DISCLAIMER: This thread is just a fan-fic concept and not an actual fan-fic. You may post ideas, suggestions and criticisms if you wish.
I would like to do a story that would not only explore the concept of a "supehero registration act" by would deconstruct it as well. What is deconstruction, you ask? It's simply playing a concept extremely straight, often pointing out how bad (or not so bad) things would be if said concept appeared in real-life. It would answer these questions:
A) A government organization of supers attempting to assimilate other supers; upstanding law enforcement types for an idealistic tone
B) An amoral covert government black op team ruthlessly enforcing the Act or genocial black ops group attempting to eliminate all supers for a cynical tone. (Bonus points if there's a Thunderbolts/Suicide Squad-esque team)
I'm not saying that there should be a superhero war, I'm saying that the story would have similar themes that "Civil War" has. It would be an indie's answer to Marvel's Civil War. This would be a story that would say "Take that, Marvel!"
I would like to do a story that would not only explore the concept of a "supehero registration act" by would deconstruct it as well. What is deconstruction, you ask? It's simply playing a concept extremely straight, often pointing out how bad (or not so bad) things would be if said concept appeared in real-life. It would answer these questions:
- How would the superhero community would be affected by the Act? How would the "Super-Act" affect a superhero's life? (and how would it affect a supervillain)
- How would real-world governments enforce it?
A) A government organization of supers attempting to assimilate other supers; upstanding law enforcement types for an idealistic tone
B) An amoral covert government black op team ruthlessly enforcing the Act or genocial black ops group attempting to eliminate all supers for a cynical tone. (Bonus points if there's a Thunderbolts/Suicide Squad-esque team)
I'm not saying that there should be a superhero war, I'm saying that the story would have similar themes that "Civil War" has. It would be an indie's answer to Marvel's Civil War. This would be a story that would say "Take that, Marvel!"
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