals are deployed to stop them
Episode Twelve: Ultimatum Pt.2 - As Lucifer is destroyed Magneto uses this chance to start his own mutant ploy by controlling all the sentinals with his magnetic ability. He is stopped by the x-men, Magneto is imprisioned but the brotherhood live on...
Episode Thirteen: Savage - The X-Men investigate strange animal sightings in antartica only to discover the savage lands, the team is split up by the many fractions of the enhabitants, they soon re-find each other except Xavier has been kidnapped by swamp people, The X-Men join with Ka-Zar and Zabu to find there missind friend. We also learn that the place was being designed by Magneto as a safe haven for mutants until he abandoned it.
Episode Fourteen: Stranger things have happend - A mutant named the stranger is collecting mutants, starting with the brotherhood, Mastermind is turned to stone before the x-men can interviene, The stranger then sets his sights on Jean Grey who has untapped power... refering to the future phoenix force... In a battle with the x-men he turns Iceman into stone however because was in his ice form he was able to melt and reform and stop him by freezing him. The brotherhood disband as Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch leaving to join a new initative, the avengers... Toad is later met by Mystique who has been sent by Magneto to reform the brotherhood.
Episode Fifteen: Family Fueds - we learn more about Xaviers past as The Juggernaut appears to fight his step brother and reclaim his share of the estate that was left to him.
Episode Sixteen: Design Of The Mastermold - Senintor Kelly declaires mutants as a threat and puts trask in control of mutant registration act. The new sentinal primes are sent out to capture mutants, they come for the x-men as the school of the gifted and manage to take Cerebro.
Episode Seventeen: Rise of the mastermold - Trask manages to use the technology of cerebro in the mind of a sentinal forming Mastermold, the X-Men attempt to stop the machine from enslaving humanity. They manage to free several mutants one of them is Alex Summers who is Cyclop's brother. The long lost brothers are reunited. Another mutant rescued is Lorna Dane
Episode Eighteen: Causing Havoc - Havok becomes a member of the x-men, he even attracts the attention of new mutant Polaris. However his reckless partying causes the x-men to be entrapped, Havok and Polaris work together to help free the x-men... Havok realises he is not cut out to be an x-man and leaves with Polaris.
Episode Nineteen: Shadows of the past - As Xaviers visions of a future onslaught he discovers he is being manipulated by a mutant called the Shadow King, It turns out he fight him before and lost him his favorite theif and now he wants revenge, they battle causing the shadow king to loose his body.
Episode Twenty: The Escape - Magneto manages to escape the mutant prision, however the result freed several unsightly villians like the Juggernaut... The X-Men must stop them all.
Episode Twenty-One: The New Brotherhood - The X-Men tracking down Magneto meet the new brotherhood featuring Toad, Blob, Avalanche and Pyro with there new leader Mystique...
Episode Twenty-Two: Muir - Xavier travels to muir island to meet with Muir about his son David who has escaped with his mutant powers gone out of control, Xavier manages to rescue David, We also have more flash backs to how Xavier is connected to Muir.
Episode Twenty-Three: On the rocks Pt.1 - The X-Men locate a stranded mutant on an island Krakoa. Only to learn that Krakoa is a living island, a mutant the size of an island... KraKoa manages to kidnap Cyclops leaving the x-men leaderless, using there abilities they go to rescue him.
Episode Twenty-Four: On the rocks Pt.2 - Upon rescuing Cyclops, the X-Men fight an intense battle with the island only to be destroyed, Xavier manages to find Cyclops floating in the sea... leaving the ending of the first series on a cliff hanger.

Season two could feature stories like....
New members Wolverine, Storm, Nightcrawler, Thunderbird, Sunfire, Banshee and Colossus, have stories like the thought dead x-men returning and leaving. New villians like the second brotherhood, X-Factor with the original five x-men fighting the x-men that has wolverine, Apocaylpse and Archangel... Mesmero.

Third seasons - featuring Gambit, Shadow Cat, Marrow, Maggot, Mr Sinister...

Four Season - featuring alot of the reason cast leading to the M-Day even

Season Five featuring Decimation, Civial War and whatever is the latest x-men stories in the comics.
I think that it might be a little too... involved for some people.

Also, for the purposes of a TV show, I really think it would be better to have characters like Wolverine and Storm around from the very beginning. And I don't really know how much I'd like not seeing Gambit until the THIRD SEASON! Jeez, Marvel may ignore him these days, but Gambit is still a very popular character. To me, its not a good idea holding him off until the 3rd season. I can see it being later into the first season (he won't join the X-men until a later season), but never seeing him until the 3rd season? Wow.
Well actually... in x-men evolution it took three series before we saw him as a re-occuring character. I mean he appeared at the end of series two but still...

What you got to remember is that all of the characters including Wolverine, Storm, Gambit had lives before they joined the x-men... What i was thinking is that by having the continutiy of the x-men follow the comics more. We could interwev several characters like Cameo'ing wolverine, storm and gambit prior to there appearance and joing the x-men in whatever series necessary... For example

In series two we could feature the Morlock Massicure, Gambit being the one that lead the team may appear briefly in the episode but the x-men do not meet him, we only get a cameo...

Another scenario could be in series one where we see flash backs of Professor X's past like when he meets Magneto for the first time and becomes friends, at the same time wolverine is a soldier in the army they meet in.

