Ok, i know you must suspend all beliefs and humanly characteristics for movies like this but, let me break down all the things that might (MIGHT) make this fail for regular movie-goers:
- An asteriod or whatever comes to earth with an alien substance on it which is like a parasite and can form to any shape, has intelligent thoughts and ideas and can cause its host to not be concious of its actions
-A man escapes a new jersey prision (i say NJ bc of the new photos on the front page) and ends up retreating to somekind of radiation or energy testing facility on a beach and gets caught up in it while sand particles form with his body.
- man goes insane due to a toxic serum/hallucenogen and flies through the air on a jet board with miniture bombs and knives,while seeing his dead father order im around and have conversations with him.
- and also, if spidey just goes all black then why does Venom have large, sharp teeth and a large long tongue and spidey doesn't?
these are facts from the film which to me seem like the casual movie-goer may be angered/confused by
- An asteriod or whatever comes to earth with an alien substance on it which is like a parasite and can form to any shape, has intelligent thoughts and ideas and can cause its host to not be concious of its actions
-A man escapes a new jersey prision (i say NJ bc of the new photos on the front page) and ends up retreating to somekind of radiation or energy testing facility on a beach and gets caught up in it while sand particles form with his body.
- man goes insane due to a toxic serum/hallucenogen and flies through the air on a jet board with miniture bombs and knives,while seeing his dead father order im around and have conversations with him.
- and also, if spidey just goes all black then why does Venom have large, sharp teeth and a large long tongue and spidey doesn't?
these are facts from the film which to me seem like the casual movie-goer may be angered/confused by