Understanding Online Console Gaming


Jul 17, 2004
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Ok, I have to understand online gaming here. I understand online gaming is great, especially with Halo 3. But, obviously, paying monthly is a real drag. Now from my understanding, the Playstation 3 has FREE online gaming if I'm not mistaken.

So, let's see I want to get Call of Duty 4, which is available for both PS3 and 360, and I'm interested in online play. Is it better to get it for Ps3, not only for graphics but for FREE online gaming.

If anybody can share a light on this topic, please do. Because there has to be a reason why Ps3 has free online gaming and Xbox 360 doesn't.
Ok, I have to understand online gaming here. I understand online gaming is great, especially with Halo 3. But, obviously, paying monthly is a real drag. Now from my understanding, the Playstation 3 has FREE online gaming if I'm not mistaken.

So, let's see I want to get Call of Duty 4, which is available for both PS3 and 360, and I'm interested in online play. Is it better to get it for Ps3, not only for graphics but for FREE online gaming.

If anybody can share a light on this topic, please do. Because there has to be a reason why Ps3 has free online gaming and Xbox 360 doesn't.

PS3's equivalent of online tends to be much less of a quality experience than Xbox Live. Also, the graphics on the game are identical, so the PS3 really isn't a better option in that department either.
PS3's online is incredibly laggy, which is one of the reasons MS makes you pay...the money goes towards constant upgrades and server maintenence...PS3 just sort of has a "ok, here it is...no, we're not doing anything more with it" approach to there...also, MS's customer service for live is much better :o
I disagree with the lag on the PS3... I think in the past 6 months, I've had one game that lagged for about 5 mins then the rest of the time it worked like a charm. I've just been playing COD 4 online for the past 4 hours or so without a hitch so all in all the PS3 online experience is great
Xbox Live gets a lot of exclusive downloadable content for games that PS3 doesn't. Playing online with friends is a lot easier. The graphics are nearly identical in just about every game if not better on some of the 360 versions, so throw out the argument about that. Sometimes it comes down to what controller is best suited for you, the 360 controller is the best out right now.
PS3's online is incredibly laggy, which is one of the reasons MS makes you pay...the money goes towards constant upgrades and server maintenence...PS3 just sort of has a "ok, here it is...no, we're not doing anything more with it" approach to there...also, MS's customer service for live is much better :o
thats not true. Ive owned my PS3 since July and have not experienced much lag at all and Im using WiFi. Ive been pretty satisfied with the online component of the games in which Ive played.
thats not true. Ive owned my PS3 since July and have not experienced much lag at all and Im using WiFi. Ive been pretty satisfied with the online component of the games in which Ive played.

I have a friend who's a huge Sony fanboy. I work at Toys R Us, and when PS3 launched, he made me hold one for him so he could get it. He had it for 2 weeks before he sold it because even he said that the online was terrible. So, I'm just going by what I've heard here. I havent actually sold my soul to have enough money to buy a PS3 yet.
I cant speak for the PS3 but Live is great. You get the ability to play your games online, download movies and tv shows, watch videos on current and upcoming games. Download demos, pictures and wallpapers(for your 360). Download "Arcade" Games. It has a GREAT friends list. Its just an overall great service. There is a reason MicroSoft has over 8 million users on Live.
Given the option between a game on PS3 and 360, I usually pick getting the game for my 360.
I have a friend who's a huge Sony fanboy. I work at Toys R Us, and when PS3 launched, he made me hold one for him so he could get it. He had it for 2 weeks before he sold it because even he said that the online was terrible. So, I'm just going by what I've heard here. I havent actually sold my soul to have enough money to buy a PS3 yet.
first 2 weeks? You are going by how the online was based on launch? Yeah there were definetly issues then, issues that have since been worked out. That was a pretty bold statement when you admit that you dotn have experience with the console's online system and that you are going off of someone's opinon based on the launch. Sony has released firmware updates a long time ago to fix any problems and its alot more stable now a year later than when it launched. It definetly has been fine since I got it over the summer
first 2 weeks? You are going by how the online was based on launch? Yeah there were definetly issues then, issues that have since been worked out. That was a pretty bold statement when you admit that you dotn have experience with the console's online system and that you are going off of someone's opinon based on the launch. Sony has released firmware updates a long time ago to fix any problems and its alot more stable now a year later than when it launched. It definetly has been fine since I got it over the summer

he didnt get his PS3 till about a month afterwards, as they wouldnt let me hold one for him till then.
Ok, I have to understand online gaming here. I understand online gaming is great, especially with Halo 3. But, obviously, paying monthly is a real drag. Now from my understanding, the Playstation 3 has FREE online gaming if I'm not mistaken.

So, let's see I want to get Call of Duty 4, which is available for both PS3 and 360, and I'm interested in online play. Is it better to get it for Ps3, not only for graphics but for FREE online gaming.

If anybody can share a light on this topic, please do. Because there has to be a reason why Ps3 has free online gaming and Xbox 360 doesn't.

With X-Box Live it's not a monthly fee, you can play $50 flat out for one year, which really isn't bad as it's really just over $4/month, I could find that in my couch cushions. Everyone tries to talk about how expensive X-Box Live is, but really it isn't and is a really good service with more people on it than PS3 most likely.
With X-Box Live it's not a monthly fee, you can play $50 flat out for one year, which really isn't bad as it's really just over $4/month, I could find that in my couch cushions. Everyone tries to talk about how expensive X-Box Live is, but really it isn't and is a really good service with more people on it than PS3 most likely.
thats a no brainer since there are more people who own an X-box 360 than a PS3. Plus theres definetly more multiplayer games out there for the 360
thats a no brainer since there are more people who own an X-box 360 than a PS3. Plus theres definetly more multiplayer games out there for the 360

Well, that's makes a difference to me. The number of people online means more possible matches to play.
Well come on, it doesn't make that much a difference. Even while the PS3 does have lower numbers of people on it, it still wouldn't be a problem finding a match. Your problem would be with the controller. I don't know how the hell people can play FPS games on the SIXAXIS.
Well come on, it doesn't make that much a difference. Even while the PS3 does have lower numbers of people on it, it still wouldn't be a problem finding a match. Your problem would be with the controller. I don't know how the hell people can play FPS games on the SIXAXIS.

Yea, thats pretty much what it came down to with the last gen. I was all gung ho on the PS2 until i started playing games other than sports games. Once i did that it was all Xbox for me.

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