What House of M/Avengers Disassembled/Planet X tpb's are a must have?


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Nov 21, 2004
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What House of M/Avengers Disassembled/Planet X tpb's are a must?

i imagine this questions has been asked before so i apologise for my inability to fully utilise the search function.

i've never really bought a comic that doesn't have a DC bullet (or is it spin now?) or a G1 Transformer on the cover so with the exception of having watched all the movies (even Punisher and Nick Fury!) and cartoons, i am a complete marvel noob.

before the old lynchin' begins, i'd just like to say my reasoning is i have both a limited budjet and time so i decided i'd rather know one comic book universe really well rather than scrath the surface of many - the TF thing is simply because i'm a child of the eraly 80's - they programed me early on.

this whole House of M/Civil War buzz seems contagious, so i had a look at wikipedia which helpfully informed me that it's all a Douglas Adams style trillogy of four parts.

with a bit of time and money to spare i thought i'd go buy the trades - amazon was not helpful: i've got 9 different options for House of M and 7 for Avengers Disassembled.

I haven't THAT much money to spare!

This whole shake up of the marvel world seems fascinating and i'd love to get into it, but without needing to live on beans on toast for the next fortnight.

i would appreciate any and all suggestions as to what's vital, what's a great read and waht should be avoided like the plague.

I'd say just get the House Of M proper and Avengers Disassembled Proper. Thats really all that matters. I'd also maybe catch up on New Avengers.
Hello fellow Transfan!

UUuummm... I'm not sure what you're getting confused by, So I'll try and help.

Now, If you're needing to learn about the greatest/most important/charachter defining/stories of the Marvel Universe as a whole, you're picking up the wrong books.

BUT, it sounds like you're hyped up with what's going on now, and need to find the main stories of the last few years, to catch up, which is cool too.

You see, in the last few years, the team @ Marvel have made some SUPER controversial moves, and have had us fans angry/divided/extatic and sometimes plain confused by some of the stories that have gone down. Even if stuff hasn't been good, at least nothing has been that boring.

The main changes started with The Avengers: Disassembled, this was the 1st book that started the gnashing of teeth between fans. I personally like this story, really enjoyed it. Now, there are lots of spin off books from this book. Don't feed into the hype, it was just a lame excuse to get fans to buy more books thinking the stories were linked, they weren't. So just get the main TPB, titled, simply; The Avengers: Disassembled. The book was written by Brian Michael Bendis, and drawn by David Finch

What happened next was the creation of The New Avengers. The choice of team is still controversial to this day, the story of them forming is not that important for you to buy, (in fact, it's quite a poorly paced story with bad continuity problems, and after huge build up, no full action scenes,) You may want to read it though, just out of curiosity. Let me just say, you don't need to read it to be honest, you won't miss much, but just incase, it is titled New Avengers: Breakout. This will show you the story of their formation

Next, The House of M. This was a cool story that was enjoyed by a lot of people. I enjoyed it quite a bit. Once again, The main story is the one you need to read, written by Brian Michael Bendis and drawn by Olivier Colpiel. The other spin off stories are very bad, and you don't need to read them. With he exception of Wolverine H of M, This was a good spin off, that linked very well to the main story.

Now, Civil War is about to start. The only stories that have been linked to this is The New Avengers: Illuminati One shot, and the latest issues of The Amzing Spider-Man.

Hope that all helps!
wolvie2020 said:
Hello fellow Transfan!

UUuummm... I'm not sure what you're getting confused by, So I'll try and help.

Now, If you're needing to learn about the greatest/most important/charachter defining/stories of the Marvel Universe as a whole, you're picking up the wrong books.

BUT, it sounds like you're hyped up with what's going on now, and need to find the main stories of the last few years, to catch up, which is cool too.

You see, in the last few years, the team @ Marvel have made some SUPER controversial moves, and have had us fans angry/divided/extatic and sometimes plain confused by some of the stories that have gone down. Even if stuff hasn't been good, at least nothing has been that boring.

