I'll do my top 3 for each. I'm going to stick with more modern films ( 2000
and more recent).
As I think it's unfair to criticize old movies that may have also suffered
from not having today's technology available.....instead I'm going to
pick films, that despite having that technology, still managed to be ****.
Jonah Hex (haven't seen Catwoman)
Superman Returns (yes, I said it, I would rather watch Superman IV: Quest for Peace !)
Green Lantern (and I love GL, so that was hard to admit, ouch !) great effects, but executed so poorly, with an unlikeable lead, a boring love interest, and annoying villains. A recipe for how not to make a big budget super-hero film.
and......League of Extraordinary Gentlemen (DC owns it now), yes, that's four, but
I couldn't resist.
oh wait...there's one more. THE SPIRIT, now that is one unwatchable piece of crap, worse than all the others put together.
Now I'm a DC fan, I admit my bias. When DC makes **** films I just accept it
and move on.
However, MARVEL have made some really, really good films, and even some of
their not-so-great films are still fun to watch.
E.G. I didn't mind the first Ghost Rider film, but really enjoyed the second one, because it was hilarious, Cage was crazier than ever, and though it had some really **** moments, it was fun.
So, when Marvel makes a stinker, or worse yet, gets one of their main characters
wrong, IMO, then I get riled up.
Elektra, I watched half of it, then stopped (yes, the second half could be awesome
and I really could have missed out.......said no one ever).
Iron Man 2 and 3, which made me really sad, as I loved Iron Man (it's tied with Dark Knight as my all time fave superhero film). Of the two Iron Man 2 was much lazier
and boring, Iron Man 3 tried a lot harder, and I have to admit the Mandarin twist was original, I didn't think it worked - but props to Shane Black for trying. I kind of see Iron Man 3 as the Superman Returns of Marvel films, let's take everything that makes this character great and turn him into a *****-version of himself. Just IMO, but
I hated that movie (and all it's enormous plot holes).
Wolverinerigins and The Wolverine. ****, I know you're all like "Are you on crack,
the Wolverine was awesome." man I wish I could agree, I'm from Canada, originally,
and I love Wolverine, but I didn't enjoy either of these films.
There were some good action set pieces in TW, but not enough to save it - again, I didn't like Jackman's portrayal of the character ( he did a great Wolverine in Xmen and X2, and in X3) but he's taken the gruff loner thing a bit too far here
- plus the central premise is that he's sad because his girlfriends have all died, and he can't get sick, he grows old slowly, and will never suffer from lingering injuries, arthritis or any other ailment unlike the rest of us- boo-hoo !
There are plenty of things for Wolvie to feel sad about, like in the comics, how his sense of obligation (giri) kept him from doing what (and who) he really wanted to do, amongst other things - but *****ing about his healing factor, come on that just makes him a *****.
Amazing Spider Man (great effects, but the story, didn't I just see this a couple of years ago....oh wait, I did, with a less annoying actor as Peter Parker, and a less
contrived villain performed brilliantly by a better actor. I guess this film isn't terrible, but terribly unnecessary. The cranes thing was a bit cheesy for my taste, and that
line about the best promises being the ones you don't keep a) doesn't make sense,
and b) makes Peter a *****e bag, which is something he never was in the comics or movies.
However, having seen the trailers TASM 2 looks a lot better, so I have some hope it will
get me keen on Spidey again ( my favourite superheroes have always been Superman, Batman and Spider-Man).
Sorry, rant over. Hey it's all IMO and I know that a lot of people loved those films
but that's just the way I see it.
btw- Great thread !
DC owned League but do they now? And they dont own the spirit either now I dont think. Not sure though.