What type of gamer will you be next-gen?


Jul 28, 2010
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Wii U is already here and Xbox 3(I won't call it 720)&PS 4 are expected to be revealed this year and rumored to be released this or next year and so the next-gen is upon us and I'm wondering how you will be as a gamer going into the new generation of gaming.

This generation I've still been a hardcore gamer and even got multi consoles and a handheld cause I wanted all the goods I could get..However I've been becoming more a casual gamer as I just play for pure fun/don't care about winning or losing at all/don't give a damn about achievements&trophies now and been using console apps more often.

Going into the new generation..I just don't have the energy or care about all the goods and multi consoles and having tons of games,Maybe later on But my plan is to get Xbox 3 OR PS 4 on launch and stick with that for a LONG time,No more handhelds since I'm mostly using my I Pad for that,No more putting money in for tons of accessories,I might get Valve's console cause I want to be a PC gamer again But yeah it'd just be those two consoles at most and only games I know I'll stick with&play for a long time.

Maybe cause I'm getting older(27 right now)or something But my passion for games is going away,I'm still excited for the future and upcoming games But just not the same as before.
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I guess I'll be the same type of gamer I am next generation as I was this generation.

A Gentleman gamer :woot:
I imagine I'll probably be more of a casual gamer, but that'll be due to a lack of time more so than a lack of passion.
I've always been a casual/social gamer. That will be unlikely to change.

It's questionable that I will even enter the next generation of consoles anyway.
Same kind I've always been. Enthusiastic and passionate. I couldn't be more excited to see what the next generation brings.
Won't buy a next-gen console at launch, there's usually an unspoken penalty for early adopters: Defective hardware, defective firmware, not enough games, too high a price. It's just better to wait as these drawbacks get corrected.

Console games have gotten more expensive to develop, and a lot of developers and publishers have disappeared this past generation. To get the complete experience you have to pay much more than $60 for AAA (high-budget) games if you're an early adopter. Again this is a penalty early adopters pay as if you wait the price for complete experiences goes down. Too many games this generation have resembled each other as everything is focus-grouped to death because publishers are afraid of risk more than ever due to high development costs.

I bring this up because I like variety. Which is why getting in on the iOS eco-system over 4 years ago was a great choice I made.

If the future is more shoddy motion controls, higher priced games (more DLC, more subscription services, etc.), even less variety of video games, then the next-generation of consoles doesn't appeal to me. Since they haven't made their plans clear yet, I wait.
I'm a casual gamer compared to some of the fellows here
With the next gen I'll be really casual, probably have LEGO games and that's all
An irritated one, if I have to buy a new console to play the next Arkham game.
Won't buy a next-gen console at launch, there's usually an unspoken penalty for early adopters: Defective hardware, defective firmware, not enough games, too high a price. It's just better to wait as these drawbacks get corrected.

I fully agree. I'd never buy a console on launch, there's usually plenty of life left in the previous one for a good while and the launch prices are way too crazy for my pocket. Launch titles are usually pretty unremarkable too.
An irritated one, if I have to buy a new console to play the next Arkham game.
I think we should be able to deal with that
How many franchises lived through multiple generations of systems?
I will be an XBox and PC player mainly. Will pick up wii U & PS4 for their main exclusives later down the line when I can get them and their games cheaper.
Same kind I've always been. Enthusiastic and passionate. I couldn't be more excited to see what the next generation brings.


However, I see myself dipping into the PC market again thanks to the Steambox. I'll also be a bit more "smart" with my money. I don't play Sony products...Ever. I buy them and they collect dust.

So, no PS4 for me...At least not until a year or two into the systems life. Mainly Xbox 361, Steambox and whatever Nintendo does.

Seriously, Nintendo will always have me by the shorthairs.
For the past few months I've gone from being hardcore to relatively very casual.
I’ve been a casual gamer for years and will likely continue that trend

Never been into the online/multiplayer and much prefer the single player games

I just don’t have the free time like before to play hours on end
I don't I'll ever get into multiplayer/online as welland I don't think thats changing even if I know tons of people who are doing it.
I'll continue being a casual player but I do enjoy online multiplayer, although I don't use a mic and mute other players

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