WELCOME TO OUR NEW MOD here in Political...


Who the heck is KELLY?
Staff member
Jul 23, 2004
Reaction score
I am very happy to welcome our new mod around here.... Schlosser85.

Even though I spell his name different in every single post, I think Schlosser is the guy for the job.

Good Luck....

*runs before he changes his mind*
Thanks so much guys. I'll try not to make you regret it.
Good to see another helping hand. :) :up:

Welcome, Schlosser.
Are you sure this is a good idea? This guy had The Joker as his avatar for like 7 years straight, and it's now Bane. :oldrazz:

Maybe he just wants to watch the Hype burn ...
So.. wait... what happened to Wiegeabo?

Consider this my formal 'good luck' Schloss :cwink:
Congratulations, my friend. :up:
Wait didn't Kel leave, why she is a reddy again. And wasn't there two new mods recently.

My god the musical chairs :cmad:
Wait didn't Kel leave, why she is a reddy again. And wasn't there two new mods recently.

My god the musical chairs :cmad:

I'll be gone again for the most part starting in September (actually starting August 20th), I'll be on, but only periodically...so we needed Schlosser and CB in here to spend a lot of time over the next few months, for the Presidential fun... : )
My god what did those two do? Why are you punishing them like that. :funny:
My god what did those two do? Why are you punishing them like that. :funny:

Hey, you piss me off ya got two choices, get out, or mod....: )
Wait didn't Kel leave, why she is a reddy again. And wasn't there two new mods recently.

My god the musical chairs :cmad:

Not only that, but she came back as a Admin. Is that a payed position? If not, what's the difference?

Anyway, congrats Schlosser.

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