What happens to people's digital Star Wars comics now?

The Bruce

The First and Best
Sep 22, 2004
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If Dark Horse loses the licence will people lose their Star Wars digital purchases? If you connect to the net or your device breaks after the licence goes to Disney will your books be lost forever?
This is the formats nemesis, paper books don't disappear or stop being supported when the company goes boom, gets sold or whatever. But have no fear, Disney will pop that content out of their vaults whenever a new format comes up, and sell it to you over and over and over again.:doh:
I think the deal with Dark Horse will continue for a couple of years (or whatever the current contract says) and then, eventually Star Wars will move over to Marvel once again.

While Comixology and some other digital services might pull books, if you buy from DriveThruComics you own 'em, books don't get removed from customers' devices, ever. Not that DTC has Star Wars, but it is an interesting sidebar.

I'm really not sure how they work, but I assume Dark Horse retains the rights to Star Wars books they've already created, right? I assume they can sell them/publish them into perpetuity. They just won't be able to create or market any new ones? As such I'm not sure you'd lose access to current Dark Horse comic books you've bought.

Of course, maybe they'd be forced out of print, and so would the e-versions...not sure.

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