Same hereWould've liked to see it, but I like the movie as it is.
No black suit, Vulture and Sandman with Harry as the GG2. That was Sam's original idea until Arad and the studio had to open their big mouths.
I like SM3, but Raimi's original story would have been amazing. They still could have had Harry joining with Pete at the end, which was my favorite part of SM3.
Agreed, i liked SM3 but the orignal ideas(Vulture and no black suit) it probably would have made SM3 overall a much much better movie.No black suit, Vulture and Sandman with Harry as the GG2. That was Sam's original idea until Arad and the studio had to open their big mouths.
I like SM3, but Raimi's original story would have been amazing. They still could have had Harry joining with Pete at the end, which was my favorite part of SM3.
Raimi could have easily made him interesting, especially with Ben Kingsly playing himVenom is better than the Vulture. The revised movie idea is much better. The Vulture's not even a threatening or interesting villain.
No black suit, Vulture and Sandman with Harry as the GG2. That was Sam's original idea until Arad and the studio had to open their big mouths.
I like SM3, but Raimi's original story would have been amazing. They still could have had Harry joining with Pete at the end, which was my favorite part of SM3.
Harry joining Pete was great. Very emotional, definitely one of the best moments in the series.
in that picture it looks to me like it would have been a bald ock with wings instead of tentacles behind his trenchcoat
No black suit, Vulture and Sandman with Harry as the GG2. That was Sam's original idea until Arad and the studio had to open their big mouths.
I like SM3, but Raimi's original story would have been amazing. They still could have had Harry joining with Pete at the end, which was my favorite part of SM3.
See, reading that passage from the book enlightens the major problem with Raimi's take on Spider-Man (which I still love, regardless). While I'm no fan of the Vulture, it bothers me that he essentially dismissed the idea simply because he couldn't establish a connection between the villain and Peter. It's not necessary.
Raimi is way too hung up on these personal connections. They're great when they work (Goblin, Ock) but sometimes are really stretching it (Sandman). There's nothing inherently wrong with having a villain simply be a villain, an antagonist for Spider-Man. Someone he's just trying to stop, to throw in jail, someone inherently bad that he comes in conflict with simply because they are a criminal and he is a crime fighter. He could've made SM3 a leaner, better movie by throwing out the manufacturer hero-villain connection (Sandman) and focusing on one that has existed in the lore and makes sense on its own terms (Venom).
Harry joining Pete was great. Very emotional, definitely one of the best moments in the series.
One of the problems was the fact that every badguy was somehow involved too much with peter....., vulture would of been a better bet.
To be honest thats all they needed to have Vulture work for SM3. It simple and it surely justifies him wanting revenge. Spidey busts a illegal deal, Toomes gets arrested and has to spend what little life he may have left in prison. I imagine that he is probably would have been in prison for a good part of the movie, so that would give more much needed time to focus on the other characters.if Vulture was in the film then Peter would have been the one to throw him in jail and Vulture would get out (aided by Sandman) and plot his revenge. I read that in the making of SM3 book.
ben kingsley would have been perfect, but if they bring him into a future movie i'd love to see him 'reprise' his role. in that picture it looks to me like it would have been a bald ock with wings instead of tentacles behind his trenchcoat