WB snags Jeff Smith's Bone


My name is Stefan, sweet thang
Mar 8, 2004
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Now I have read pretty much all the issues, and there is a GOOD chance they could **** this up if they don't cast it right and keep the tone of the material. It looks cute to an extent, but it's a lot darker than you would think.
I always thought this would work better as a tv series
i really cant see this coming to life in anything but animation. :o and i agree about the tv series idea. that would suit this better probably. and probably reach a wider audience as well. :up:
How could they possibly pull off a live action Bone? Animation FTW.
3D animation is the only way to go.
actually id be all for an old-school animation style. like back in the day with aladin and lion king. i couldnt see those movies being put out nowadays with all the cgi flicks, but those are classics, and itd be cool to see Bone get the same treatment. :up:
2D would suit the material better.

This could be a nice little animated film. I'd certainly pay to see it.
Is there any progress with this film? I would prefer it to be 2D animated, maybe 3D, but no live action please.

And I agree with the person who said this would work better as a tv show.
Considering how they're treating Where the Wild Things Are, they're probably going to **** it up.

How are they treating Where The Wild Things Are?
Is there any progress with this film? I would prefer it to be 2D animated, maybe 3D, but no live action please.

And I agree with the person who said this would work better as a tv show.
Years ago Nick had the rights to make a show for Bone. They were pretty far into pre-production when Jeff Smith shut them down after dislikeing the way they were treating his comic. I'd bet the same thing is happening here. That and every company except for Disney, and Dreamworks are unlucky in animated movies.
How are they treating Where The Wild Things Are?
Very poorly. Spike shot the movie, and the heads of WB didn't like what he did. They said the monsters were to scary, and the boy was unlikeable. They wanted reshoots.
Years ago Nick had the rights to make a show for Bone. They were pretty far into pre-production when Jeff Smith shut them down after dislikeing the way they were treating his comic. I'd bet the same thing is happening here. That and every company except for Disney, and Dreamworks are unlucky in animated movies.
apparently "An animated version was in development at Nickelodeon Films but fell through, partly because Smith was displeased that the studio was aiming it for kids and wanted the film to include pop songs from Britney Spears and N'sync."

I would have thought Warner Brothers would have allowed this movie to be not so kiddy, considering the books do get more dark in later issues.
apparently "An animated version was in development at Nickelodeon Films but fell through, partly because Smith was displeased that the studio was aiming it for kids and wanted the film to include pop songs from Britney Spears and N'sync."

I would have thought Warner Brothers would have allowed this movie to be not so kiddy, considering the books do get more dark in later issues.
woah, close one. :o
I still need to read the rest of these books,but from the ones I read it seems like they would make a great 2D cartoon.
Let's hope to God that WB doesn't sit on it, and will greenlight it soon.
I'll believe it when I see it. Movie has been in development hell for just about forever.
Let's hope to God that WB doesn't sit on it, and will greenlight it soon.

Yeah... for WB to grab Jeff Smith's Bone and then sit on it would be painful and unpleasant to witness. I think they really need to put Jeff's Bone in motion, pump it for all it's worth, and give us all an eyeful.
Yeah... for WB to grab Jeff Smith's Bone and then sit on it would be painful and unpleasant to witness. I think they really need to put Jeff's Bone in motion, pump it for all it's worth, and give us all an eyeful.

I see what you did there.

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