sad but true, if i do say so myself. i walk around and i see no "normal" looking ppl anymore. noone seems to dress normally or even behave normally. only ppl i see that i would consider "normal" are like older ppl who are like nearing retirment age who have manners and dont look strange, but sometimes even THAT isnt true. ive seen older ladies dressing like 20 year olds, ugh! i mean, the whole "emo" punk thing has taken over, and the "rap/hip hop" style as well. todays youth is so lost its not even funny, like noone bothers to tell them that they look like freaks of nature, and if you do, they will probably like that
. personally, i consider myself to be more on the normal side. sure i got my own wierdnesses like everyone else, like the fact i talk on SSH lol, but i guess its more private and i dont announce it to the world like kids these days like to. but when i go out of the house, i try to be you know, kind courteous polite, i dont dress like...weird or anything. like i dont dress like an emo, or wear pants that hang off my ass or anything or do the weird backwards baseball cap thing which i see alot and it looks soooo corny. i, normal. least i would think so. and the whole shaved head/crew cut thing, when did THAT start to look good? it makes guys look like neo nazi's or aliens, depeneding on the shape of there head. i thought the whole cheesy eminem/****** thing ended years ago. apparantly not.
anyway, i know i sound like an old man, but i guess im just old fashioned and i dont like the style or things i see young ppl doing today. girls are allowed to get away with wearing super shorts skirts and wearing practically nothing. years ago, that was not accepted at all, it was looked down upon and ppl thought that m,aybe you were a protitute or something. even older women going after young guys is starting to be considered normal, its not! anyway, this society seems to have gone to crap and its just soo sad and WEIRD!

anyway, i know i sound like an old man, but i guess im just old fashioned and i dont like the style or things i see young ppl doing today. girls are allowed to get away with wearing super shorts skirts and wearing practically nothing. years ago, that was not accepted at all, it was looked down upon and ppl thought that m,aybe you were a protitute or something. even older women going after young guys is starting to be considered normal, its not! anyway, this society seems to have gone to crap and its just soo sad and WEIRD!