The main changes started with The Avengers: Disassembled, this was the 1st book that started the gnashing of teeth between fans. I personally like this story, really enjoyed it. Now, there are lots of spin off books from this book. Don't feed into the hype, it was just a lame excuse to get fans to buy more books thinking the stories were linked, they weren't. So just get the main TPB, titled, simply; The Avengers: Disassembled. The book was written by Brian Michael Bendis, and drawn by David Finch

What happened next was the creation of The New Avengers. The choice of team is still controversial to this day, the story of them forming is not that important for you to buy, (in fact, it's quite a poorly paced story with bad continuity problems, and after huge build up, no full action scenes,) You may want to read it though, just out of curiosity. Let me just say, you don't need to read it to be honest, you won't miss much, but just incase, it is titled New Avengers: Breakout. This will show you the story of their formation

Next, The House of M. This was a cool story that was enjoyed by a lot of people. I enjoyed it quite a bit. Once again, The main story is the one you need to read, written by Brian Michael Bendis and drawn by Olivier Colpiel. The other spin off stories are very bad, and you don't need to read them. With he exception of Wolverine H of M, This was a good spin off, that linked very well to the main story.

Now, Civil War is about to start. The only stories that have been linked to this is The New Avengers: Illuminati One shot, and the latest issues of The Amzing Spider-Man.

Hope that all helps!

^ This should help you alot

while the books you've mentioned are more or less the main 'big event' Marvel styories from the past few years, they've all recieved alot of criticism from fans, and may not be completely pleasing to you. If your concerns are budgetary, there are titles out their that are more stand alone, and don't really crossover with other books so you don't have to keep track of what's going in a billion books at once. Whatever you do, AVOID THE X-BOOKS. The continuity there is so ridiculously complex, it would take far to much time, effort, and money on your part to understand it all if you're new to the x-men

But you may want to look into titles like Captain America, Daredevil, Runaways, Young Avengers, Fantastic Four, Punisher, Supreme Power, or Ultimates. All of these titles stand completely on their own, and have had consistently good storytelling over the last couple of years, so it would be very easy to jump back to a starting point and read them through to current at your leisure with little strain on your budget, and greater ease into the stories.
I think most people would agree that the Thor: Disassembled tpb was the best of the lot. Not really because of Disassembled, but because of what was already happening in Thor.

I wouldn't tell anyone to avoid anything, because different strokes and all, but if you have a limited budget, I think you should really be choosy.

If you'd like some ideas for trades, I'll point you to:

MTU, She-Hulk, Supreme Power, Exiles. Most of those have pretty loyal followings around here. Runaways you can buy in the cheaper digest form and it's a must, but try to read from the beginning.
Agree with everything ILC said. Thor: Disassembled didn't have anything to do with the other Disassembled stuff, but it was REALLY good
Thankyou all so very much for all the advice, i've just ordered Avengers Diss and House of M, and shall be asking my local if he has any copies of new avengers illuminati and the latest amazing spiderman left, and also to subscribe me to civil war.

given that i have almost no knowledge of Thor apart from his bit in the old Hulk movie and the whooping he gave Cpt Marvel in Marvel Vs DC, should I buy it?

Also, is Wolverine (i'm a big fan of the Chris Claremont/Frank Miller story) a necassary buy for H of M? or does this go against Elijya's warning to avoid the X books - not to imply wolvie would be biased towards logan ;)

btw, wolvie, i thought i recognised camden lock market in the background to one of the pictures of your comics art? do you have a stall there, i would love to come by and have a look at some of your stuff.

thanx again for all the advice, would appreciate any more about Wolverine H of M and Thor Dissasembled.
hmm, if you're never read Thor before, I think all you'd need to understand for Thor Disassembled is that he IS the god Thor, and his allies are the other asgardian gods and warriors, and his enemies are his brother the evil trickster God Loki, along with the demon Surtur, the troll Ulik, etc. If you're at all a fan of myths, it's a fantastic read

