Who do you think would win in a fight? Paddington Bear vs Winnie the Pooh?


Krakoan native
Oct 31, 2006
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I honestly don't know. I mean Winnie was raised in the wild but Paddington just looks like he's carrying a knife you know? Plus Winnie is a bit of a stoner.

I think Paddington would win.
I like Winnie the Pooh much much much better, but he's not much of a fighter. (But then again, is Paddington?)

Paddington I guess.
pffft Paddington easily, dude came to England on a lifeboat from Darkest Peru...imagine the **** he went through to survive!
Definitely Paddington. Pooh is more bumbling, often making mistakes like getting trapped in bee trees, etc. Paddington is more of a survivalist.
What, no love for Rupert, Yogi or Smokey??

Where is my OTHER category?

Other -> Smokey
Winnie would win. Paddington is an organic bear, so is mortal. Winnie is an inanimate object brought to life by magic, so we don't even know if he can even die or not.
Paddington Bear vs Winnie the Pooh? Speaking from a realistic perspective there would be massive bloodshed as jaws lock and claws tear through each others flesh. Either both would die, or one walks away injured. So yes, a draw, and the world would explode. But not unless Rob Schneider intervenes last minute saving us all, and rebooting his struggling career.
Winnie would win. Paddington is an organic bear, so is mortal. Winnie is an inanimate object brought to life by magic, so we don't even know if he can even die or not.

This would seem true prima facie, but as we know from the Disney cartoon, if Pooh even bends over he risks ripping his stitching. If a rip occurs, all of his stuffing could potentially fall out. And if he is no longer stuffed, then he would just be a limp husk. Paddington only needs to de-stuff Pooh in order to defeat him. Given Pooh's overall lack of coordination and intelligence, this should be a piece of cake.
This would seem true prima facie, but as we know from the Disney cartoon, if Pooh even bends over he risks ripping his stitching. If a rip occurs, all of his stuffing could potentially fall out. And if he is no longer stuffed, then he would just be a limp husk. Paddington only needs to de-stuff Pooh in order to defeat him. Given Pooh's overall lack of coordination and intelligence, this should be a piece of cake.

Ah, but you're assuming Pooh will somehow be incapacitated if his stuffing his ripped out. We just plain don't know how the rules work with him: maybe the cotton batten stuffing can continue to fight, and asphixiate Paddington, or the skin can keep on fighting and become a choking hazard. I just assume Pooh can regenerate and/or re-assemble, like the T1000 or Wolverine.

Winnie is basically a plush golem, so we have no way of knowing how powerful the magic is that drives him. But it's powerful enough magic that can give a piece of felt the ability to walk, talk and digest food, so I wouldn't mess with that noise, man.

Smokey Reigns SUPREME!!!

Oh please, he's just another overpaid public service employee, who's only there just to cash out his pension. He's not going to fight for ****.
Ah, but you're assuming Pooh will somehow be incapacitated if his stuffing his ripped out. We just plain don't know how the rules work with him: maybe the cotton batten stuffing can continue to fight, and asphixiate Paddington, or the skin can keep on fighting and become a choking hazard. I just assume Pooh can regenerate and/or re-assemble, like the T1000 or Wolverine.

Winnie is basically a plush golem, so we have no way of knowing how powerful the magic is that drives him. But it's powerful enough magic that can give a piece of felt the ability to walk, talk and digest food, so I wouldn't mess with that noise, man.

Oh please, he's just another overpaid public service employee, who's only there just to cash out his pension. He's not going to fight for ****.

On the contrary, I think he'd definitely put out forest fires with both of their carcasses. :o :cmad:
Ah, but you're assuming Pooh will somehow be incapacitated if his stuffing his ripped out. We just plain don't know how the rules work with him: maybe the cotton batten stuffing can continue to fight, and asphixiate Paddington, or the skin can keep on fighting and become a choking hazard. I just assume Pooh can regenerate and/or re-assemble, like the T1000 or Wolverine.

Winnie is basically a plush golem, so we have no way of knowing how powerful the magic is that drives him. But it's powerful enough magic that can give a piece of felt the ability to walk, talk and digest food, so I wouldn't mess with that noise, man.

A fair point, I'll admit, but I think you are failing to take into account Pooh's intelligence level here. Pooh seems bewildered and bothered when his seams and stitches break. Furthermore, he has to sit and think for quite awhile to come up with any sort of strategic plan. He is regularly outsmarted by bees and by an owl who can't even spell.

Thus, his golem capabilities are of little consequence, as he has not the forethought or presence of mind to use them. Were he actually a cold, calculated thinking machine like a Terminator, he might be able to defeat Paddington.

Furthermore, Paddington has an added advantage fighting on Pooh's home turf: a de-stuffed Pooh's stuffing would be cast to all the winds on one of the Hundred Acre Wood's many "blustery days." Pooh can't very well smother Paddington if he is scattered everywhere. Another option would be to de-stuff Pooh and then soak him in his own honey. His stuffing would be too weighed down and stuck to move, rendering him utterly helpless.

In short, I see many, many ways in which this battle goes in Paddington's favor, and none in which it goes in Pooh's, given his utter inability to come up with a clever strategy at all anyways.
I think Station Bear vould defeat both of zem. Station Bear iz a miserable bear who lives in train station. He iz peed upon by ze common man.
my money's on the pooh bear. when he gets that honey glazed glint in his eye, his body is no longer his own, but belongs...to DA HUNGAH!
Definitely Paddington. Pooh is more bumbling, often making mistakes like getting trapped in bee trees, etc. Paddington is more of a survivalist.

Completely agree. I can see Paddington having a mean steak. Pooh would trip over his own foot and fall down a hole before the fight even started.

Winnie's kind of a poof.

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