"World's Ugliest Woman" - PFFFF! Quite the Opposite

Yes, because thats what they meant.
I can't even start to imagine the amount of courage this woman has. Truly inspirational.
Some of you people need to go back and READ the article.
Good for her. Now that is toughness. :up:
Some of you people need to go back and READ the article.

Translation: if someone makes snide/hateful remarks, you won't like what I do to you. That's a promise!
I don't feel particularly inspired but I am happy she's enjoying her life.
I don't feel particularly inspired but I am happy she's enjoying her life.

Pretty much how I feel. Good for her, she's making tons of cash now selling books and doing speaking engagements. Turning a negative into a positive.
So, glad she was able to turn this into a positive.
The people commenting to call her a monster and say she should kill herself are plenty more "ugly".
In the comments on YouTube, viewers called her "it" and "monster" and encouraged her to kill herself."

Actions like this make me a misanthrope sometimes. :csad:
She had a weakness and she embraced it and made it her strength by helping others. Pretty awesome and her success seems to be warranted.
Congratulations to Lizzie for her success. I'm happy that she took her bad experiences and used them to shape her and make her stronger, and that it has resulted in success for her.
The people commenting to call her a monster and say she should kill herself are plenty more "ugly".


as many people on here who really know me know that i coach little league and am very active with it. one of my players committed suicide sunday night. 15 years old. i found out monday morning and found out later that day that she had been bullied for years and this may have been the straw that finally broke her. it makes me so angry that people feel like they can make someone feel that bad and to tell someone they should kill themselves on the internet. ridiculous. kudos for Lizzie
An unfortunate bi-product of the internet age is people (not just kids, adults too) being bullied for their appearance. Not surprisingly, it's worse for women.

I'm glad this woman is taking a stand. Even though I think she's a long way from being the ugliest in the world, she still has to have warrior spirit to meet something like this head-on.
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Good for her that she has a mindset that doesn't care what other people think. I'd like to meet her in real life. Seat down and chat. That'd be a great experience.
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Good for her. Always nice to read about people turning negatives into positives.
Very nice read. Inspiring. I have to laugh though, because she looks like this girl in college that got kicked out for selling drugs and guns. :o

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