Wolverine HoM should stand on its own, so long as you read the main House of M
Yes, Optimus Prime was just here. He said "hi" and made us all honorary Autobots (except for ILC, whom he killed, mutilated, turned into a cyborg, and made a real Autobot). He asked for you, but we said you weren't here yet, then he called you a loser. Frankly, I thought he came off as a jerk. Celebrities are never as cool in person as you'd think they'd be, ya know?
Elijya said:
Yes, Optimus Prime was just here. He said "hi" and made us all honorary Autobots (except for ILC, whom he killed, mutilated, turned into a cyborg, and made a real Autobot). He asked for you, but we said you weren't here yet, then he called you a loser. Frankly, I thought he came off as a jerk. Celebrities are never as cool in person as you'd think they'd be, ya know?

What?!? I. uh, ehh, huh? I have no idea if I was just insulted or complimented. But I'll take it either way because it sounds really cool.
Absolutely loved dissasembled (and can only imgine how much those that truly knew the chartecters must have felt). HoM was fun, but perhaps only because i recognised a few more characters (X-men specifically).

Am going with Wolverine HoM next (if i can find it) and Thor Diss.

Any more suggestions on Marvel Trades related to these events?

ILC, i appreciate you suggesting MTU, She-Hulk, Supreme Power, Exiles - do these realte to HoM/Avengers Dissasembled? I don't really want to get too caught up in confusing storylines.

I almost feel bad for posting such obvious questions that are probably asked time and again, but i simply haven't found anything on other threads on these borads (the only ones i've ever visited) specifically tailored to my question.

Again, i appriciate all the help and directions. I really had no idea Cpt America was cool - we used to make fun of him and cyclops almost as much as we do aquaman. shows how little i know!
LorDZeeD said:
ILC, i appreciate you suggesting MTU, She-Hulk, Supreme Power, Exiles - do these realte to HoM/Avengers Dissasembled? I don't really want to get too caught up in confusing storylines.

Not specifically. MTU and She-Hulk have a cool little continuity thing going on where events in other titles are reflected there. the end of She-Hulk refers to the events of disassembled. Exiles has a direct (and probably one of the most well done) tie-in to HoM that still is reverberating in the current issues. Supreme Power exists outside the MU so it really has no ties to any of those.
LorDZeeD said:
Any more suggestions on Marvel Trades related to these events?
If you liked Disassembled and HoM, you'll want to jump onto the New Avengers ongoing, and the Son of M miniseries which stars Quicksilver and is surprisingly REALLY good
LorDZeeD said:
ILC, i appreciate you suggesting MTU, She-Hulk, Supreme Power, Exiles - do these realte to HoM/Avengers Dissasembled? I don't really want to get too caught up in confusing storylines.
But that's exactly why those titles would be good for you - They aren't tied into any other storylines AT ALL. Supreme Power takes place in its own universe, it's not even the same world as Spider-Man and the X-Men, so you don't have to worry about that at all. The Exiles are dimension hoppers, just like that old TV Show Sliders, and they go from World to World. Marvel Team-up just tells different stories of heroes gathering for different reasons every couple of issues, it's a big mixing pot. It'll introduce you to characters you haven't been exposed to before without tieing you down to extremely complkicated back stories
Put quite simply, there are only two titles that are must-reads this summer:

Planet Hulk and Civil War.

Marvel's best books out right now, PERIOD.
Green, I'm not saying those books aren't good, but I think you're downplaying some other really awesome titles that're going on. What else are you reading now anyway?
(In order from favorite to "not as favorite")
Ultimates 2
Astonishing X-Men
Cable Deadpool

Along with a bunch of minis...

And I'm getting (and enjoying) all of the Annihilation stuff along with Civil War.

Yeah, Ultimates 2 is definately up there as one of Marvel's best titles of all time for sure.

EDIT: Oh yeah, and I started getting Nightwing at the start of the OYL thing. Bruce Jones is pretty great, IMO. (My first DC comicbook ever purchased!)

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