where is the fairness??



Do you think its fair for companies to spy on you using Google when you apply for a job?

I'm attempting to get a steady job and my friend showed me this link

This guy got screwed by Google and it makes me wonder if its okay for companies to search for you name on Google to look for dirt on you? Isn't that unethical or something?
Well, isn't that a part of the background check:confused:
Actually it's funny people have been rejected by colleges because of content with their myspace.
just comes to show you that you cant have dirt on you or else it will come back and bite you in the ass when applying for a job.
MrBones said:
Do you think its fair for companies to spy on you using Google when you apply for a job?

I'm attempting to get a steady job and my friend showed me this link

This guy got screwed by Google and it makes me wonder if its okay for companies to search for you name on Google to look for dirt on you? Isn't that unethical or something?
Of course it's fair.......background checks are essential in this day and age. People have run them in one way or another for centuries....but the net makes checking some that much easier (which is essential because the net also makes faking information that much easier).

If you don't want someone to use your words against you....don't record yourself saying something stupid...it's that simple.

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