Which MARVEL film is the most intentionally funny?


The Hype's Black Purist
May 11, 2005
Reaction score
Vote for which Marvel film you think had the best or the most laughs. Perhaps you thought Johnny Storm and Ben Grimm were the Michaelangelo and Donatello of the 00's, or MSJ's background in comedy might have done it for you in his mega blockbusters Daredevil and Ghost Rider. There are laughs'a'plenty in the Blade series. Not really, but the guy from Two Guys, A Girl and a Pizza Place tried REALLY hard, so give your vote to the funniest Marvel film released so far. Don't make that joke where you vote for something because its "so bad that its funny", because you're stupid.
I think probably Spider-Man 2, even though it could have used more wisecracks.

Peter: Hi.
MJ: Hi.
Peter: This is really heavy.
I think probably Spider-Man 2, even though it could have used more wisecracks.

Peter: Hi.
MJ: Hi.
Peter: This is really heavy.
I usually like the jokes in Spiderman movies, though there enver were enough wisecracks. The "he stole that guys pizzas", the elevator scene, most of SM2's humor worked on me.
FF2 and FF

I always thought that The Thing and Human Torch were always done very well. They're banter is really good, and Chris Evans and Michael Chiklis were great for the roles.
Probably the Fantastic Four movies. Chris Evans was very funny as Johnny Storm.
Chris Evans was the best thing about those movies to me, and the Torch and the Thing's relationship was captured as well as any dynamic relationship has been in comic book movies. I didn't find Johnny Storm's quips and antics as funny in the second one, though.
Got to be the first Fantastic Four movie because of Chris Evans as Johnny Storm. He's by far the best casting in those movies.

DareDevil = Unintentionally funny, but that's another poll.
Funniest for me was some of Kris Kristofferson's lines in the first two Blade movies...

"Still too heavy."
"But you're so big."

And of course the "...ing nipplehead!" comment. :woot:
"You HORSE-HUMPING *****!!!"

Yup. That says it all for me.

FF2 would be the runner up but I kept laughing more at things that weren't meant to be funny like how gay The Thing came across (well to me and my friends who were in a laughing mood anyway).


"You and me are gonna be spending a lot more time together Johnny boy! *creepy laugh*"

"*creeps up behind Doom* I like the part where he knocks you on your ass. *creepy grin*"
I was laughing the hell outta myself in Spider-Man 3. I was like "WTF?! Ehee! WTF?! Ehee! This is so bad!"

the two fantastic four movies had genuine funny moments they were expecting

some scenes with johnny and ben were actually quite classic.
"So, uh, how do you and Alicia. . . .you know. . . ?"

Evans pretty much owned the role, and the interaction between him and Chiklis as The Thing was always perfect.
Probably Spiderman 2 for me, thats why i love the movie so much, it has a perfect blend of everything.
In all honesty, the only laughter i have heard in any of these movies was when Wolvie said 'Grow those back' in X3 as he kicked limb-regeneration man in the nuts. The cinema erupted in laughter.

No one laughed at Spider-Man's Travolta dance in SM3. I thought some of Kitty's mocking quips to Lex in SR were quite funny too, but the audience in general were not roaring with laughter. With the serious tone of most superhero movies these days, comedy isn't usually a big part.
Daredevil is quite funny. As in, intentionally. I never saw what people didn't really like about this movie.
Daredevil is quite funny. As in, intentionally. I never saw what people didn't really like about this movie.
True, I thought the DC had good moments too, with the "Fight Club" dialouge.
In all honesty, the only laughter i have heard in any of these movies was when Wolvie said 'Grow those back' in X3 as he kicked limb-regeneration man in the nuts. The cinema erupted in laughter.

"Grow those back" did get quite a good reaction.

The first film delivered huge audience reaction with Logan's middle finger claw and his, "You're a Dick" line.
"Grow those back" did get quite a good reaction.

The first film delivered huge audience reaction with Logan's middle finger claw and his, "You're a Dick" line.

Overall, I thought the FF movies and Johnny were the funiest. However, the two most memorable funny lines did come from Wolverine in X1 and X3.

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