Wobbly Bits...


Occasional Scribbler
Dec 6, 2002
Reaction score
I realised that I haven't got a thread specifically for any new non-competition stuff like most of the other artists here have, so I thought I'd make one and to start off here's one I finished today:


Needs a background and maybe some other fiddling but I've started on something else now, so I'll get back to this later:)
Would you be intrested in doing any concepts for my story called, "Otherside". Your one of the best artists on the Hype! and I'd love for you do some concepts. Just for fun if your intrested...
whooooooooooooooooooooooooa, nice energy and flow to this pic. the coloring is great too
One of my favorite works from you Wobbly. Keep up the awesome work man.
Yeah, what coolius said.

Great energy and coloring is ****ing awesome!!:eek:
Thanks for the comments people, greatly appreciated.

After inking a couple of great action pics by another artist I decided to put a lot more thought into making this pic more energetic than the comparatively dull 'pin-up' poses I usually do, so I'm happy that seems to have come off :)

Also wanted to try a more modern 'ripped' look on the Hulk than the old fashioned (70's/80's) way I usually draw him too.

Lastly, here's the 'step by step' bit for this one (I won't put any more of these up though, I think you get the idea of how I do pics by now):



Originally posted by TheReaper
Would you be intrested in doing any concepts for my story called, "Otherside". Your one of the best artists on the Hype! and I'd love for you do some concepts. Just for fun if your intrested...

TheReaper, Pm me with the details. I won't make any promises but I'll see what I can do :)
:eek: :eek: LOVE IT!!!

I´v been on your homepage, and I noticed the "mini comic" fight where hulk and supes are fighting and stuff are you going to finish that one?
Originally posted by wobbly
I realised that I haven't got a thread specifically for any new non-competition stuff like most of the other artists here have, so I thought I'd make one and to start off here's one I finished today:


Needs a background and maybe some other fiddling but I've started on something else now, so I'll get back to this later:)

Woah...I think this is my favorite piece of all your stuff...great pic! :eek:
I like it a lot. My only conern is that the Hulk's position looks really unnatural. It works fine and looks good, but it seems a little odd for him to be leaning back that far (unless he isn't leaning back at all, in which case there's a different problem ;)). It's not as though he isn't strong enough to get a big punch off like that, but it just looks a little off. (I just got up and tried to throw a punch while leaning back like that to see if I'm totally crazy, but I don't think that I am.)

Don't get me wrong, though; I think that it's great, and you did a good job of getting more action into it than you usually do. (The pin-ups don't suck, though. ;))
i dunno, i think the pose works great and doesn't look wrong at all. looks like he's really swinging hard, and there's alot of power behind it.
Here's one I finished earlier:

Note: this was mainly for practice in doing a background as I don't always do a proper drawn in one so I didn't worry too much about Spideys anatomy (which I know is a little off):)
This is a possible entry for the March competition (I'm working on another idea atm, and I'll see how that looks when it's done before deciding which one to go with)


The story is one I've had in mind for ages. It's basically a future war number, with Earth's forces pitted against their genetically engineered creations they made to terra-form the moon in the first place.
It goes into all manner of historical conspiracies involving Roswell, Area 51 etc, but no point going on about that till I do something more substantial with it :)
Thanks for the comments, and here's an old poster I did for this same idea years ago:


When I did this I had no computer so it was entirely manual, colors and all.

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