Okay, so I'm like, my physicial age, but I guess in the dream I had just hit 18 or something. Me, my dad, and my brother [Cliff] go to my dad's friend [who in real life, I've never met]. He's got a lot of clothes, like he's having a yard sale, except it's all free, because apparently it was a messed up shipping or something. I specifically remember a green and khaki striped t-shirt and an orange polo, not unlike the one Dwak wears in the Quarter Four comic strip. I remember going to the rightmost part of the yard and finding some books, specifically of which, I remember seeing the Gremlins and Gremlins 2 storybooks. I guess I slipped off into another dream or something, cause I recall seeing a human melting into a pile of goo [like a Gremlin would if he were hit with bright light], and transforming into a Gremlin on the way down. Out of the ooze came more Gremlins, but these were different, like the Bat Gremlin from "The New Batch". They were terrorizing my old middle school [which was, incidentally enough, my dad's old high school]. Me, my girlfriend Jeannette, and my friend Todd, who for some reason or another was wheelchairbound, had to save everyone. But for some reason, Todd kept just getting rid of the jerky dudes with hot girlfriends. Then I snapped out of that dream, and was talking to my dad back on the lawn. He wanted me and Jeannette to go see his mother in the nursing home, at 2:30 the next day. So me and her went home [home being an apartment I was living in at age 10]. We wake up and go there, and all the nurses remember my name [which is weird for me, because I haven't been there in like, 5 years]. We went into a room to meet with my dad before we went to go see Grandma [the room looked a lot like the bedroom to the aforementioned apartment]. About 45 minutes later, my brother came in. Once he found out that Dad hadn't made it there yet, he decided to go wander about while waiting [he's notorious for that]. So she and I were talking while waiting for my dad to get there, and he arrived. Then Jeannette had to go find my brother, and I asked her to get me a drink, and I think some Mooncloth banages. I don't know what the last part was, because Jeannette worke me up at that time.
The whole thing is weird, obviously, but what's REALLY weird is that I used to have bad dreams about the Gremlins as a kid [from age 7 to about 12]. This is the first dream with them in about 10 years.
The whole thing is weird, obviously, but what's REALLY weird is that I used to have bad dreams about the Gremlins as a kid [from age 7 to about 12]. This is the first dream with them in about 10 years.