What House of M/Avengers Disassembled/Planet X tpb's are a must?
i imagine this questions has been asked before so i apologise for my inability to fully utilise the search function.
i've never really bought a comic that doesn't have a DC bullet (or is it spin now?) or a G1 Transformer on the cover so with the exception of having watched all the movies (even Punisher and Nick Fury!) and cartoons, i am a complete marvel noob.
before the old lynchin' begins, i'd just like to say my reasoning is i have both a limited budjet and time so i decided i'd rather know one comic book universe really well rather than scrath the surface of many - the TF thing is simply because i'm a child of the eraly 80's - they programed me early on.
this whole House of M/Civil War buzz seems contagious, so i had a look at wikipedia which helpfully informed me that it's all a Douglas Adams style trillogy of four parts.
with a bit of time and money to spare i thought i'd go buy the trades - amazon was not helpful: i've got 9 different options for House of M and 7 for Avengers Disassembled.
I haven't THAT much money to spare!
This whole shake up of the marvel world seems fascinating and i'd love to get into it, but without needing to live on beans on toast for the next fortnight.
i would appreciate any and all suggestions as to what's vital, what's a great read and waht should be avoided like the plague.
i imagine this questions has been asked before so i apologise for my inability to fully utilise the search function.
i've never really bought a comic that doesn't have a DC bullet (or is it spin now?) or a G1 Transformer on the cover so with the exception of having watched all the movies (even Punisher and Nick Fury!) and cartoons, i am a complete marvel noob.
before the old lynchin' begins, i'd just like to say my reasoning is i have both a limited budjet and time so i decided i'd rather know one comic book universe really well rather than scrath the surface of many - the TF thing is simply because i'm a child of the eraly 80's - they programed me early on.
this whole House of M/Civil War buzz seems contagious, so i had a look at wikipedia which helpfully informed me that it's all a Douglas Adams style trillogy of four parts.
with a bit of time and money to spare i thought i'd go buy the trades - amazon was not helpful: i've got 9 different options for House of M and 7 for Avengers Disassembled.
I haven't THAT much money to spare!
This whole shake up of the marvel world seems fascinating and i'd love to get into it, but without needing to live on beans on toast for the next fortnight.
i would appreciate any and all suggestions as to what's vital, what's a great read and waht should be avoided like the plague.