It's just waay to early to tell if Routh is going to be type casted . I mean he really didn't have alot of roles before SR and post SR there still isn't alot heard from him.
But i don't think that he'll be type casted if he does try to be a better actor by going indie and/or try a variety of different roles.
If it worked with Hugh Jackman , NOT to be type casted as Wolverine , it can work for him too.
But thehe wants to do Rom Com's which is a bit scary
Also the fact that people are normally associating Chris Reeves with Superman and not Routh is because Reeves has been Superman known as Superman since 1978. That's like 28 years as opposed to Routh's few months of Superman.
What Routh also has to deal with is the fact that he isn't the first Superman in the movies. Everybody knows Tobey Maguire as Spiderman or Hugh Jackman as Wolverine because they were the first actors to portray the roles in the movies.
And they portrayed it well. So who ever is going to be the new spiderman or the new wolverine should the time come when these roles will need to be recasted , is going to have a hard time. That's exactly what Routh is facing now. Reeves did an excellent job in the superman movies .
Going back to the 28 years of people knowing Reeves as Superman ; in many ways Reeves was the superman of the '70 generation. People liked him soo much that they "spread the word" of how great he was.
Routh will , hopefully with far better superman movies post -SR , this generation's Superman. And if he dooes fulfil that role well that i could see "use spreading the word " of how great he is.
Heck we are doing that with Christian Bale as Batman now ..right