The idea is to have a compelling story but have also the kids point and say wasnt that wolverine and get all excited over it...
It definatly would work because for one, it would have a more liner story line focusing on the originals, and it has an edge, like a live tv drama like Heroes, characters come and go... you dont normally get that with cartoons... they just normally keep adding characters...
what I would LOVE is a live action X-Men first class series, similar in vein to Smallville (tho a lot better naturally) but crossed with Evolution. Make it with just the originals, trying to save the world and hide their powers from everyone at school, then bring in other characters in later series.

I wouldnt bring Wolverine in with them though, not for quite a while. He didnt work in X3 and only just worked in Evolution, cos as soon as hes in charge of babysitting a load of teenagers and trying to be a role model he loses any 'badass'ness that he might have had.
Yeah I like that live action idea but do not make it like anything like Smallville. I do not want an esleworlds comic book show. I want a comic book show that is right from the actual sources. I say have it last for 5 seasons, and put it on NBC thursday nights.

But who are your casts to play the characters?
well the way i see it the era of 60's 70's 80's 90's and 00's all have a series based on them.
There's a reason they never have a cartoon start out like the comics. The 05 aren't exactly a group that lends itself well to crossing over in other media. As a group of 5, I think they're kinda boring and not really diverse at all. Thats why Storm and Wolverine are always around from the start.

The X-Men have too many characters to limit to just using those from the 60's for a whole season. The interest would dwindle quickly.
But you see thats the thing, I feel that it has nothing to do with Diversity, its just that there too poliet to offend, however Mutant is its own race so techiqually race shouldnt come into it because there all the same race anyway. Mutant
There's more to diversity than race. There's gender, background, nationality,etc. Aren't most of the 05 from the Northeast? And with only 1 female?

Like I said, there's way too many other X-Men to do that, and more popular ones at that. Thats why they never did that with the movies, Ultimate, evolution, or any other time they've tried to introduce the X-men in other media. Scott, Storm, Jean, Logan, and Xavier are the big 5 of the X-Men, and they usually fill out the rest with other popular characters. Those are the ones they always include, with whoever else is popular at the time.
Yeah but what you got to remember is that the Comic is how it all started... and the actual series i prepose is that it does feature other mutants, from a wide range of backgrounds just not necessarly they be x-men...

See what you got to remember is that you have xavier, now he just started off his school and was looking for students, now at that time xavier although being a powerful psychic, if you were going to test out a machine that detects other mutants...Cerebro, wouldnt you tend to go local to see if it works before widening the spectrum...

Also what you got to remember is that in the 60's we had those stories with the original five, it is now the end of the 00's and we have essentially had characters that history falls close to what happend in the 60's stories, like for example... Storm could potentially be in the first series but not as an x-man.

think about it, when she was a child theif working for the shadow king xavier on his travels freed her, then years later a late teen Storm is rescued by Gambit... Now these stories happend before storm joined the x-men... look at it like this...

We could have xavier be interested in obtaining storm for his x-men during the first series but storm doesnt join until season 2,

same can be said with Gambit, Wolverine...essentially both characters not x-men but appear in season one and two and three up until they essentially do join...

One thing that bugs me about previous x-men shows when they want to add a character to the x-men there introduce into the same episode... those characters have a history lets explore that before they join...
There's no need to spend time to explore everyone's history, especially Wolverine's. Him and Storm have their histories explained in flashbacks alot.

The thing is, your whole idea is only catering to a small percentage of comic book fans, who would want to see it just like it was in the comics, and thats why it wouldn't work.

Anyone who would just casually watch an X-men show isn't going to want to wait 30 episodes for Wolverine and Storm to finally join the X-men. Thats half of the core of the X-men, and you can't stretch their backstories out that much and still retain interest. 24 episodes is alot, and its way too long to have the most recognizable name off doing solo adventures from time to time. TAS was the most popular of the shows and they just went straight into it, while touching on the major plot points of the time. Anything important about someones backstory was told through flashbacks at the appropriate time, and yet the most popular X-men at the time were all there from the beginning, and there together.
Thats not what the show is about...The show is about developement and treating the characters for there respective roles instead of just placing favorites like wolverine in the x-men from the begining, its been done, over and over and over... name one x-men animated series where wolverine isnt a member of the x-men...

The way i see it is that we're at the cross roads where we could really do each character justice.

X-Men has never really been about the team more to the world around them, X-Men are only about less than a 3rd of the X-Men Universe.

The idea with my cartoon series idea, is that we take all the fan favorites, Cyclops, Gambit, Wolverine, Jean Grey, Rogue and Storm... and we give them the role that has been absent from the past so many cartoon re-inventions...

I think too many people are stuck on the concept of what X-Men was in the cartoons and not what it can be, and how popular and revolutionary it could be...

See we have Xavier and his dream, but in the comics he was very protective of his dream until the other x-men said for his dream to work, it has to be there dream too. I think that as a cartoon series we really do need to explore why we have The X-Men... that has never been explained or explored only hinted at.

The reason i want to use the original x-men is because there the best vehicle to show the progression... Now im not saying it has to be 100% like the comics because well theres alot of history and like most cartoons they only last 5 seasons and well to fit it all in you really need to look at a decade of stories and fitt it all in.

Now with a time line, we need to look at the favorite characters, Gambit, Cyclops, Wolverine, Jean, Storm and Rogue... There past could be explored

For example, In the first series you would want to see why Cyclops becomes the leader, why Jean starts to develope feelings for him... But also during this first series we will see a possible Weapon X - Wolverine, to his journey towards Alpha Flight till finally becoming an x-men in series 2... I think that would be brilliant, bit dark but brilliant. Think of this in one episode of season one we have the x-men investigate the weapon x programe, maybe have Wolverine initially be the enemy but by the end of the series he becomes the hero...

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