Wolvie at a Rave

Dew k. Mosi

Hype Award Winner
Mar 22, 2001
Reaction score

Yay! My very first animation EVER!
I see his claws are out, he doesn't like the DJ?
Hudson said:
I see his claws are out, he doesn't like the DJ?
He's on ecstacy, so they are actually made of jolly ranchers

I am very proud that I figured out how to do it all by myself!

*holds out hand for a cookie!*
Dew k. Mosi said:

I am very proud that I figured out how to do it all by myself!

*holds out hand for a cookie!*

*hands Dew a cookie*
He's a smooth mover
lol...nice man....
*holds hand out for cookie*
i didn't do anything...but...i would like one to plz
wow. a mod actually poted something in the wrong place.
FunBobPants said:
wow. a mod actually poted something in the wrong place.
Quiet your face!! Dew's not a mod. :mad:
okay. then why is the almighty empress' name is red bold text? ;)
Wolvie sucks at liquid dancing, must be his first time rolling.
He looks like he is ice-skating really fast???
Congrats on your first spam thread Dew! Represent :up:
Dew k. Mosi said:

Yay! My very first animation EVER!

Awesome. But he needs more glow sticks and blow. :up:
He also needs a pacifier and goggles.

Nice animation though Dew :up:.
lordofthenerds said:
Congrats on your first spam thread Dew! Represent :up:
This isn't a spam thread. It's a forum for posting fan art, right? Well, I made this animation. It's fan art. I want you all to see it. How is that spam?

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